Chapter 166

"Mom, no, you can't do this." Taking money to make a deal will only make Yu Xiaoxi look down on him more and more, and every time he recalls his behavior that time, he regrets it.

"You don't need to worry about my decision." Yang Yinqing was determined to meet Yu Xiaoxi. In her opinion, no woman can be indifferent to fame and wealth, but the stakes are too low.

"Mom, why don't you understand? Many things can't be solved by money. What she cares about is whether the two children can grow up healthily and happily. You will only make her disgusted by doing this."

"So what's the resentment? My purpose is to get back what belongs to our Yan family. I won't think about anything else. Besides, which woman in the world doesn't love money. Since she will give birth to a child for you, it is for you The money, otherwise why would she come back."

"She's not what you think, can you stop thinking of every woman so badly?" He knew that his mother had never been able to let go of his father's affairs, even though Yu Xiaoxi had given birth to two children for him, But she couldn't accept such a bad name and bad words. She could admit the two children, but she definitely couldn't accept Yu Xiaoxi's.

"Presumptuous." Yang Yinqing yelled, because her son's accusation reminded her once again of the fact that she was defeated by the mistress as a regular wife. This was the last thing she wanted to admit and mention. things.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I just hope you can think about it from the perspective of others. People's hearts are fleshy. Xinxin's departure is already very difficult for her. If you want to snatch Fanfan, this is undoubtedly Take her life, besides, you are also a mother, you should think of her more with your heart." Yan Feimo earnestly tried to use a woman's conscience to change her mother's mind.

"I didn't deprive her of being a mother, and I didn't ban her from visiting the children. I gave her everything she wanted. Isn't this a way to have the best of both worlds? We both get what we need, win-win Isn't the result good?" From Yang Yinqing's point of view, such a result is also a good thing for Yu Xiaoxi.

"It's just what you think is good. You have to make sure that what you give is what others want. You are just wishful thinking." Yan Feimo has always been obedient to his mother's dictatorship, but when it comes to the child and Yu Xiaoxi But he couldn't obey.

"Enough, this matter is over, the most urgent thing now is your marriage with Yi Ting."

Regarding Yan Feimo's strong attitude, Yang Yinqing didn't bother anymore, and didn't want to fight against him at this time, because things had to be done step by step, and only if Yan Feimo got married first, would there be more hope for taking custody of the child. And she has already made a plan: "As long as you and Yi Ting get married, you will have a great advantage in law, and it will be a breeze to get the child back when the time comes."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Marriage, just for a while, you let me marry a strange woman, isn't this joke too big?" It is undoubtedly a thunder in a sunny day. If his marriage is arranged like this, then all the future and happiness he has dreamed of and hoped for will come to naught. Headache.

Yang Yinqing was stunned for a while, her eyebrows frowned, and she put one hand on her temple: "It seems that my memory is a little bit bad, and I forgot to tell you about Yi Ting's situation. After so many years, maybe you are no longer I remember her." From Yan Feimo's alienated attitude just now, she could see that Yan Feimo didn't show any special affection for Xiang Yiting, and of course she also knew that her son rarely called women. So I didn't pay too much attention to it: "Yi Ting is ten years younger than you. When you lived in your grandfather's house, Uncle Xiang would often take her to visit. I remember you scolded her for dirtying your new sneakers at that time." As for her, of course it’s normal if you don’t remember after so many years, it’s not important. Yi Ting completed her studies abroad, so she is more open-minded and doesn’t mind your affairs, and after hearing that you have a child, She is very happy for you. Originally, you didn't agree with your uncle very much, but Yi Ting insisted. In addition, you have always loved this little daughter to your uncle, and you have a good impression of you, so you agreed in the end. Yi Ting Although the child is not very old, she is quite sensible and good-natured, I like it very much, as long as you take care of her, I think she will be a good daughter-in-law."

Hearing these words, Yan Feimo's face immediately sank, and his clenched hands tightened again: "Mom, how could you do this, you have to ask me first about so many important things, it's related to My whole life, how could you just give me a woman so casually? Marriage is not a child's play. At least I have the right to choose. Besides, I am already in my 30s and have children. How far can this kind of marriage go?" Although he is used to his mother's arbitrariness, he has no way to follow her heart and her wishes in this matter, especially at this juncture, he is even more unable to compromise.

"You have been choosing for more than ten years. What name did you choose? Didn't you choose one six years ago, but what was the result? Since you don't have the vision to judge, then let me help you choose, not to mention In a situation like yours, it's easy to find a woman, but there are a few women who are sincerely willing to marry you. First, Yi Ting doesn't want your money, second, she doesn't mind if you have children, and third, you ask your uncle to work. I can still support you, do you think there is a more suitable woman than her?" Yang Yinqing said casually, rubbing her temples lightly.

"Mom, I know you are doing it for my own good, and family marriage is also a good thing for the company. But marriage is a lifetime thing, and I am the one who gets married, and I am the one who will live with her in the future. Have you ever thought about your feelings?" Yan Feimo bit her lip, suppressing the restlessness in her heart, trying to use reason to change her mother's mind.

"I made this decision just for your consideration. Now that you have a child, Yi Ting is willing to dink for you. What else do you want? A Yao Yun has already made you look like a human, a ghost like a ghost, don't you still Do you want to suffer the same injury for the second time? At that time you were young and you loved her, and I didn't object, but now you are 33, if I don't intervene, you will have to be a bachelor for the rest of your life, although you don't care, But I can't let go of my old face, so this matter has to be done as soon as possible, and you and Uncle Xiang have already discussed it, so it will be the 26th of next month." Yang Yinqing still didn't have the slightest intention of giving in, and her tone was very firm.

(End of this chapter)

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