Chapter 28

Jing Yunqi's face gradually flushed, and then he turned his face aside, bit his mouth and muttered: "If you don't want to stay, then I will be the same as before, anyway, no one likes it anymore, I don't care either."

"Are you threatening me?" Yu Xiaoxi had a smile in her eyes, seeing Jing Yunqi's shy face, her mood improved a lot in an instant, and her tone softened.

Jing Yunqi didn't answer, and didn't give way, keeping his back against the door.

"Actually, it's not impossible for me to stay. It's just that I don't like people who have done something wrong but are unwilling to admit it." Yu Xiaomian stretched out her hand to straighten Jing Yunqi's face, and then said very seriously: "If You are willing to apologize to Wang Ma, she forgave you, and I can consider being your teacher."

Jing Yunqi didn't struggle this time, and let Yu Xiaoxi play with his body. After hearing these words, he didn't answer immediately. It took a long time before he pushed Yu Xiaoxi's hand away, and then dragged his painful body , struggling to walk up to Wang Ma: "I'm sorry, Wang Ma, I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me."

Hearing the three words I'm sorry, Wang Ma's eyes were filled with tears instantly, and after a while, hot tears overflowed her eyes. This was the most beautiful sentence she heard during this period of time, so that She cried with joy, not knowing how to answer.

"Wang Ma, can you forgive me?" Jing Yunqi asked.

Wang Ma wiped away her tears, put her wrinkled hands on Jing Yunqi's shoulders, and replied very happily: "Why would Wang Ma blame the young master? As long as the young master can be obedient in the future, Wang Ma will be happy." .”

Hearing these words, Jing Yunqi immediately cast his eyes on Yu Xiaoxi.

"Miss Yu, since the young master wants you to stay, can you agree to him? He is still young, so don't argue with her about what happened just now." From the conversation between the two just now, Wang Ma has already seen that Jing Yunqi is real. Yu Xiaoxi beat her into training, so she didn't want such a good opportunity to go away in vain.

"I don't care about what happened just now, but now I have to go home." Yu Xiaoxi shrugged, still very satisfied with Jing Yunqi's daring to admit his mistakes.

"You lied again, you are a big liar." Hearing that Yu Xiaoxi still wanted to leave, Jing Yunqi became anxious, and immediately opened Wang Ma's hand and shouted.

"Hey, brat, I didn't say I won't stay. Look at your temper. You must change it." Yu Xiaoxi rubbed the corners of her clothes together and twisted them: "It's not you, brat. What a sin, do you want me to teach you your lessons in wet clothes?"

"I'm sorry, I won't do it next time." Jing Yunqi lowered his head slowly, and his voice was also soft.

"Okay, kid, I accept your apology. I'll go home now and come back tomorrow, okay?" Yu Xiaoxi shrugged her shoulders, a beautiful arc was drawn at the corner of her mouth, and two cute dimples appeared on her face.

Jing Yunqi looked at Yu Xiaoxi, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, his raised eyebrows lowered again, and he didn't answer.

"Miss Yu, since the young master wants you to stay so much, you should not leave today. Madam bought me some new summer clothes when she was alive, but I didn't wear them because they didn't fit. I see your figure. It's just right, but I don't know if you mind?" After taking care of Jing Yunqi for so many years, he naturally understood what he was thinking.

"Of course I don't mind. It's just that Madam left it for you. It doesn't suit me, so forget it." A servant who can endure children's unreasonable troubles and troubles is undoubtedly because the boss is kind to her, and Wang Mom keeps those clothes, which is also the remembrance and gratitude to the deceased.

"There's nothing inappropriate. I'm already past that age, and it's useless to keep it. Now I just want the young master to be happy, so Miss Yu, you can take it as a favor for me." Wang Ma's tone was very sincere, of course These are also words from her heart.

Yu Xiaoxi hesitated for a while, feeling a bit in a dilemma.

"Miss Yu, don't worry, although the clothes are outdated, they are definitely new." Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's hesitation, Wang Ma thought she was caring, so she immediately explained.

"No, Mama Wang, you misunderstood, I'm just afraid that my clothes will be ruined by me, and I feel a little bit sorry."

"It's not wasteful. Clothes are bought to wear. I can't wear them. That's called waste. Since Miss Yu doesn't mind, come with me." Wang Ma said and turned around slowly. , and did not give Yu Xiaoxi a chance to object.

Yu Xiaoxi originally thought that the dress Wang Ma gave her would be an ordinary summer dress, but when she held it in her hand, she realized that it turned out to be a short-sleeved cheongsam in sky blue with Clivia printed on it. From the feel of the clothes, you can tell that they are expensive, and you can tell at a glance that they are the patents of high-level people, so it's no wonder Wang Ma will always cherish them.

"Wang Ma, no, this dress is too expensive, I can't wear it." Yu Xiaoxi returned the clothes to Wang Ma: "Let's see this, you can just find me the clothes you usually wear, Then take my body outside to dry in the sun, anyway, the sun is strong now, so it dries within a few strokes."

"How can I do that, my old lady's clothes, what do you look like in a girl's house, Miss Yu, you should change quickly, wet clothes are easy to get sick, I think you can see that, the young master is very I like you, so it's better not to waste time, but it's just a piece of clothing, and I think it will look good in you." Wang Ma said, and then stuffed the clothes into Yu Xiaoxi's pocket. hand.

At this point, if she refuses again, she will feel hypocritical, Yu Xiaoxi has no choice but to change into her clothes obediently.

"It's so beautiful." Looking at Yu Xiaoxi who came out of the room, Wang Ma who was standing outside the door let out a sigh of admiration, but there were tears in her eyes, because it reminded her of the deceased mistress.

"Mother Wang, I'm still not used to it. This dress really doesn't suit me." Yu Xiaoxi crossed her arms with an uncomfortable expression on her face. From the feeling on her body, she can roughly guess the approximate price of the clothes.

"Well, I think it looks good too." Seeing Yu Xiaoxi coming out, Jing Yunqi also approached.

"Little ghost, how old are you, you don't understand anything, don't make random comments." Yu Xiaoxi immediately confronted Jing Yunqi's 'stirring up the flames'.

Jing Yunqi looked innocent, and then said embarrassingly: "I'm just telling the truth, and you are not allowed to call me little devil in the future, I have a name."

(End of this chapter)

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