Chapter 22

The "Dream of Churong" Charm Carnival Design Exhibition is a large-scale exhibition that MOD Group must hold every year. All the design achievements of MOD in the previous year will be displayed in the exhibition, and the exhibits that can enter the "Dream of Churong" must be It is from the hands of the top designers of their group.

Although Yu Xiaoxi didn't know much about 'Meng Ying Chu Rong', she had heard of some of the designers because she studied design.Looking at the words 'Meng Ying Chu Rong', she couldn't help but think how exciting it would be if she was lucky enough to meet those rare designers.

Of course, this was just a momentary hope in her mind.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at the watch on her wrist and felt that the time was almost up, so she walked through the red carpet into the hall, and went up to the third floor under the guidance of the receptionist.

I thought there were only two positions, and after the resume screening, the number of people should not be too many, but I didn't expect that the second round of competition would be so fierce. Seeing the people waiting outside, Yu Xiaoxi sighed inadvertently After taking a deep breath, it turns out that big companies are different, and this situation is not at all inferior to the scene when she applied for Feiyang back then.

Maybe it was because she was fully prepared, or maybe she was lucky today. After two rounds of interviews and a round of professional written tests, Yu Xiaoxi successfully became one of the four candidates.

"That's all for today's interview. Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock our general manager will conduct a final interview with you, and then determine the final list of candidates. I hope you can be on time." Wu Ziyan issued a final notice to the remaining four people.

The other three left with uncontrollable joy after learning the result, leaving Yu Xiaoxi alone in the end.

"Miss Yu Xiaoxi, is there anything else you can do?" Wu Ziyan asked solemnly.

"Manager Wu, when I came in just now, I saw the promotional banner of the 'Dream of Chu Rong' Charm Carnival, so I would like to ask, can I come in and have a look?" Yu Xiaoxi's voice was as small as a mosquito ant, her eyes But with a sincere and bold longing.

"You want to go to 'Meng Ying Chu Rong'?" Wu Ziyan hesitated for a while, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Yu Xiaoxi blinked a pair of beautiful eyelashes, nodded and said: "Well, I heard that MOD will hold a "Dream of Churong" charm carnival design exhibition every year, which brings together the best works of MOD last year. Although design is divided into many different fields, they still have commonalities, so I really want to see them.”

Yu Xiaoxi majored in interior design. At that time, although she went to Feiyang to compete for a job in the design category, the category she belonged to was mainly architectural design. The designers recruited by MOD this time just wanted interior design. She is a professional counterpart, so from the bottom of her heart, she is still looking forward to this job, so even though other design categories are not to her 'appetite', she still hopes to witness the style and strength of MOD with her own eyes.

"It just so happens that I have two admission tickets here. I originally had one for the manager of the R&D department. It just so happens that he can't go to a meeting today. Since you want to go so much, come with me." Wu Ziyan said from his pocket He took out a piece of blue-purple cardboard and handed it to Yu Xiaoxi.

"Thank you, Manager Wu." Yu Xiaoxi was all smiles. Of course, she knew that only the middle and high-level leaders of the company and celebrities in the corporate circle were eligible to participate in such an exhibition. It was luck for her to have such an opportunity. It is also an honor.

The MOD exhibition hall is not as big as Yu Xiaoxi imagined, it can accommodate three to 400 people at most, but the decoration and design inside are very particular, Gothic-style pointed coupons, Roman column-style, French-style palace lantern, big lines in Italian style.It perfectly blends many Western European classics together. Although they have different regions, the transition of each node does not appear abrupt because of the differences in national boundaries. People are like tasting the beauty of the Champs-Elysees and observing the grace of the Statue of Liberty.

Even if she didn't watch the exhibition, Yu Xiaoxi was already attracted by the unique and unique design of the interior. It seems that there is no reason why MOD can occupy a place in C City. It can have such jumping thinking and unique creativity, and can To turn such imagination into reality, it can be seen that there must be a lot of masters in MOD.

All of a sudden, Yu Xiaoxi felt a sense of enthusiasm. If she could work with those people, it would be something worth looking forward to.

When Yu Xiaoxi and Wu Ziyan entered the exhibition hall, the exhibition had already started, and there was an ethereal and quiet leisurely feeling in the packed exhibition hall, except for the highlight on the 1.2-meter-high stage, the surrounding area was submerged in blackness.In the hall, there was no other noise except for the music like mountains and flowing water, and everyone's eyes were cast on the projector with white light on the stage.

Yu Xiaoxi walked carefully, for fear of disturbing the beauty of this moment because of her movements.

In the quiet and enjoyment, Yu Xiaoxi finished watching those pleasing works, and her impression of MOD became a little better.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone, welcome to our MOD 'Dream of Chu Rong' Charm Carnival Design Exhibition." The host's voice broke the rare tranquility and harmony: "Just now you have seen our The 25 excellent design works of "Dream of Churong" will be explained in detail later by their designers on their design concepts and inspirations. Before that, let us welcome MOD CEO Jing Mr. Sham gave a speech for our design exhibition."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the tide of applause rang out continuously like surging ocean waves, and then the originally dark exhibition hall suddenly opened up, showing a bright light.

Because Ruan Ling had been nagging her a lot, when she heard the words Jing Sihan, Yu Xiaoxi's body was startled suddenly, and she couldn't help but look towards the stage.

Under the bright lights, Jing Sihan, dressed in a white suit, was walking onto the stage with elegant and steady steps. With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, he looked extraordinarily burly under the white light. His hair was not long and was cut neatly. He has a strong sense of elegance, with a smile like catkins in March, and a pair of evil peach blossom eyes flashing electric waves from time to time. The whole person looks like a big brother who is cynical, but also reveals the The strength of the leaders of large enterprises cannot be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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