Chapter 182

"Oh, yes, thank you." Hearing that the doctor said that Yan Feimo was not in danger of life, Yang Yinqing finally felt relieved.

"You're welcome, by the way, the patient needs a ward, and I don't know how to arrange it? So I want to ask for your opinions." He can also see that Yan Feimo's background is unusual, although judging from his condition, an ordinary ward That's fine, but I'm afraid they won't lose face.

Yang Yinqing hesitated for a while, then looked at Yu Xin who was being hugged by Yu Xiaoxi, and continued, "It happens that my grandson is not feeling well, so let their father live in the same ward, so that I can take care of him."

"Well, that's fine too."

"Now you heard, Fei Mo is fine, so please don't bother him again, or don't blame me for being rude." When the doctor left, Yang Yinqing once again aimed at Yu Xiaoxi, since Yan Feimo was fine, Then she would have to cut off communication between them.

"Of course it's a good thing that he's fine. Don't worry, I'll do what I say. I won't have anything to do with your son." Yu Xiaoxi continued naturally, even though she was asking about her son's physical condition just now , but the focus of her ears was still on the doctor's answer. When she heard that Yan Feimo was fine, she finally felt relieved.

"If you know, why don't you leave?" Yang Yinqing said in a cold voice with her eyebrows darkened.

"Mom, you go back first, without your younger brother you won't be able to sleep at night." Yuxin jumped off Yu Xiaoxi's body, then glanced at Yang Yinqing who was angry, and then added: "Mom, don't worry Now, if I have any discomfort, I will definitely call you like today." At this time, he also knew what to say and what not to say, originally he wanted to let her rest assured, if Yan Feimo woke up, he would definitely call you. He would inform her, but in view of Yang Yinqing's presence, he had no choice but to put it another way.

Looking into her son's eyes, Yu Xiaoxi naturally understood what he meant. Although Yan Feimo's life was not in danger, he was injured for her after all. Although she didn't have any special feelings for him, how could she say He saved her life, out of emotion and reason, she needed to understand the injury, so he touched Yuxin's head and said: "Okay, if there is anything, you must remember to tell mom, then mom is gone." Yu Xiaoxi Standing up and looking at her watch, she realized that it was really late. Thinking of her youngest son who was still at home, she didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Goodbye, Mom." Looking at Yu Xiaoxi's turned back, Yuxin still couldn't help raising her little hand.

The night had completely darkened, and a few falling stars hung in the dark night sky, looking extraordinarily lonely. The late autumn wind blew in from the open car window, hitting Yu Xiaoxi's thin skirt with moisture But she didn't feel cold at all.

While tinkering with the steering wheel, Yu Xiaoxi was thinking about what happened that night. She never imagined that Yan Feimo would have such an acrimonious mother, let alone that he would confess his love to her at this moment. When it happened, the moment she stepped forward to rescue her, she felt like she was in a dream. Yan Feimo used to despise her so much, she just wanted to use the most vicious words in the world to demote him to death, but today He would not even want his life for her. Is it a joke from God, or is it a satire on her?
Not long after, she finally returned to Xiaoyanglou. After so many things, she felt physically and mentally exhausted, so she eagerly wanted to take a good rest, but when she just stepped into the room, the bright lights still startled him.

Seeing Jing Sihan sitting on the sofa, Yu Xiaoxi involuntarily looked at the quartz clock in the hall, and asked without thinking, "It's so late, why are you still here?" Come, but usually go back after seeing Yufan and Jing Yunqi, and rarely stay overnight, so I am very surprised to see him still at this time.

"Wait for you." Jing Sihan almost blurted out, today he was going to have a good talk with her, and talk about all the unhappiness accumulated in the past few days, but he didn't expect her to be absent.

"Is there something wrong?" Yu Xiaoxi asked as she took off her coat that was already wet with dew. At this moment, she was in no mood to explain anything to him, she just hoped to lie on the bed and have a good sleep .

"I called you all night, but you didn't answer. No matter what happened, you still have to tell me, and today's Wanyan, since you don't want to go, you should say hello to me earlier." Jing Sihan inserted both hands In the pocket, his face was calm, but there was obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi finally realized what she had forgotten. She just told her son that she would come back later, but she didn't expect such an emergency to happen halfway, so she forgot to say hello to him when she got anxious, She didn't pay attention to the ringing of the phone, so when she got the phone and saw dozens of missed calls on it, she said very embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I put the phone in my bag and didn't hear it."

"Is Xinxin's illness serious?" Yu Xiaoxi's politeness made Jing Sihan feel cold. Although he was full of anger, considering their current situation, he swallowed the words that he had planned to say. Go back, and then change the subject.

Presumably it was Jing Yunqi or Yufan who told him the matter, Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to say anything more, she just replied indifferently: "Allergic enteritis needs to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time, so it shouldn't be a big problem." Knowing that Jing Sihan She has been very sensitive recently, and she has been struggling with how to deal with their relationship, so she didn't say the part between Yan Feimo.

"That's good." Jing Sihan said three words naturally, and then asked: "Xiao Xi, are you free at noon tomorrow?"

"What's the matter?" Looking into Jing Sihan's eyes, Yu Xiaoxi knew that he must have something to discuss with her.

Jing Sihan nodded and replied: "Well, there is a very important dinner tomorrow, and I want you to join me."

"I don't think that kind of occasion is suitable for me." Yu Xiaoxi evaded it smoothly, because she has never liked that kind of social occasion, and she doesn't want to say some polite words to some strangers, which makes her feel fake : "You know, I don't like socializing."

"We are going to get married. You need to get used to this kind of occasion." Jing Sihan approached Yu Xiaoxi, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked into her eyes seriously: "There will be many similar ones in the future." During the dinner, you will accompany me."

(End of this chapter)

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