Chapter 209

"Wei is here too." At this moment, Yan Feimo entered the room with some snacks, and was a little surprised when he saw Guo Wei sitting inside. Originally, he planned to pick up Yu Xiaoxi.

"Well, didn't you say you had something to talk to me about yesterday? So I came here with Xiaoxiao."

"Oh..." Hearing Guo Wei's words, Yan Feimo responded uncomfortably, and then put the things in his hand on the table.

"Father, why did you become like this?" Yufan couldn't help asking, looking at Yan Feimo who was no longer recognizable due to the stubble. In his impression, his father was clean and handsome. Extraordinary handsome guy.

"Because my father was disobedient, and then he became like this, so Fanfan must listen to his mother more, otherwise he will be as ugly as his current father." Naturally, Yan Feimo will not impose the thoughts that belong to adults on children , Then he took out two packs of plums from the things he bought just now, and handed them to the two children respectively: "Dad can only buy this for you now." After speaking, there was still a hint of helplessness in his heart.

"Thank you dad." The two children said in unison.

"Mo, why did you ask me?" Yan Feimo deliberately didn't answer just now, but Guo Wei thought it was interrupted by the child, so he asked again.

"Oh, let's not talk about it, let's talk about it another day. It's rare for our family of four to get together today. I think the scenery outside the university town is pretty good. Let's go for a walk together." Yan Feimo hid his thoughts , because he didn't want Yu Xiaoxi to know his plan, and he was even more afraid that she would get involved after hearing about it.

"Why do you have to wait for another day? Everyone is here today. If you have anything to say, just say it, or you don't regard me as your own." Yan Feimo's words were evasive, and Yu Xiaoxi understood as soon as he heard it. After hating her, and after she saw what he did today, she had already decided to be with him, so she hoped that no matter what difficulties he encountered, she could tell herself.

"No, Xiaoxi, don't be angry, how could this not treat you as one of your own." Hearing what Yu Xiaoxi said, Yan Feimo became a little anxious, afraid that she might misunderstand, so he sighed and sat down and said: "It's like this. A few days ago, I saw a store for sale in the commercial street of the University City. I asked about the price and found it acceptable. In addition, the source of customers there was good, so I calculated it. If there Opening a small restaurant should bring good benefits, so I approached Wei to discuss." In fact, he was going to borrow money from Guo Wei to start his own business, and of course this was only his first step.

Yu Xiaoxi understood Yan Feimo's intention as soon as she heard it, so she immediately asked, "How much do you want, is 100 million enough?"

"If it's not enough, I can also give you 100 million." Guo Wei also answered.

Hearing the two's reply, Yan Feimo smiled miserably, and then replied embarrassingly: "Now you are all rich women and rich people, and I am the only poor one."

"What are you guys? Isn't mine now yours? I will naturally support you with all my strength if you want to do anything." Yu Xiaoxi said angrily. Now that the decision has been made, the husband and wife should not have two minds. .

"That's right, we are brothers, how can brothers be so different from each other." Guo Wei also said hastily.

Yan Feimo let out a long breath, then looked at both Yu Xiaoxi and Guo Wei and said: "I have already agreed with the boss, the store fee will be paid for half a year, it will cost about 3 yuan, if the decoration is simplified Forty to fifty thousand is enough, so only 10 yuan will do.”

"Okay, I'll withdraw the cash for you tomorrow." Yu Xiaoxi said involuntarily.

"No need, I can't use your money, so I'd better borrow it from Wei." Yan Feimo stopped immediately.

"Why? Is there any difference?" Yu Xiaoxi didn't understand Yan Feimo's actions. He clearly regarded him as a family member, but he would rather use his friend's money than take her.

"Because you are a woman." As a man, Guo Wei naturally understands what Yan Feimo thinks. They may not be able to make the woman they love happy, but they must not use women's money to support themselves. This is a man's instinctive reaction , It belongs to the self-esteem in their bones.

"What's wrong with women, shouldn't women's money be used? Besides, I earned all the money myself." Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but get a little angry, because she felt that Yan Feimo was doubting herself.

"No, Xiaoxi, you have misunderstood me and Wei. The reason why I don't use your money is because you are my woman, and I want to use my ability to prove it to you and let others know that I am hot." Feimo can support his wife and children."

Yu Xiaoxi still didn't understand: "But is there any difference between you borrowing brother Wei's money and taking mine?"

"The difference is that Wei is my friend, and you are my woman. A man must be self-reliant and can rely on friends, but he must never implicate his own woman. No matter how capable and capable my woman is, she will always be in front of me. They all need to be protected, not for me to rely on." Yan Feimo met Shang Yu Xiaoxi's eyes, and then asked very seriously: "Now do you understand?"

"But I don't mind." Although Yu Xiaoxi understood Yan Feimo's words and understood that he did it because he loved herself, but in her concept, if two people love each other, they shouldn't care about these things.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be stubborn, anyway, it's 10 yuan, and it's the same if you borrow me, so you can listen to Feimo now." Seeing that the two were self-righteous about their views, Guo Wei came out smooth things over.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at Guo Wei, although she still had some complaints in her heart, but after thinking about it, in order to take into account Yan Feimo's dignity, she had to take a step back and said: "Okay, but I have to listen to your thoughts first, I want to know What kind of restaurant do you plan to open?"

"I did some research, and most of the commercial street in the university town is mainly fast food and cold drinks. Although it is very convenient for students' lives, it is not very healthy, so I want to open a restaurant that focuses on nutrition and health. I have also conducted a survey of various specialty restaurants that integrate Shandong, Guangdong, Sichuan, and Hunan and integrate stewed soup. 40.00% of the students are from other provinces, and most of the food in the university town is mainly heavy taste. It makes it difficult for many students from the coastal areas to adapt to eating, so I think this is a market, if we can make benefits here, and then find a way to open chain stores, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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