Chapter 2

"You live in this room?" The woman didn't notice the embarrassment on Yu Xiaoxi's face, she wiped the sweat off her forehead with one hand, and had a rural smile on her face.

This woman's Mandarin is fairly standard, so Yu Xiaoxi wanted to ask her to clean up, but she hadn't had time to speak, but she heard the woman say again: "I've already cleaned the room, I didn't expect you to come so soon, I’ve mopped the floor five times, it’s not dry yet, it’s a bit slippery, be careful when you go in. Our place is remote and the weather is hot, so fewer people come here, the conditions are not as good as your city, and my mother can’t say anything Well, please forgive me if there is any place where the hospitality is not good."

It turned out to be a pair of mothers, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help being a little speechless, but thinking about it, it's not easy to open a hotel in this kind of place, the source of customers is not many, if you still have to spend money to hire people, then it must be impossible Good deal.No wonder she hasn't seen a single guest since entering the door.What I didn't expect was that the speed of this hotel's work was quite fast.

"Okay, don't bother you anymore, I have to clean the back room." Then he quickly left with the bucket.

Yu Xiaoxi originally wanted to call her to stop, but she just said that she was going to clean the back room, which meant that room 9 had not been cleaned yet, so the key should be marked 6.

Yu Xiaoxi took it for granted, so she didn't have to try the lock.

Pushing the door open, a gust of coolness immediately dissipated all the heat in her body. After seeing the true face of Zhiqing Hotel, Yu Xiaoxi had no illusions about the hardware inside, but seeing the facilities in the room at the moment , the little passion she had left was instantly ignited.

Beige floor-to-ceiling curtains, a white double bed, glowing dark red embossed floors, European-style hexagonal chandeliers, and an air conditioner that is blowing a cool breeze.

this is amazing
Feeling the temperature in the room, Yu Xiaoxi gradually became sleepy, closed the door, took out pajamas and washing utensils from her backpack, and walked towards the bathroom.

Rural people are so affordable in doing business, and they can sleep in such a good room for 50 yuan a night.While Yu Xiaoxi wiped her body, she thought wildly about some irrelevant things.After washing, he collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep...

"Mo, slow down." Guo Wei followed behind Yan Feimo, with a worried expression on his face, and wanted to step forward to support him, but he pushed him away.

"I'm not drunk, I'm really not drunk." Yan Feimo emphasized, a pair of black pupils already shone a scary red light under the influence of alcohol.

Guo Wei couldn't stand it any longer, sighed deeply, took a step forward and raised his hand, looked at the darkness in front of him and said: "Persist for a while, we will be there soon, don't think about anything, just sleep well. "

"Wei, tell me, why, why did she leave me? At the beginning she clearly said that as long as I could get Fei Yang, she would marry me, but now that I have done it, she told me that we are not suitable." After a few words, Yan Feimo almost roared.

"Okay, Mo, don't say anything, I understand, it will pass, there are many women who are better than Yao Yun in the world, maybe you will meet one day, let alone with your current worth, what There is no such woman." Guo Wei kindly persuaded that Yan Feimo had originally come to investigate Zhiqing Village and was planning to invest in building a hot spring resort here, but he suddenly received a call from him in the afternoon asking him to bring wine over. It is intended to be used as a treat or as a gift.Unexpectedly, in front of him, he actually drank those bottles of old brandy in one gulp, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless.

Thinking that Yan Feimo's business was not finished yet, he called Zhiqing Villa in advance and booked two rooms. Because Yan Feimo was a bit obsessed with cleanliness, he booked the most expensive rooms No. 6 and No. 8. And ask to make sure it is kept spotless.

"I don't want anyone but Yun'er, woman, of course I know that many women are eager to hook me up, but they will only make me feel sick, Wei, you don't understand, when a man really loves a woman into his heart , It’s impossible to ask for another woman, but I can’t figure out how she can be so cruel.” Yan Feimo said, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes.

Dragging Yan Feimo's body that had already started to soften, Guo Wei was a little weak, but fortunately, he finally saw the bright light.

"Do you need help?" Hearing the sound of footsteps, the aunt who was on duty immediately went out, and when she saw the two, she eagerly wanted to help.

"No, thank you." Guo Wei supported Yan Feimo with one hand, and took out his ID card from his jacket pocket with difficulty with the other hand: "I am the tenant who made a reservation this afternoon, may I ask if the room I want has been cleaned? drunk."

"Okay, I've prepared it a long time ago. Then, here are the keys to the room. Turn left on the second floor to the first and third rooms. If you need anything else, just let me know." The aunt handed the key to Guo Wei as she spoke. Wang added enthusiastically: "Do you want me to take you up?"

"Thank you, no need." Yan Feimo never allowed outsiders to disturb his private life, not even him, so Guo Wei resolutely rejected the aunt's kindness.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, Yan Feimo let go of Guo Wei's hand, leaned on the railing and vomited. Guo Wei took the opportunity to open the door immediately.

"Mo, have a good night's rest." Guo Wei helped Yan Feimo, who had vomited, just about to enter the room.

"I'm fine." Yan Feimo pushed Guo Wei again, and with a sound of 'pa...', the door was closed heavily, blocking Guo Wei from the door.

The temperature difference made Yan Feimo's body uncomfortable, and the habit of cleanliness made him take off his shirt reflexively, but his body was stimulated by alcohol and drowsiness hit him, so he fell heavily on the bed.

On the bed, Yu Xiaoxi was wandering in a spring dream, in the dream she was kissing sweetly with her ex-boyfriend Xiao Qifeng, her hands were wrapped around his neck, his arms were wrapped around her waist, the two of them The two bodies were tightly pressed together, and as the kiss deepened, the lust also began to rise, and began to explore the mysterious Garden of Eden...

Xiao Qifeng in the dream was still so sunny, so handsome, his chest was so thick, so warm, and so secure.As the dream gradually entered the 'beautiful state', Yu Xiaoxi's hands began to fumble on the bed, and her soft fingers touched Yan Feimo's face not long after.

"Yun'er, Yun'er...don't leave me, don't..." Yan Feimo's nerves have been completely paralyzed by alcohol, and only the star-like smile she had when she first met Yao Yun in college was left in her mind.

That charming smile is like a shooting star across the sky, and the beautiful meteorite will forever be burned in his heart, making other women become her foil, eclipsed.

(End of this chapter)

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