Chapter 49

"Xiaoxi, you are really annoying, making people wait and wait at home." Jing Yunqi stood up from the sofa and ran to Yu Xiaoxi, complaining with his lips pouted.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at Jing Yunqi, but her face was blank. In the past, she would definitely give him a smiling face and say some flattering words, but now she doesn't know how to deal with it. The smile is different from her now. Words are a luxury, and explanations are superfluous.

Perhaps seeing the uneasiness on Yu Xiaoxi's face, Jing Yunqi immediately turned his anger into joy, and waved his little hand and said, "Forget it, I don't blame you this time, my brother said you have a baby, so I I can't make you unhappy, but Xiaoxi, why can't you teach me after you have a baby?" Jing Yunqi looked at Yu Xiaoxi very incomprehensibly, in his eyes, the two did not conflict.

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi hurriedly turned her face to Jing Sihan, frowning tightly together, she didn't understand why he wanted to tell Jing Yunqi about this matter, didn't he think it was a Shameful thing?
"Xiaoxi, you can't do this. It's really too much to not want me when you have a baby." Jing Yunqi's tone was almost coquettish, with his small mouth raised high.

Yu Xiaoran was embarrassed for a long time, and then slowly bent down until her eyes were at the same level as Jing Yunqi, and touched his forehead with one hand: "Xiaoxi is not a good girl, and she is not qualified to be your teacher, so, Now that Xiaoxi is gone, Yun Qi must obediently listen to the new teacher."

"No, I don't want it." Jing Yunqi hugged Yu Xiaoxi's hand as he spoke, "My Xiaoxi is the best, not a bad girl, I don't want anyone but Xiaoxi."

Yu Xiaoxi had no choice but to persuade her: "Yun Qi is no longer a child, you can't be willful, although Xiao Xi's baby is still young, but as she grows up, Xiao Xi will still leave Yun Qi , so Yun Qi and I try to accept others, in fact, many teachers are better than Xiao Xi."

"Then Xiaoxi will move in with me, and I can take care of the baby with you." Jing Yunqi stared at Yu Xiaoxi with big eyes, and then looked at Yu Xiaoxi very seriously: "If there is Xiaoxi at home Baby, that must be a lot of fun."

Yu Xiaoxi smiled weakly, unable to respond to such a child's naive thoughts, and finally had no choice but to say embarrassingly: "Yun Qi is still young, there are many things that he still doesn't understand, and you won't understand until you grow up."

"I'm not a child anymore." Jing Yunqi deliberately repeated what Yu Xiaoxi said just now, his big clear eyes were full of persistence.

"But I really can't teach you anymore." Yu Xiaoxi took a deep breath and said a very heartless sentence for a child.

"Why?" Hearing these words, Jing Yunqi sniffed, and his eyes began to turn red.

"There's no reason, I just don't want to teach." Once a person's heart is tired, he can't cheer up anything, and Yu Xiaoxi feels powerless to resist Jing Yunqi's stubbornness.

"Xiaoxi, is it because I didn't do well that you started to hate me?" Jing Yunqi held Yu Xiaoxi's arm tightly with both hands, and tears began to flow down.

"No, Yun Qi, don't cry." Yu Xiaoxi has never been able to resist Jing Yunqi's tears. Seeing his sad look, Yu Xiaoxi's heart softened immediately, and she couldn't help caressing Yunqi's cheek. Face: "Xiao Xi doesn't hate Yun Qi, it's because Xiao Xi is bad, Xiao Xi is not worthy to be Yun Qi's teacher."

"Who says Xiaoxi is not good? Xiaoxi is the best teacher in the world. As long as I want Xiaoxi, I want Xiaoxi." Jing Yunqi plunged into Yu Xiaoxi's arms as he spoke: "Xiaoxi , I will definitely be very obedient in the future, listen to you well, and don’t make you angry. When your baby grows up, I will buy him candy, tell him stories, and buy him small toys, but you don’t want to Me, okay?" Jing Yunqi said softly and flatteringly.

"But..." Yu Xiaoxi didn't know how to refute for a while, and it took a long time to find a very lame reason: "Xiaoxi doesn't want to leave you, but the baby in Xiaoxi's belly is disobedient. Besides, Yun Qi will start school in a few days, and then he will meet many children, and then Yun Qi can play with them."

"I don't want to play with them." Jing Yunqi pouted, showing the arrogance of a little boy.

"Yun Qi can't think like this. From now on, they will be your classmates, and the classmates should be united and friendly. After school, you have to treat your classmates like you treat Xiaoxi, you know?" Yu Xiaoxi unconsciously said. Played the role of teacher again

"Unless Xiaoxi agrees to continue to be my teacher, otherwise I will not go to school, and I will not be with those strangers." Without Yu Xiaoxi's definite answer, Jing Yunqi could only come up with this last trick, intimidate her.

"Yun Qi can't..."

"Xiaoxi, please allow me to call you that." Jing Sihan interrupted Yu Xiaoxi's words of persuasion, and then continued to add: "I have already explained your current situation to Xiaoqi, although He doesn't fully understand it now, but I believe you are a good teacher in his eyes, so your previous worries can be completely dispelled. As for your working conditions, I would like to ask, would you like to move in and live with Xiao Qi? ?”

Yu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but raise her eyes like Jing Sihan, very puzzled, it's fine for Jing Yunqi to have a childish temper, why he also followed suit, she couldn't understand.

"A better living environment is good for the child's growth. I am usually not at home, and the house is vacant. You can stay with Xiaoqi when you live in the past, and it saves you from running around like this. Besides, Mama Wang is Someone who has been here knows what to pay attention to during pregnancy and can take care of others, you can ask her if you don’t understand anything, and it’s better to have someone with experience by your side when the child is born.” Yu Xiaoxi Jing Sihan naturally understood the suspicion in his eyes.

"But..." Yu Xiaoxi hesitated to speak, and frowned again. Although she still did not agree to Jing Yunqi's request, she had to say that Jing Sihan's words were quite tempting to her. Powerful.

It's not that she covets the superior conditions of the Jing family, but because according to what he said, if she moves to the Jing family, she will have Wang Ma by her side, and if something unexpected happens, there will be someone to take care of her. How to deal with Ruan Lingjia's pressing questions, although good friends should treat each other honestly, but she really doesn't want to mention the name Yan Feimo to anyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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