Chapter 8

Yu Xiaoxi looked at the time and realized that it was almost time to perform the task, so she picked up the documents and left the office building.

"Hello, I'm Yu Xiaoxi from the design department. I have an important document to hand over to the president. Could you inform me?" Yu Xiaoxi went up to the 27th floor and said to the secretary on duty.

"The president is very busy right now, put down the documents, and I'll send them in for you later." The female secretary only raised her face and glanced at Yu Xiaoxi, then lowered her head indifferently.

"I'm sorry, Sister Feifei asked me to hand over this document to the CEO, saying it was urgent." Seeing her attitude, Yu Xiaoxi had no choice but to bring out Yan Feifei.

No matter how ignorant she was, she knew that the president's younger sister was the new director of the design department. The secretary's face was pulled down just now with an unnatural smile on her face. She didn't dare to offend Yan Feifei no matter what, so she picked up the phone , and said to Yu Xiaoxi, "Wait for a while."

But after hearing the secretary say yes, after waiting for a few simple words, he hung up the phone, and then said to Yu Xiaoxi, "The president told you to go over."

"Thank you."

Walking to the door of Yan Feimo's office, Yu Xiaoxi suddenly felt a little uneasy, and after hesitating for a long time, she gently knocked on the door with her jade fingers.

"The door is open, come in." The voice was not loud, but unusually cold.

Yu Xiaoxi slowly opened the door and stepped in: "President..."

Before I could say anything later, the moment I raised my eyes, my hand suddenly shook, and the file bag fell to the ground with a bang...

Yu Xiaoxi never dreamed of such a scene, that the person who thought she would never see her again in this life would be Fei Yang's president, Yan Feimo. forget.

Yu Xiaoxi's body trembled slightly, her mind was in a mess, she even forgot what she was supposed to do, and in the end she just stared blankly at Yan Feimo with a pair of big eyes, and there were many indistinguishable things in those eyes. Composition, surprise, curiosity, resentment, fear...

Similarly, the moment her eyes fell on Yu Xiaoxi, Yan Feimo's expression also turned petrified in an instant. Two people who should have forgotten each other in the rivers and lakes actually met in a different way. I don't know if it was her intention or God played a joke on him.

Although the possibility of the latter is obviously much greater, Yu Xiaoxi's sudden appearance still disrupted his thoughts, and the original flame also made his already cold and arrogant face more gloomy along with the anxiety in his heart. The irritability and depression that had been suppressed in the past month rushed back to my heart.

The four eyes meet, the flames collide violently, the powerful magnetic field submerges Yu Xiaoxi again, making her almost unable to stand, she can't wait to escape quickly, this man is really terrifying.

"As an employee of Feiyang, can you not do such a small thing well?" After all, he is someone who has seen a big scene. After a period of buffering, Yan Feimo quickly recovered his expression and put on the attitude and attitude that a president should have. With boldness, his eyes were fixed on the document bag that fell on the ground.

"I..." Yu Xiaoxi faltered, didn't know what to say at this moment, but felt her heart beating chaotically, following Yan Feimo's line of sight, she quickly bent down, picked up the thing, and bit her lip He whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Since you have joined Feiyang, you should know what you should do and what you can do. If Feiyang has tens of thousands of employees like you, how can the company develop?" Yan Feimo scolded coldly, but felt that no matter what happened at the moment He was puzzled by scolding, and what worried him even more was that now that this woman knew her identity, if she told about that matter, how would he explain it to Yao Yun.

Knowing that Yan Feimo was waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, but she was under the eaves, Yu Xiaoxi had no choice but to persuade herself to hold back, so she took a slight breath and approached Yan Feimo's desk with the document: "This is The director asked me to give it to you."

Yan Feimo reached out to take it, and then put it on the neatly organized first base document on the desk, but his mouth was as cold as ice: "Got it."

"Then I'll go out first." Under such an atmosphere, Yu Xiaoxi just wanted to leave as soon as possible, as far away from this man as possible.

"Are you in a hurry?" Yan Feimo didn't intend to let her go so easily, because she beat up the knot he had finally solved, so he had to put pressure on her.

Yu Xiaoxi panicked violently, her ten fingers hooked together and twisted each other forcefully, but she didn't dare to have the slightest ambiguity: "Is there anything else you want to order from the president?"

Yan Feimo slowly stood up from the office chair, walked around to Yu Xiaoxi with slow steps, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked at Yu Xiaoxi coldly.

Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help taking two steps back, her eyes flickered with panic, the masculine aura emanating from Yan Feimo's body had a strong sense of oppression, which made her unable to resist.

"Listen well, I don't care what your purpose is, or what your original intention is, since you are an employee of Fei Yang, you must understand your identity."

"President, don't worry, I will definitely not make the mistake just now." Yu Xiaoxi quickly echoed, her face and neck had already formed a ninety-degree angle, and she was only short of falling into the dust.

"I have always been business-like, and I hate it when people play dirty tricks under my nose. Although you are not my direct subordinate, your every move will be under my observation in the future. If you still want to stay in Feiyang , you better keep your mouth shut." Yan Feimo's tone implied a naked (harmonious) threat.

No matter how stupid she was, Yu Xiaoxi could hear the meaning in his words. It turned out that he was afraid that he would take advantage of that incident to establish a relationship with him, so she couldn't help but sneered in her heart. It turned out that this was the five-star man in the eyes of those women. It's really despised that you don't take responsibility, and you still have to pretend to be a gentleman.

"President, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense if I don't know the seriousness, not to mention that I have to rely on Feiyang to make a living." Yu Xiaoxi raised her beautiful eyes with courage, and met Yan Feimo's cold eyes. For the first time, she felt that it was not how powerful he was, but that she had lowered her style so low that she couldn't lift her head up. Now she found that this person's character was not worthy of her being so obsequious.

"It's good to know, I hope I don't hear any gossip, I don't want to repeat what I said that day." Yan Feimo turned and sat back on the chair, and then added indifferently: "Close the door when you go out. Good." The goal has been achieved, and he doesn't need to talk to her any more.

Yu Xiaoxi kept silent, endured all the grievances, buried her anger in her heart, then turned around and left the door...

(End of this chapter)

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