Chapter 6

"Yes, actually I came quite early today, but I'm not as lucky as Xiaoxi." A sigh.

"I'm not too late."

The voice of chatting became smaller and smaller, and everyone slowly entered the working state, and Yu Xiaoxi also let out a long breath, and listened carefully to her person in charge explaining the main points of work.

In the next month, Yu Xiaoxi worked hard to adapt to the working environment, and because of Yan Feifei's words on the first day, her colleagues took great care of her and rarely made things difficult for her.Coupled with her willingness to help others, her lively and honest personality also made her quite popular in the office building, so her work became more and more handy. Fei, the occasional meeting is also a nod because of business.

But in her heart, Yu Xiaoxi was grateful to her.

"Xixi, come and see, the results of the selection of the top ten young people in the business world in C City are out." Early on Saturday morning, Ruan Lingjia called out to Yu Xiaoxi while gnawing on an apple while flipping through the newly released weekly magazine.

Because Ruan Lingyu doesn't like being nagged by her parents, she and Yu Xiaoxi rented this two-bedroom house together as soon as she graduated from university. Although it is not big, the two of them live freely and comfortably. Superb and quick at housework, so Ruan Lingjia has no idea of ​​moving back home.

"Oh." Yu Xiaoxi was cutting a sandwich in the kitchen, she was already used to Ruan Lingjia's gossip, so she replied copiously.She never likes to ask more about other people's affairs, let alone those who are not on par with her, she doesn't have that leisure time.

"Xixi, where is your Feiyang's president, Yan Feimo? Do you want to take a look?" Ruan Lingjia's tone was a little excited.

"If there is, it has nothing to do with me." Yu Xiaoxi put a piece of milk and a sandwich in front of Ruan Lingjia, then dragged the chair and sat opposite her, eating breakfast by herself.

"Handsome, rich and young, he is a good blue-chip stock. Xixi, you have been working in Feiyang for more than a month. Have you seen him in person?" Ruan Lingjia put down the magazine, her eyes were full of exploration and twinkled. Sly light.

Yu Xiaoran bit her sandwich and shook her head: "You think the president can see you whenever he wants, Feiyang has more than a dozen branches alone, and he doesn't necessarily stay at the headquarters, and he heard people in the company say half He went to Italy a month ago, and I'm still a newcomer." In fact, it doesn't matter to her whether she can meet the president or not, since she has nearly [-] employees, and her Yu Xiaoxi is almost a little higher than the grassroots. Level, if there is a generation gap for each level, then the distance between her and Yan Feimo is probably wider than the Yangtze River.

"Although, this Yan Feimo does belong to the new generation of girl killers. He is impeccable in shape, color, and wealth. However, such a sharp and arrogant personality is unacceptable to ordinary people, so compared Speaking of which, I still prefer Jing Sihan, the president of MOD Group." After Ruan Lingjia finished speaking, she gave Sai Magazine a hard kiss.

Yu Xiaoxi was extremely speechless, but she only said lightly: "Can you stop being an idiot, you are eating."

"Do you know what beauty is delicious?" Ruan Lingjia's face was enlarged in front of Yu Xiao, and then she pointed at the man with the magazine in her hand and said, "I'm already full just looking at him."

"Don't be disgusting." Yu Xiaoxi reached out and pushed Ruan Lingjia back to her seat.

"Xixi, I've decided, I want to chase after Jing Sihan." Ruan Lingjia spread the magazine on the table, but her expression was unusually determined.

Just as Yu Xiaoxi was about to answer the call, her cell phone rang suddenly, and it was an unfamiliar number: "Hi, hello, who is it?" in a very polite and polite tone.

"Xiaoxi, I'm Yan Feiyang." A pleasant female voice came from the opposite side.

Hearing it was Yan Feifei's voice, Yu Xiaoxi quickly stood up from the chair, and turned the phone from left hand to right hand: "Director, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Xiao Xi, I shouldn't have disturbed you because you were on vacation today." Yan Feifei's tone was a little hesitant and apologetic.

"It's okay, if the director wants me to do anything, just tell me, I'm free now." Yu Xiaoxi is not polite, she doesn't have the habit of shopping, and she doesn't like discussing celebrity gossip with Ruan Lingjia, it would be better to waste time with nothing to do It's better to find something practical to do.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll just say it straight, it's like this, I just received an emergency meeting notice, and I have to catch the [-]:[-] noon flight to F City, but I have an important document in my hand that must be reviewed. Leave it to the president today." Yan Feifei bit her lip, she also decided to let Yu Xiaoxi do it after a long time of ideological struggle, although she didn't have much contact with Yu Xiaoxi in this month, but through other people Her reaction and her observation from the side knew that she was a person who didn't like gossip. She originally planned to surprise Guo Wei in person, but she didn't expect it to be so unfortunate. Mo has been caring about Zaili, so she hasn't been able to get the key card of his office yet.

The meaning in Yan Feifei's words could not be more clear, but when she heard that she was going to see the president, Yu Xiaoxi felt a little uneasy, but she still answered the words naturally: "Does the director want me to help transfer the documents to the president?"

"Well, yes, he arrives in City C at one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh, that's good, just wait for a while, I'll go over right away." Although Yu Xiaoxi couldn't figure it out, there was no one in the company, why she was asked to deliver the documents on her behalf, but as a subordinate, she had to be ordered Execute without being able to ask why.

"Lingjia, I have to go to work, you clean up the table." After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, she immediately went into the room to pack her things.

"You don't even eat breakfast?" Ruan Lingjia gnawed on the sandwich, and raised her eyes that had been looking down at the magazine: "Aren't you resting today? If you have to work overtime, Feiyang won't be able to turn to you, a new employee, right?"

"Our director has something to ask me for help." Yu Xiaoxi replied casually while helping the wall to change his shoes.

"It's not that there is no one in the company, why do you have to go?" Ruan Lingjia teased, and then sighed lazily: "Xiaoxi, you have to be careful, don't be sneaked by others."

"What are you talking about, our director is a woman." Yu Xiaoxi was very speechless about Ruan Lingjia's thoughts.

"No way, could it be Lily? I said, Xiaoxi, you should be more careful in everything. Feiyang is a big company, but wearing small shoes will definitely cause you to be stabbed in the back. With your little knowledge, you can do it Sometimes they are eaten until there is not even a bone left."

(End of this chapter)

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