Chapter 57

"So it's you?" When it was finally confirmed that the person in front of him was Yu Xiaoxi, Yan Feimo's expression finally darkened again. What he said just now was like a slap in the face, but he just had a feeling for Yu Xiaoxi. I couldn't help the impulse to get angry, so in an instant, the habitual sarcasm appeared on my lips again: "Not everyone can become a Buddha by wearing cassocks. Sun Wukong can't become a Tang monk after all, and monkeys are still monkeys."

"But some people with poor eyesight will always regard Tang Seng as Monkey King." Jing Sihan said lightly.

"That's better than some people being blind."

"Hey, is that right?" Jing Sihan said with a sarcastic smile on his face, "I don't know whose eyes suddenly turned into fish eyes just now, or it has always been a pair of fish eyes."

"Jing Sihan, what do you mean?" Yan Feimo was so excited by Jing Sihan, he couldn't hold back his face, and the decibel of his voice increased a lot in an instant.

"Feimo, forget it." Yao Yun, who was standing aside, saw that the situation was not right, fearing that something bad would happen on this occasion, she immediately persuaded her.

"For Yun'er's sake today, I don't care about you." After Yan Feimo finished speaking, he glanced at Yu Xiaoxi, then hugged Yao Yun and walked in the other direction.

"Actually, you don't need to do this. After all, you still have business contacts, why bother to offend him for me." After Yan Feimo left, Yu Xiaoxi said in a low voice. In fact, she didn't want Jing Sihan to interfere in this matter from the bottom of her heart. thing.

"If the leader of a company can't even distinguish between public and private, then he is not qualified to sit in that position. A shopping mall is not a private battlefield. Although Yan Feimo is extreme, he is not naive enough to bet on the company's interests, so you Don't worry." Jing Sihan said in relief, of course this was also his true thought.

"Welcome everyone to the charity feast of 'Guard V City, Green Capital, Rebuild a Beautiful Homeland' today. As a member of the disaster-stricken area of ​​V City, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your donations to V City. Since V City suffered 8 After the magnitude 5 earthquake, many merchants in City C have continued to give us support and assistance, especially Feiyang and MOD Group. So far, they have donated more than 100 million to our disaster area. Attending the banquet today, Yanfeimo and Mr. Jing Sihan donated another [-] million in his own name, and let us express our gratitude with warm applause for their charitable spirit." The music at the banquet stopped instantly, and the host's voice was cadenced , There seems to be tears in the eyes, emotional and high-pitched.

The venue that had just fallen silent suddenly burst into applause, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but turned to the two male protagonists in the crowd.

"But today I want to thank the other person the most." After endless applause, the atmosphere in the venue subsided again, waiting for the host's next words.

And everyone couldn't help guessing who this person should be more grateful than Jing Sihan and Yan Feimo.

"She is not a famous person, or everyone present may not know her yet." The host added another sentence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then turned their eyes to the center of the venue, waiting for the host to reveal the answer.

"Everyone, don't worry, let me explain why I want to thank her." The host said and gestured in one direction to his side.

Then they saw two people carrying a wooden board covered with red silk cloth to the center of the field.

Then the host stretched out his hand to uncover the red silk cloth, and then asked everyone: "I wonder how many of the guests present have seen this painting?"

"'Chongyang Tomorrow'." Yan Feimo and Jing Sihan almost spoke in unison.

"Mr. Yan and Mr. Jing are indeed very discerning. That's right. This is the grand prize work "Chongyang Tomorrow" in the oil painting competition in seven provinces and one city six years ago. I don't know how much you understand the meaning of this painting. ?”

"This painting shows a girl standing among a pile of ruins and holding sunflowers. This is a hopeful pursuit of life and a desire for the future. The reason why it is called "Chongyang Tomorrow" is also derived from Because of the author's strong belief in rebuilding his homeland." Yan Feimo said every word very clearly, but when he saw this painting, his eyes couldn't help being shocked, thinking that he would never see him again. When I saw it, I didn't expect it to appear suddenly today.

"It is said that this painting was made by a 14-year-old girl? I don't know if it is true or not?" A voice sounded.

"Six years have passed, and she should be a big girl now." Another voice answered.

"I also heard that Feiyang once offered a high price to buy this work, but unfortunately the owner refused. I wonder if this happened?" After Yan Feimo clearly explained the meaning of the painting, Jing Si Han also suddenly recalled something, and looked at Yan Feimo involuntarily, but he didn't notice that the face of Yu Xiaoxi, who was beside him at the moment, was changing bit by bit.

"It is true. I was still in college at that time. I once asked my father to open 200 million yuan to buy this painting, but the organizer refused, saying that the owner of the painting refused because The artist participated in the competition under a pseudonym, so although I inquired many times later, I couldn't get any news about her, so the matter was left alone." At this moment, Yan Feimo's mood has basically stabilized, and He didn't hold any grudges because of the previous incident, because this painting also had extraordinary significance to him, and it was a scene that he would never forget in his life.

"Can I ask Mr. Yan why he was willing to pay such a high price for a newcomer's work? You must know that it was because of Fei Yang's sky-high price that this work became a hit in the painting world. As far as the current value of this painting is concerned, Fei Yang can be said to have contributed a lot.”

Yan Feimo's expression was in a trance for a moment, and he was silent for a moment, and then revealed an inside story that made everyone gasp: "Because I have seen the scene in this painting with my own eyes."

"Mr. Yan, what you mean is that the author didn't make up this painting out of thin air, but is realistic?" The host's face was also full of surprise.

Yan Feimo nodded: "It's a pity that I still don't know who that girl is? If I can find her, I really want to say thank you to her face to face."

"I think Mr. Yan can realize this dream today." The host's voice was full of excitement, and then said: "This painting is a kind of encouragement to our disaster-stricken areas, and what it gives us is a kind of spiritual support and The sustenance of the soul, as well as the vision for a better future, a region, a nation, a country, only with such a positive attitude and belief, can there be hope. When the owner of the painting came to donate the painting this morning, I All kinds of inquiries failed to find out her name, but tonight I accidentally discovered that she was also in the banquet. Now let us welcome today's "Star of Hope" Yu Xiaoxi with the warmest applause Miss."

(End of this chapter)

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