Chapter 178

Yu Xiaoxi stood there in a daze, and probably understood why Yang Yinqing was so angry. It seemed that she wanted to help Yan Feimo find a partner, but Yan Feimo didn't follow her wishes, so she blamed the reason and responsibility added to himself.

"I don't know what's so good about this woman. She actually let you ignore Yiting and Uncle Xiang, and even made soup for her with your own hands. Hehe, I've reached this age, and I haven't seen you cook me a meal once." " Yang Yinqing's voice was full of resentment, and he was very dissatisfied with Yan Feimo's actions and practices.

"Enough, Mom, I beg you not to say it, okay? What do you know?" Yan Feimo couldn't help it anymore, the warmth he had finally stolen was broken like this, which made him even more depressed. These words of Yang Yinqing will undoubtedly make Yu Xiaoxi erase the little affection she had just had for him, and it may make him unable to stand up forever.

"What do I know, what else do I need to know? Isn't what your father and son have done enough?" Seeing his son's angry face and accusations against her, Yang Yinqing became even more angry, and the decibel of his voice couldn't help but increase After a lot, he raised his face to Yu Xiaoxi: "Miss Yu, I don't think it would be presumptuous to call you that."

Hearing Yang Yinqing's tone, Yu Xiaoxi already knew that what she was going to say later would definitely not be a good thing, so she was mentally prepared, her eyes flashed past Yan Feimo who was looking at her, and she replied: "It's okay .”

"Miss Yu, you can be regarded as a person of some status now, so I need to remind you to pay attention to your words and deeds. Although you are a mother of two children, it is good, but Feimo is already engaged, and if I I remember well, your fiancé should be the president of MOD Jingsi Hanjing, so I hope that no matter what time and place you are, please don't harass Feimo, and I don't want the scene just now to be seen by outsiders." Yang Yinqing Very self-confidently expressing what I want to say in my heart with sharp words, the aura is surprisingly strong.

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but sneered, and then said seriously: "Madam Yan, I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood, there is no relationship between me and your son, I just came out of a mother's wish. Looking at your own child by identity, you are also a person with children, and you should understand how a mother would feel when she heard that her child was sick. As for what you saw just now, I need to clarify that it was just a coincidence , Of course, if you don’t believe it, but ask your son, I think he will tell you what’s going on.” Yu Xiaoxi couldn’t help but glance at Yan Feimo when she said this, and then continued: “As for my Status and personal matters, I don't need you to remind me of this, I know what I'm doing and what I should do, as to whether your son is engaged or not, it has nothing to do with me, it's your Yan family's business, I I don't want to ask, and I don't want to know, if you are really worried that your son will have something to do with me because of the child, then please rest assured that this kind of thing will not happen."

"Sure enough, she is a daughter of the market. Not only does she have no respect, but she is also so eloquent. I just reminded you kindly. You just babbled a lot. I have never seen such a strong and unreasonable woman."

"Although what I just said is a bit straightforward, it is all true. There is no such thing as arrogance."

"So I'm messing around?" Yang Yinqing frowned, her eyes were full of anger, if she just looked down on Yu Xiaoxi before, now she hates her to the extreme.

"I don't mean that, I just hope you can be more objective, and I have been reasoning with you just now." Because Yan Feimo's subordinates suffered a lot before, so after so many years, she has learned to behave , although Yang Yinqing's aura is domineering, and the powerful aura almost swallows her, but this time she will not give in and subdue, so she must fight hard, only in this way can she defend her dignity.

"Reasonable, what kind of reasoning are you talking about? You reassure me that you won't have anything to do with Feimo, but can what you do reassure me? Yu Xiaoxi, although you have grown up A vixen's face, so confused that you can't tell the truth, but I still want to tell you, without my nodding, you will never enter the Yan family's door." In Yang Yinqing's view, Yu Xiaoxi was just trying to argue , because everything she sees is the truth, people's words can lie, but eyes can't.

"Unfortunately, I don't rarely enter your Yan family's door. Also, as an elder, if you want to be respected by others, then you should act like an elder first. Although my words are more direct, I didn't slander or slander you at all. I mean, but you attack me with such vicious words, how can you gain the respect of others, and what qualifications do you have to beg others." After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, she raised her face to Yan Feimo: "Yan Feimo , on this matter, I hope you can explain clearly to your mother that I came here today for the sake of the child, so I don't want her to misunderstand anything. Also, as I said, I just hope that the child can Grow up healthier and happier, otherwise I wouldn’t let Xinxin stay by your side, so I hope you listen carefully, no matter whether it was your mother’s misunderstanding just now, I still want to declare that there is no relationship between us except the two children. There will be any intersections, marry the one who should marry, marry the one who should marry, and after each gets married, don't interfere with each other."

Hearing these words, Yan Feimo clenched his fists, bit his lips and couldn't speak, he just stared blankly at Yu Xiaoxi's eyes, he knew that Yang Yinqing's words had greatly stimulated her, and also made her worse The relationship between them completely destroyed the tacit understanding that they had finally established.

"You don't have to pretend any more. I've seen a lot of women like this. She's one way on the surface, but the other way behind her back. If you have any purpose, just talk about it. We can sit down and negotiate terms, so that everyone won't be tired." These words of Yu Xiaoxi had absolutely no effect on Yang Yinqing, but instead made her feel even more hypocritical.

"I'm sorry, I don't think there is anything else to talk about between us. If you still want to worry about what happened just now, please tell your son. I don't have time to accompany you. My child is still waiting for me at home." , I should go home." Yu Xiaoxi picked up her bag as she said that, and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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