Chapter 194

Looking at Yu Xiaoxi's back, Ruan Lingjia stood for a long time. She didn't know why at this moment she felt sore in her heart, and there was also a kind of pain mixed in it. Although she did what she did today, this is what she was waiting for. In a word, but I don't know why when she really got the answer she wanted, not only was she not a little excited, but she was more lost and lonely, and it seemed that some things would never come back.

Yu Xiaoxi then packed the food for the child and Yan Feimo in the kitchen and went out, and never said a word to Ruan Lingjia.

"Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you? Why have you been acting weird since you came back from home?" Yan Feimo asked while eating Yu Xiaoxi's food, because in his eyes, Yu Xiaoxi had always done things very well. Seriously, but just now she actually held the spoon up to his nose.I knew at a glance that I was deserting, and my mind was distracted.

"It's nothing." Yu Xiaoxi replied weakly, then habitually blew on the rice and handed it to Yan Feimo: "Eat, it will be bad if it gets cold."

"But your appearance is really worrying, you look very depressed, Xiaoxi, I hope you don't forget to tell me no matter what you encounter, maybe I can't help you solve it 100%, but I will definitely Do my best." Yan Feimo looked at Yu Xiaoxi with sincere eyes, because for him now, being needed by her is a kind of happiness.

"Yeah, Dad is amazing. If Mom has anything to tell him, he can help you solve it." Hearing Yan Feimo's words, Yufan, who had always opposed him, suddenly spoke up, maybe it was Because Yan Feimo's behavior last night also shocked him, so since his spirit recovered, he has been especially attached to Yan Feimo.

"Didn't you always dislike Dad? Why did you say something nice to him at this time?" In order not to worry the children, Yu Xiaoxi forced a smile on her face.

Hearing this, Yufan raised his eyebrows, then pouted and said, "That's because I always thought that Uncle Jing was very kind to me, but now I find that my father is also very good. Last night, my father was very brave. In the future I also want to be like my father and be a brave man. So Mom, don’t marry Uncle Jing, just let him be my Uncle Jing forever, and if Uncle Jing becomes my father, then I have two I have a father, and when the two fathers fight, it will be a bad thing, so it should be one father and one uncle." Yufan explained with his own unique way of thinking, then sat on Yan Feimo's body mischievously, and She hugged his neck coquettishly.

"If you don't come down yet, Dad is hurt." Regarding her son's words, Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to correct anything, because it's up to her to decide who to marry and whom to marry, and she won't let her children hinder her choice, just I didn't expect that the decision I was about to make would match the children's intentions.

"It's okay, I really like him like this." After all, they are father and son, so they get along very quickly, and after these few hours of contact, Yan Feimo finally understands why Jing Sihan prefers some Yufan, because Yufan Fan's feelings are more delicate than Yuxin's, and he also likes to play petty temper, so the whole feeling is very similar to Yu Xiaoxi, which makes people can't help but want to protect.

"Mom, when will you marry Dad?" Yu Fan sat on Yan Feimo's feet, his body swaying non-stop, but his face was turned sideways to Yu Xiaoxi.

Yu Xiaoxi was at a loss for words, she just stared blankly at her son, unable to say a word.

"Xiaoxi, I won't force you to do some things, but I hope you can really consider the children's thoughts. Of course, their wishes are also my wishes all the time. I also understand that it is too late to tell you these things, but I sincerely hope that you can give me a chance so that our family of four can be together happily." Yan Feimo has already seen a glimmer of new hope in Yu Xiaoxi's eyes today, because the source of her entanglement is very important. It might be the marriage with Jing Sihan.

"Let's talk about this matter later, I need to think about it carefully." Yu Xiaoxi did not agree to Yan Feimo's request, because she was not sure whether they could get together, because treating him was actually like treating Jing Sihan before. Similarly, now there is only a little good opinion, but love is not a thing.

"Xiao Xi, as long as you don't sentence me to death, I can let you think about it until you think it through." Although thinking is only a vague concept, to Yan Feimo, this concept is no different from a dream that fell from the sky. dollars, making him ecstatic.

"Are you full? I'm full, I should go back." Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to get too involved with Yan Feimo on this topic, and now thinking of opening this mouth to Jing Sihan is already a challenge for her A very big problem, because no matter what the outcome, she is destined to lose something, and once lost, she can never get it back.

Yan Feimo nodded, and replied: "Eat well, the food you made is really delicious." Yan Feimo suddenly licked his lips and smiled foolishly.

"Fanfan, let's go home." Because Yufan was just a little frightened, and there was not much physical damage. She also knew that Yufan was not as rational as Yuxin, naughty and active, and Yan Feimo's body was still in trouble. In the recovery stage, and now he is in pain again, so she doesn't want the child to affect his body. In fact, there is a more important point that she asked the hospital to notify Yang Yinqing yesterday, which means that Yan Feimo may not know when. Her mother would suddenly appear, and she didn't want her to see Yufan.

Although Yufan was not very willing, he seemed to see the displeasure on his mother's face, so he jumped off Yan Feimo's body immediately, and put his hand into Yu Xiaoxi's palm, but he still didn't forget to explain Said: "Actually, Mom, I won't touch Dad's wound."

"Mom knows you are very good, but you haven't bathed all day, you have to go home and change your clothes. No one likes a child who doesn't like cleanliness." Yu Xiaoxi then found an unwise reason to perfunctory .

"Alright then." Yufan could only nod helplessly, then waved at Yan Feimo: "Goodbye, Dad."

Coming out of the hospital, Yu Xiaoxi's heart became mixed again, because she didn't know how to face Jing Sihan. Although she had made a promise to Ruan Lingjia before, the real thing to do was not It was so easy, so along the way, she was struggling, contradicting, and struggling until the car stopped at the door of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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