Chapter 75

"The bad news is that you're going to be very busy?" Yao Yun pretended to be mysterious and rolled her eyes cunningly.

"I'm very busy now." Yan Feimo pointed to a pile of documents on the desktop and spread his hands.

"I mean our marriage." Yao Yun couldn't help but blushed, and her voice became lingering and charming.

"What, Yun' you kidding me?" Although he once desperately wanted to marry her, he was unprepared at this juncture, which not only flattered him, but also made him at a loss.

"Of course I'm not joking. Didn't I ask you to think about it for a month or two? Now that I've made up my mind, let's get married."

"Yun'er, can you wait longer? I'm not ready yet." Yan Feimo smiled awkwardly, only he knew how desolate and painful he was at the moment.

"What's the matter, did something happen?" Yao Yun couldn't understand the 180-degree reversal of Yan Feimo's attitude.

"No, it's just that the company has taken on a few big cases during this period, and there is no time to spare, so let's postpone the marriage." Yan Feimo knew that this reason was not valid at all. Now that Yao Yun is in the company, on business He couldn't hide the matter from her at all, but this was the only excuse.

Yao Yun knew it was a lie but for the sake of Gu Quanyan's Feimo's face, she didn't expose him, she just said awkwardly: "I can wait, but Feimo, the child in my stomach can't wait."

"What did you say?" Yan Feimo's body couldn't help but tense. Ever since he knew he was suffering from infertility, the word child has become a taboo in his heart.

"This is the good news I want to tell you." Yao Yun didn't notice the strange expression on Yan Feimo's face, thinking that it was a normal reaction caused by excitement and excitement, so she continued: "Feimo, I'm pregnant, So let's get married quickly, or it won't look good in a wedding dress in a few days." With a full-on coquettish tone, the hands around Yan Feimo's neck were also tightened, according to what she knew about Yan Feimo , after knowing that she is pregnant with a child, he will definitely put down the work at hand to prepare for the wedding, so she can take advantage of the opportunity to transfer more funds from Feiyang, and she is sure that Yan Feimo will not have sex with her before marriage. As long as she gets a marriage certificate, she will own half of Yan Feimo's worth, and the plan will be more than half successful. After marriage, she can use the child as an excuse to refuse all Yan Feimo's cross-border requests. It's killing three birds with one stone.

"Are you sure you're pregnant?" Yan Feimo took away Yao Yun's hands tied around his neck, and turned to face her, with intense flames burning in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow people up.

"What's the matter, Feimo, don't you want a child?" Yao Yun was taken aback by Yan Feimo's eyes, he was always gentle and considerate in front of her, even when he was in a bad mood , is also quiet, but at this moment he is so strange, so strange that she can't believe her eyes.

"Answer my question." The decibel of Yan Feimo's voice became a little heavier. To Yao Yun, although Guo Wei had warned him, she had a past that he didn't know about and had a terrible history, but he didn't want to pay attention to it. He has always regarded feelings as his life, hoping that it will always be clean, pure, and unstained, so he would rather believe in his own eyes, and believe that the beauty that once belonged to them is not his own wishful thinking.

"What... what's the problem?" Yao Yun's face was blank, and she looked at Yan Feimo flusteredly. She never realized that he was so scary.

"Is it true that you said you were pregnant or is it just your suspicion?" Yan Feimo clenched his fists, holding back the anger that was about to burst out in his heart, two red flames appeared in his eyes, and his voice was extremely low and gloomy And depressed.

I thought this news would make Yan Feimo feel better, but I didn't expect his expression to be so ugly. For a while, all the well-arranged rhetoric in Yao Yun's mind was messy. She couldn't understand Yan Feimo's change of attitude, and she didn't respond in time. To capture the inexplicable sadness on his face, so in order to avoid disrupting the plan that had been arranged all along, she decided to take a gamble, bit her lip and nodded and said: "Yesterday I found out that this month's menstrual holiday did not come, so I took a pregnancy test." I found out that I was pregnant, and then I was afraid that my test might be wrong, so I went to the hospital for a urine test, and the result was the same."

Hearing Yao Yun's answer, Yan Feimo's brain buzzed, the blood in his whole body flowed back in an instant, his teeth rattled, his clenched fists made the sound of joints, and his eyes carried the hot flames before the volcanic eruption. : "Whose child is it?" How much irony is this kind of news to him, and it is more embarrassing than slapping him in the face in public. If infertility only reduces the face and dignity of his man, then Yao Yun's words are tantamount to profane his soul.

"Huh?" At this moment, Yao Yun was stunned by Yan Feimo's expression. When she heard this question, her heart panicked for no reason, and her face was full of panic, but in order to achieve her goal, she quickly Soon she covered up the fear in her heart, and then she pretended to look into Yan Feimo's eyes calmly: "Feimo, what are you talking about, the child is of course yours, even though you were drunk that night Yes, but how can you forget what happened? Could it be that you used to say that you loved me just to perfuse me?" Yao Yun couldn't help but shed tears as she said that, and then gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Actually You've been lying to me all this time, right? You just want to play with my feelings, and you don't really intend to marry me at all, otherwise you wouldn't be so hesitant just now, and you wouldn't doubt our child now, that's fine, Since everything is fake, let's get together and get away."

Yao Yun's tears disturbed Yan Feimo's thinking. Although he heard the news just now, his first reaction was that it was his child with another man, but when her tears appeared so real in front of him, his His heart began to soften again, so his heart became contradictory again. He didn't want to doubt Yao Yun, but the result of that medical examination sheet made it so clear that he couldn't have a baby. However, Yao Yun's pregnancy was also a fact. question.

So what went wrong, was she betraying him, or was there something wrong with the medical examination form?Yan Feimo looked at Yao Yun, then turned around, and rushed out the door like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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