Chapter 53

"Feimo, this one seems a bit tight, can you give me the light green one on the first shelf for a try..."

"Wait." After Yan Feimo finished speaking, he walked to the shelf, but just as he stretched out his hand, he saw the other hand quickly took the clothes away.

"Little friend, I was the first to see this dress, can you give it to me?" Seeing that the person holding the dress was a child, Yan Feimo asked politely.

"But I got it first." Jing Yunqi hugged the clothes in his arms and ignored Yan Feimo. As soon as he saw the clothes, he rushed over, so he was earlier than Jing Sihan and Yu Xiaoxi step.

Yan Feimo didn't want to get entangled with the children, and Yao Yun was waiting in the locker room, so he couldn't help being anxious: "Kids have to be obedient, how can they be so rude, this is women's clothing, not children's clothing, you take one for each child What do women's clothes look like?"

"Yes, this is women's clothing, not men's clothing. It's even more outrageous for a man like you to take women's clothes." Jing Quqi pursed his lips and gave Yan Feimo a white look.

"How do you talk, kid?" Yan Feimo got a little annoyed, and his face could not help but pull down: "Why are you so uneducated, you have no manners at all."

"You're not well-bred. It's embarrassing for an adult to argue with a child." Jing Yunqi didn't give in at all.

"Okay, I'm not arguing with you, I'm asking you, can you count the numbers on this clothes tag?" Yan Feimo crossed his arms in front of his chest, watching the show.

Jing Yunqi's eyes flicked across the six-figure price tag, and raised his eyes to Yan Feimo: "Don't say one, even if it's ten, I want it."

"Waiter, wrap this dress up for me." Yan Feimo felt a little unbearable, and just regarded it as a child making trouble for no reason, and didn't want to pay any attention to it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, Mr. Jing over there has already paid for this dress, so it belongs to him." The waiter approached, bowed politely to Yan Feimo, and then pointed to the cash register. Jing Sihan in front of the stage said.

"What?" Yan Feimo couldn't help but raise his eyes towards the direction of the waiter's finger, but with just such a light glance, his eyes fell on Yu Xiaoxi inadvertently, looking back at the clothes in Jing Yunqi's hand , the anger could not help attacking his heart again, and then he walked towards Yu Xiaoxi with a feeling of reluctance. For some reason, seeing them standing together in pairs like this at this moment, his eyes seemed to be pricked by needles Generally, life and death ache.

"It's really good, you caught a big fish so quickly." Yan Feimo approached Yu Xiaoxi, and stared at her pupils without hesitation.

"Please speak with respect." Yu Xiaoxi turned her face away, her teeth clenched her lips, the moment she saw Yan Feimo just now, her head felt congested, and she originally wanted to escape, but Jing Yun Qi was the first to confront him, so she had to face it.

"A person like you deserves the respect of others." Yan Feimo spoke coldly, with hostility flashing in his eyes.

"Where did I get in your way? Why do you insult my personality like this?" Yu Xiaoxi suddenly felt very wronged, and her eyes turned red instantly.

"A woman like you who loves vanity and earns a lifetime of elegance by her body is also worthy of talking about personality." Thinking of the price of that dress, Yan Feimo also became angry. There is no doubt that Jing Sihan bought it for her .

"Yan Feimo, you..." Yu Xiaoxi choked up in anger, her chest felt tight due to the ups and downs of her emotions, and she couldn't help retching again.

"Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you." Seeing Yu Xiaoxi being bullied by Yan Feimo, Jing Yunqi ran over immediately, and then turned his eyes on Yan Feimo angrily: "You big villain, why are you bullying Xiaoxi. "

"That's right, Yu Xiaoxi, you're very resourceful. I said Mr. Jing is so willing to spend money on you. It turns out that you did it on a child. You are really insidious." Yan Feimo glanced at Jing Yun With a strange look, he wanted to get back his ridicule just now, and then turned to Jing Sihan who was returning after paying the money: "I can't think that Boss Jing's taste is so bad now."

"I think Yan always thinks the grapes are sour because he can't eat grapes." Jing Sihan didn't explain the relationship between him and Yu Xiaoxi, but cast a cold glance at Yan Feimo, with a provocative tone.

"I think a woman like her is dirty." After Yan Feimo finished speaking, he suddenly remembered the words Yu Xiaoxi said when he was looking for him that day, so he sneered: "Mr. Jing is so sure that it is you in her belly." species?"

"Yan Feimo, you're going too far." Yu Xiaoxi, who didn't want to get angry, finally broke out and yelled at Yan Feimo.

However, Jing Sihan was not the one who was shocked by this sound. Although there were only two sentences in the conversation, he could hear a clue from it. It was obvious that Yan Feimo knew that Yu Xiaoxi was pregnant, and according to his understanding of her, It is impossible for her to let Yan Feimo know about such a thing, except for one possibility, that is, Yan Feimo is the person involved.Such conjecture made Jing Sihan feel hostility towards Yan Feimo, and finally understood why he treated Yu Xiaoxi with such a despicable attitude.

"Is Boss Yan very interested in my private life?" Jing Sihan stopped Yu Xiaoxi, who wanted to get angry with Yan Feimo, and then raised the corners of his lips and let out a chuckle: "It doesn't matter what my taste is, but It's better than nothing, right, Boss Yan."

"If this is what you call taste, then I'd rather not have it." Yan Feimo said disdainfully.

"Feimo, what happened?" Because Yan Feimo hadn't brought her clothes for a long time, Yao Yun came out by herself.

"It's nothing, it's just that the clothes you wanted were forcibly taken away by someone who doesn't deserve them." Yan Feimo glanced at Yu Xiaoxi naturally from the corner of his eyes.

"Miss Yao Yun, long time no see." Jing Sihan interrupted in a very 'ignorant' way, with the corners of his mouth raised high, with a hint of banter.

Hearing someone calling her, Yao Yun couldn't help turning her face to Jing Sihan, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure: "I'm sorry, sir, do we know each other?"

Jing Sihan was stunned for a while, then smiled lightly: "Miss Yao Yun is really a noble person who forgets things too much. I remember that in the Miss Oriental beauty pageant in Paris, your bikini was so gorgeous, and if I remember correctly, at that time Your male partner seems to be..." At this point, Jing Sihan deliberately closed his eyes slightly to assume a hypothetical state.

"Feimo, I'm not feeling well. Let's go back. Anyway, I don't lack clothes right now. I'll buy them later." Yao Yun took Yan Feimo's arm and walked in the direction of departure.

"Yan Feimo, let me give you a word. If this is your taste, then it is really better than nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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