Chapter 205

"Well, I found it. Dad has found a good job, so Xinxin doesn't have to worry about it anymore." Yan Feimo tried hard to smile, and then took out a pack of jellybeans from his pocket: "Look, Dad still has a good job." I brought you your favorite candy."

"Father is awesome." Yu Xin happily took the candy in her hand, with an innocent smile on her face.

Looking at his son's smiling face, Yan Feimo was very comforted in his heart, and felt that no matter how much suffering and fatigue he suffered, it was worth it.

"Father, open your mouth, this is for you to eat." Yu Xin peeled off a candy wrapper and brought it to Yan Feimo's mouth.

"Daddy doesn't like sweets. You can eat it. Daddy is a bit tired. Let's rest for a while and cook for you later." Fortunately, they live not far from Yingcai Primary School, and Yuxin is also smart, so now He goes to and from school by himself every day, which relieves him a lot of burden.

"Then Dad, you lie on the bed, and I'll rub it for you." Yu Xin put the sugar in her hand into her mouth, and then got on the bed.

"No need, Xinxin, go do your homework quickly. Dad doesn't like people moving while he's sleeping." Yan Feimo sat on the bed, bent down with difficulty, took off his shoes and socks, and then lay down slowly, and then Slowly closed his eyes.

"Dad, don't worry, I won't disturb you. I used to rub my mother like this when she was tired at work. It worked very well." Yuxin sat on Yan Feimo's back after speaking, and then moved her hands quickly on his shoulders.

"Ah..." Yan Feimo cried out immediately.

"Father, why did your shoulders look like this?" After hearing Yan Feimo's cry, Yu Xin reflexively pulled off the clothes on Yan Feimo's shoulders, looking at the red bloodstains, tears I couldn't help but flow down: "Dad, you are lying, you didn't find a good job at all."

Yan Feimo got up from the bed exhaustedly, then stretched out his hands to wipe away the tears on Yuxin's face: "You child, what's there to cry about? Dad just got it by accident while working, don't worry, Look, your eyes are red from crying, okay, dad is going to cook for you." Not wanting to worry his son, Yan Feimo got off the bed together, then stood up hard and walked to the kitchen.After looking for a job for a few days, no company was willing to take him. In fact, he knew the reason. It was all because of his previous status and status. Seeing that Guo Wei lent him less and less money, he was almost unable to support himself. So he had no choice but to work as a temporary porter in a store. His main job was to load and unload goods. Because he had never done physical work before, and his body was delicate and expensive, his shoulders couldn't bear it after a day, and his body also suffered. Too tired, in order not to make his son suspicious, he specially prepared two sets of clothes, but he didn't expect that his son would tear them apart.

And Yu Xiaoxi has never seen Yan Feimo since she came out of the hospital that day, and naturally she doesn't know Yan Feimo's current situation. The only thing that is a little strange is that Yuxin has called her a lot less recently. , and every time she spoke, the voice was very low, and she felt a little hesitant to speak. When she asked him, he said nothing, which made her feel very uneasy, so she was a little absent-minded at work.

"Single. M, that handsome guy is looking for you again." When Yu Xiaoxi was thinking about her son in a daze, Lisa knocked on the door of her office with a nympho smile on her face, and then said Not forgetting to entertain him, he said: "Single. M, your luck is really in a hurry, and a handsome guy will come to your door right after you broke up with MR Jing." After speaking, she looked at the bouquet on Yu Xiaoxi's desk. Tulip: "The one who won't come today is the Tulip man."

Hearing what Lisa said, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help casting her gaze at the tulips on the table, and then replied, "Let him in." She didn't intend to pay attention to this mysterious bouquet of tulips before, so I don't want to know who gave it to me, but after so many days, it has never been broken, so she is very curious about who this mysterious man who sent tulips could be, because not many people know that she likes tulips. Jing Sihan, but after a trial, she knew it wasn't him.

After a while, Lisa led Guo Wei into Yu Xiaoxi's office.

"Brother Wei, why is it you?" Because after the conversation last time, Yu Xiaoxi has completely let go of her grudge against Guo Wei. In her eyes, he has truly become her brother and relative. .

"Well, because Feifei is going to give birth in a few months, she said that she hopes the baby can be born in City C, so we will come back while she is still able to fly." Waiting for Yu Xiaoxi to greet her, she sat directly on the sofa in the office.

"Well, I'm so happy to hear this news. It's really your blessing to marry a woman as good as Sister Fei Fei." Yu Xiaoxi poured a glass of water and handed it to Guo Wei, then sat back on the office chair and asked: "Brother Wei, what do you want me to do today?" She naturally knew that Guo Wei would not come to her suddenly if there was nothing to do.

"Yeah." Guo Wei nodded, and he didn't want to explain too much about the matter between himself and Yan Feifei, because there was no need to rewrite what was already a foregone conclusion: "Do you know about Mo's matter?" If it wasn't for yesterday Go to the small building to find Yan Feimo, and when he heard about Yan Feimo from Yuxin, he would not come to Yu Xiaoxi in person. Looking at Yan Feimo now, he really hoped that she could give him a new life. The opportunity to come, because a good man is rare, but a good man who knows his mistakes and can correct them is even rarer.

"I don't think I need to know anything. Of course, I would be happy to know about my son." Yu Xiaoxi naturally regarded Guo Wei as a lobbyist, and since she left the hospital that day, she didn't want to see Yan Feimo again , and don't want to know anything about him.

"Feimo was kicked out of Yan's house because you had a quarrel with his mother. Now I don't know what kind of job he has found to make himself very embarrassed, and he refuses to accept my help. The child looks at his He looks very worried, so I hope you can persuade him, I believe he will listen to you." Guo Wei held the water glass in both hands, and looked at Yu Xiaoxi expectantly.

"What are you talking about, he was kicked out of the Yan family because of me?" This news shocked Yu Xiaoxi, who was originally planning to become Ding Zihu.

Guo Wei nodded again, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Yes, because his mother insisted that he marry the daughter of the Xiang family, but Fei Mo disagreed, so the mother and son had a big fight, and then her mother asked him to marry the daughter of the Xiang family. When he went out from Yan's house, he was only wearing a shirt on his upper body, and he didn't even have shoes on his feet, and it hurt my eyes just looking at it." Recalling that scene, Guo Wei felt extremely sore in his heart, so when he When Yu Xin said that he saw the injury on Yan Feimo's shoulder, his heart ached again.

(End of this chapter)

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