Chapter 4

"What else can I do, slap him and leave." Ruan Lingjia said very freely, but then added: "But before you slap him, you have to see what the man looks like, If he's handsome, rich, classy, ​​and stylish, it's okay to threaten him with responsibility."

"What if it's your first time?" Although she knew that Ruan Lingjia was extremely lustful, such an answer made Yu Xiaoxi almost utterly annoyed.

"My first one was handed over three years ago, and it's not like you don't know about it." After Ruan Lingjia finished speaking, she drank the milk tea calmly, but the liquid spurted out as soon as she took it in, then she turned her head and stared Luminously facing Shang Yu Xiaoxi, he stammered and asked, "Xixi, you can't be...?" Otherwise, why would she suddenly ask such a sensitive topic.

Hearing Ruan Lingjia's question, Yu Xiaoxi's face turned red, and she bit her lip and nodded slightly.

"Xixi, this, this,'s simply unbelievable." Ruan Lingjia couldn't help shaking her head, thinking that Yu Xiaoxi was determined back then that she would never have sex with men unless she got married, and in order not to break this principle, She even sacrificed her three-year relationship with Xiao Qifeng, which shows her determination.

"Lingjia, I'm so messed up, so messed up, I'm so bored." Yu Xiaoxi inserted her fingers into her hair, but her mind was already in a mess.

"Since everything has happened, what's the use of thinking about it, Xixi, I'm not talking about you, you are a person in the 21st century, why are you so conservative in your thinking, you must know how to 'advance with the times'." Ruan Lingjia persuaded, But the nature of the gossip remained unchanged, and he immediately followed up and asked: "Xixi, who is that man? Is he handsome, and what does he do? Does he have a car, and what brand is it? How much savings do you have?"

Hearing Ruan Lingjia's question, Yu Xiaoxi immediately put her head on the table, feeling even more distressed.

"Hey, what's the matter? Please speak clearly, how would I know what's going on if you don't tell me?" Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's distressed expression, Ruan Lingjia finally received the inferiority.

"This is the key point. Yesterday I reserved a room at Zhiqing Mountain Villa. It was originally room 9, but the owner of the hotel didn't explain it clearly, so I thought it was room 6. What's more, I was able to live in it smoothly. Yes, and then I had a erotic dream. In the dream, I dreamed that Qi Feng and I were facing each other, but when I woke up in the morning and opened my eyes, I saw a strange man standing in front of me naked, and there was my cock on the bed. Luohong in the first night." Yu Xiaoxi plucked up the courage to finish what was in her heart in one breath, and then waited in a daze for Ruan Lingjia's verdict.

Ruan Lingjia was also taken aback by Yu Xiaoxi's words, and it took a long time before she returned to normal: "Didn't you even ask his name?"

Yu Xiaoxi shook her head: "As soon as he saw me wake up, he yelled at me, and he almost didn't let me say anything, and he even threatened me not to tell others, or he would make me feel better, don't you? I know how terrible the scene was." Yu Xiaoxi bit the straw and sucked slowly, but the remaining breath in her heart was still there, although Yan Feimo's warning had not been forgotten, but she felt that it was impossible for them to meet again , not to mention that she didn't know who he was, so it didn't matter if she told Ruan Lingjia.

"How can there be such a man? If you let me know who he is, I will definitely beat his head to pieces." Ruan Lingjia gritted her teeth angrily, her eyes were burning. She was frightened, which showed how hateful this man was.

Yu Xiaoxi remained silent, but tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, and then said slowly: "This must be retribution, if I hadn't been so stubborn back then and given my body to Qifeng, maybe he wouldn't have left me. "

Yu Xiaoxi, who was used to persistence, suddenly saw her so fragile, Ruan Lingjia couldn't help but soften her heart, and quickly put her arms around Yu Xiaoxi's shoulders, persuading her, "Okay, Xixi, don't be sad, you will In the past, Qi Feng didn't choose you, that was his loss, I believe you will find a better man than him in the future." She knew that Yu Xiaoxi regretted not her first time, but her reluctance to part with that innocent And unforgettable first love.

"Lingjia, I'm so sad. My chest hurts. It's never been so painful. Do you know how I came into this world? My mother had an accidental pregnancy because she had a relationship with my father before she got married. At that time they were also in college, but the doctor said that mother could not have an abortion, so in the end the two had to drop out of school, then got married with a son, then divorced and started their own families, I became the most redundant person in the world." Yu Xiao As Xi spoke, she sobbed and cried...

"If Xixi doesn't cry, it will pass. Didn't Xiran always say that even in the wind and thunderstorm, he firmly believes that the morning sun will meet again, so that the clouds will open and the moon will shine?" Ruan Lingjia gently patted Yu Xiaoxi's back, thinking But it was mixed. In the four years of college, Yu Xiaoxi never mentioned her parents in front of her. She even spent winter and summer vacations at school. Originally, she thought that she didn't go back because her home was too far away. , but did not expect that she had no home.

Yu Xiaoran didn't speak any more, only sobbed softly, then fell asleep in Ruan Lingjia's arms...

The morning light was like gold, waking up the fast-paced capital of City C early. By 07:30, the streets were already full of traffic and busy.

On the non-motorized lane, Yu Xiaoxi, dressed in a bunt, rode her electric car and passed by the passing pedestrians and vehicles.

After a day of precipitation and Ruan Lingjia's comfort, her mood almost returned to normal, but there was a knot in her heart that she couldn't touch or take off.

Today is her first day as a regular employee of Feiyang. In order not to be late and to give a good impression to her boss, she insisted on changing her old habit of staying in bed and got up an hour earlier.

Feiyang Building is located in the most prosperous area of ​​C City. It is 32 meters high and has [-] floors. The golden characters and blue glass walls show his style and luxury in the sunlight.

After Yu Xiaoxi punched out her card and changed into her professional attire, she saw a 24-year-old long-haired woman limping towards her as soon as she stepped out of the dressing room. She was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt and a light blue tie around her neck. A purple silk scarf and a black knee-length skirt on her lower body. Her skin is as white as jade, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her body lines are extremely well-proportioned. Even her wine-red straight hair, which should give people a sense of dust, is floating on her body. Dust Fairy, coquettish yet dignified, but the furrowed brows showed her hidden pain.

(End of this chapter)

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