Chapter 174

"Mom, this matter has nothing to do with Mrs. Li. It's Xinxin's physical problem, not mung bean soup. Xinxin is allergic to fish. I don't know about that either." Yan Feimo knew that if his mother sinned against Mrs. Li, he would definitely It will make the son feel uncomfortable. Since the child is fine now, he doesn't want to implicate innocent people.

Hearing what Yan Feimo said, Yang Yinqing became even more angry, and then accused: "How do you become a father, you don't know what your child can eat and what can't be eaten, look what you have done to your child. "

"Grandma, don't blame Dad." Yuxin said, then turned to Yan Feimo with a face of pain, looked at the clock in the ward and said deliberately: "Dad, will you have something to do when you stay?"

"Huh?" Yan Feimo paused, looked into his son's eyes and finally understood, and then cooperated naturally: "Well, Dad will pick you up with Aunt Xiang later, Grandpa Xiang, and he won't be able to come back to see you until evening. "

"Father, can you not go, I'm afraid of you leaving." Yuxin said coquettishly on purpose.

"There are nurses in the hospital, and Mrs. Li will come over later." Yan Feimo said while sneaking eyes at Yang Yinqing who was sitting opposite.

"But I don't want them to accompany you, Dad, can you stay?" Yuxin said, tears streaming down her face, followed by a cough, and her little face turned red from anxiety.

"Xinxin has to be obedient, not willful." Seeing that Yang Yinqing didn't respond, Yan Feimo continued to put on a show.

"Is there such a father as you?" Hearing Yan Feimo's repeated refusals, Yang Yinqing couldn't stand it, and then accused: "It's fine if you don't know that the child is allergic to fish. The child is so sick, why don't you give up?" Thinking about this and that, do you still have the appearance of being a father? If something happens to the child, what will you do?" Although the dinner at night is very important, the grandson is the most important thing to her. The marriage between Feimo and Xiang Yiting is already a certainty, and today is just to promote the relationship between the two parties, which is naturally incomparable with the safety of the grandson.

"Mom, I also want to stay with Xinxin, but I can't explain it to my uncle. After all, the old man finally found time to come here. No matter what, he has to do his best. It's not good if I don't go. "Since his mother has entered the play, Yan Feimo has no choice but to perform the show to the full.

"Brother Feimo, it's okay. I'll go and talk to Dad. You can stay and spend time with Xiao Xinxin." At this time, Xiang Yiting, who had been standing and hadn't spoken, suddenly opened her mouth. She has already seen the tricks in it, since she sent Yuxin to school yesterday, she knew how weird this child is, and no matter how much she persuaded him this morning, he refused to go to the street with her, so she was sure This was something he had planned for a long time, and it gave her a good chance to show it.

"That's it, then I'll trouble Yiting, I really wronged you." In Yang Yinqing's view, Xiang Yiting did this just to give Yan Feimo a step down, and she couldn't help being moved by her understanding and cuteness again. , and more and more determined that she is the best candidate for a daughter-in-law.

"What does Auntie say? Don't worry about it. The child's health is the key. Dad is also a reasonable person who can understand. Besides, we will be a family in the future. It's too outlandish to say that." Xiang Yiting knew that Yan Feimo had been avoiding her, so she also took advantage of this moment to clarify her words.

"Yes, we will be a family from now on." With a smile on Yang Yinqing's face, she turned to Yan Feimo: "Feimo, you must treat Yi Ting well in the future, she has suffered a lot of grievances for you. "

"Miss Xiang, thank you. Please take care of Uncle Xiang." In order to draw a clear line, although his mother and Xiang Yiting were very affectionate, his tone was still very distant, and he immediately turned his eyes away after speaking. Throw it back to your son.

Xiang Yiting stood in embarrassment without making a sound, but her face changed slightly, but in order to show her generosity, she quickly hid her unhappiness, and then pretended not to mind and said: "Auntie, you must Brother Mo, it's getting late, I see Dad is about to arrive at the airport, so I'm leaving first." After speaking, he left the ward.

After Xiang Yiting left, Yang Yinqing's face immediately turned ashen, and then said to Yan Feimo very rudely: "What is your attitude, how can you make Yiting behave like this?"

"Mom, Xinxin is still sick, I don't want to argue with you." From the standpoint of a bystander, Xiang Yiting's performance is indeed impeccable, but he has no way to accept her as his wife, so this is The best way to end it.

Looking at the grandson on the hospital bed, Yang Yinqing couldn't help but close his mouth again, only looked at Yan Feimo with fiery eyes, hesitated for a while before saying: "For Xinxin's sake, I don't Arguing with you, I still have some things to deal with now, you take good care of him, if there is any mistake, I will take you as a question, you should not go to the dinner tonight, you can explain to Uncle. "

"Goodbye, Grandma." Hearing that Yang Yinqing was about to leave, Yuxin couldn't help but feel happy, and then shook her hand at her.

"You have to be obedient, take good care of your illness, and don't let grandma worry." Yang Yinqing got up and left the ward after speaking.

When Yang Yinqing was completely out of sight, Yuxin couldn't help but smile triumphantly on her face, and then looked at Yan Feimo: "Dad, you don't have to go tonight."

Seeing his son's smile, Yan Feimo couldn't help pinching his little nose and saying, "Look at your pride." In fact, he was also happy in his heart, because he didn't have to face an embarrassment.

"Father, aren't you happy?" Yu Xin turned sideways, her eyes blinked under her long eyelashes, like two brightest stars in the dark night.

"Of course Dad is happy, but Dad doesn't allow you to use this method anymore." Not to mention whether Yang Yinqing would be fooled, if something really happened, he had no way to explain it to Yu Xiaoxi.

"I see." Yu Xin looked joyful, and then continued: "Then Dad, can we call Mom? I really want to see her. If Mom knows that I am sick, she will definitely come to see me."

"Father is going to be hurt by you." Yan Feimo knew that if Yu Xiaoxi knew that her son was sick because of eating iced and spicy food, she would definitely scold him, but thinking that her son's wish could come true, He could see her too, and he was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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