Chapter 203

Thinking of Yan Feimo disregarding her arrangement for Yu Xiaoxi, Yang Yinqing became angry, and what was even more angry was that he said that he felt sad for having a mother like himself: "It's already considered light for me to treat him like this, and I'd rather I can't wait to let him go out naked, it's really against the heavens to disobey me like this for a cheap woman." The more she said Yang Yinqing became angry.

"Mom, what are you talking about? What do you mean brother disobeying you for a bitch? Didn't brother break up with Yao Yun long ago?" Because she is also an advanced mother, the doctor said that she hoped that she would not be stimulated by the outside world. It doesn't matter if she is happy, so since she became pregnant, Guo Wei has kept some news from her, and with her husband's care, she can be a expectant mother with peace of mind, so she only knows that Yu Xiaoxi gave birth to Yan Feimo. I have two children, but I don't know the emotional entanglement between them. Of course, Guo Wei's selfishness is not ruled out.

"What is Yao Yun? It's Yu Xiaoxi. I don't know which eye your brother is blind. He would fall in love with such a woman who has neither status nor education." Seeing his daughter in front of him, he remembered what he had suffered from his son. Wronged, Yang Yinqing couldn't help complaining.

"Mom, what are you talking about, the second brother rebelled against you for Yu Xiaoxi?" Yan Feifei was taken aback by this news, although the moment she heard that Yu Xiaoxi had given birth to two children for Yan Feimo, she Very happy, but she never dared to bring the two of them together. Firstly, what Yan Feimo did to Yu Xiaoxi back then was simply unforgivable. Secondly, in her opinion, Yu Xiaoxi would not like Yan Feimo, and Yu Xiaoxi is naturally not Yan Feimo's favorite.

"That's right, you promised to marry Uncle's youngest daughter, Yi Ting, but he didn't want to, and even broke up with me because of Yu Xiaoxi, do you think I should let him go out and suffer a little bit, when he knows I made a mistake, and when I can't bear the hardships outside, I will naturally come back and beg me, and I will wait here." Maybe they are both women, so Yang Yinqing has almost no reservations in front of Yan Feifei.

After listening to Yang Yinqing's remarks, Yan Feifei couldn't help shaking her head, and then said: "Mom, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time, and if my guess is right, it will be very difficult for you to end." Yu Xiaoxi made such a big sacrifice, thinking of his appearance just now, now she is more supportive and understanding than sympathetic.

"What do you mean by that? Do you mean I was wrong?" Yan Feifei is not like Yan Feimo, because she has been living in a foreign country, so Yan Feifei does not follow her in many things like Yan Feimo , so her objection is normal, and since Yan Feifei came back from abroad, she has become more wise and sober, and she is more rational than Yan Feimo in many things, and it can even be said that Feiyang's development in the past few years is also limited by Yan Feifei. Yan Feifei's share, so Yang Yinqing was a little concerned about this sentence.

Yan Feifei sat down with her belly outstretched, and then replied very seriously and objectively: "It's not just wrong, it's a big mistake. First of all, you made a mistake by asking your second brother to marry Xiang Yiting. Xiang Yiting is better than your second brother She is more than ten years younger, and there is a generation gap in age. The analysis of love is not comprehensive, and she is a daughter of everyone. She has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is not suitable for a wife. Also, she has a history of drug abuse, so she cannot have children. Yes, it is actually a last resort for her to choose to marry the second brother, because the matter of the second brother is public, so she will do this to cover up her shortcomings, and secondly..."

Yan Feifei was interrupted by Yang Yinqing before she could finish her sentence: "What are you talking about? Yiting has a history of drug abuse. Why didn't I know? You didn't tell me, Uncle Xiang." When the Xiang family agreed to marry their daughter When she had lost her fertile son, she was only touched and felt that she owed others, but she never thought that she would be able to endure such a trick.

"Of course the Xiang family will not let outsiders know about such a scandal, because I have been abroad, and Yi Ting is the same. Once I went to a drug rehabilitation center to visit a friend who was also a drug addict. I accidentally saw Yi Ting, and then I knew her. The thing is, she didn't recognize me at that time." Yan Feifei explained.

"The Xiang family is really deceiving people too much." Hearing her daughter's words, Yang Yinqing couldn't help being furious, and then slapped the sofa with her palm, her face was blue and purple. If it wasn't for Yan Feimo's rejection of this marriage, They don't know how long they will be tricked by others.

"Okay, Mom, don't be too angry. I also know that you are worried about the second brother's marriage. Fortunately, the second brother didn't agree. There is still room for redemption. You should think about how to get the second brother back now." It's the key, after all, Feiyang is such a big stall, someone has to clean it up." Yan Feifei kindly persuaded her, her voice was very gentle, and the sharpness in the past disappeared completely because of Guo Wei.

"Then let Guo Wei be the CEO. Although the Xiang family's daughter is not allowed to marry, I will never let Feimo marry Yu Xiaoxi." Thinking of Yu Xiaoxi's rebellion that day, she felt angry. But when she said this now, her tone was obviously a little weaker than before.

Seeing the anger on her mother's face, Yan Feifei knew that it was not good to be tough, so she persuaded softly: "Mom, I actually think Xiaoxi is very good, and to be honest, I don't think the second brother is good enough for Xiaoxi. As women, Xiaoxi and I have the same experience, but I am willing, but Xiaoxi is so selfless that I admire her. Six years ago, she didn't love her second brother at all, and she even suffered because of her misunderstanding. A lot of grievances, she is willing to give birth to a pair of sons for the second brother, which has exceeded the limit of a woman. It can be said that she is a great hero of our Yan family, and the second brother owes Xiaoxi too much, so he made such a choice It's absolutely correct, I'm glad he can wake up at this time, so Mom, since the second brother has the determination to reform himself, why don't you let him go, besides, they both have two children, don't you Don't you want your second brother's children to have a warm and complete home?"

"Your second brother is not good enough for that woman. He's so uneducated. If he marries into our Yan family, our Yan family will definitely turn the world upside down for her." Yang Ruanqing still refused to let go, no matter what, She couldn't even promise that her decision was wrong. Although she was a little hasty in Xiang Yiting's matter, it didn't mean she could accept Yu Xiaoxi.

"Mom, do you have any misunderstanding about Xiaoxi? Xiaoxi is a very reasonable woman. Although I only had a little contact with her six years ago, I still know her very well. She is not the kind of person who doesn't know It's a serious person, and most of the time, she would rather wrong herself than hurt others." Yan Feifei still remembers the misunderstanding that year.

(End of this chapter)

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