Chapter 84

In the CEO's office of Feiyang Building, Yan Feimo stood in front of the window with folded arms, overlooking half of City C. Ever since the matter with Yao Yun was over, his heart was empty, dazed and directionless, and he used to think about it day and night. How to save love, how to be a good man, now he finally has time to enjoy the peace after work, but he is getting more and more lonely like this, and he doesn't know what to do, why he does it, just Habitually go to work, get off work at a certain time, and then participate in some necessary entertainment. He doesn't know what role he is playing at this moment, like a solitary sail floating on the ocean, what is the next wind, he Where to go, he has no idea.

When Yan Feimo's thoughts were still wandering endlessly, the phone rang suddenly, and it was Guo Wei's call: "What's the matter with Wei?"

"Mo, did you read the headlines in today's commercial newspaper?" Guo Wei's voice was anxious, with obvious anger hidden in it.

"No." Yan Feimo's voice was flat. These days, his life was simple and ordinary, and he had no intention of paying attention to those commercial gossips.

"You're working, I'll go talk to you." Guo Wei hung up the phone hastily after finishing speaking.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Guo Wei's anxious expression after entering the door, Yan Feimo asked curiously.

"Mo, look at this." Guo Wei handed the newspaper he was carrying to Yan Feimo, and said angrily, "They are going too far."

Yan Feimo took the newspaper, looked down, and saw twelve large characters on it: Fei Yang, the president is infertile, and his girlfriend broke up quickly.

Yan Feimo's gaze was fixed on those twelve characters, his fingers trembling slightly, although he still couldn't let go of it during this period of time, he was already working hard to forget it, but now his scandal is being made public like this Under everyone's eyelids, he felt like his head was flushed with blood for a moment, and the newspaper crumpled into a ball when it was not long in his hand.

Regarding Yan Feimo's reaction, Guo Wei can understand very well, that kind of bitterness buried in his heart is enough for him to feel uncomfortable and wronged, but now he is exposed to the sun like this, not to mention how this news will affect Feiyang The impact of this alone is a fatal injury to Yan Feimo himself.

"Mo, don't get excited, I have already issued a warning to the newspaper to stop printing." Guo Wei knew that such words had no consoling effect on Yan Feimo at all, but as his college classmate, his best friend As a colleague, seeing Yan Feimo suffer from such wave after wave of suffering, he also felt sorry for him.

"Understood." Yan Feimo closed his eyes lightly, sighed a long time, then opened them helplessly, and said with a distorted and self-deprecating smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, this is the truth, maybe this It is God's retribution for me, and it is all because of my self-righteousness, self-willedness, and disobedience to your persuasion, which resulted in such a result, and I can't blame others." The most painful time has passed, and how much power does this injury have? It's just that there is another topic in the business world. His Yan Feimo's reputation in the circle is just a little bit worse, and it's nothing to worry about him who is like a walking dead now.

"Mo, are you really okay?" Yan Feimo's instant calmness made Guo Wei a little worried, thinking that he would have reacted like this before he decided to kill Yao Yun, so Guo Wei was inevitably a little worried.

"You don't need to worry, I am sober now, I will not do stupid things anymore, I know that I am still the Son of Man, and I will not make those who still love me sad." Yan Feimo walked to the window after finishing speaking Before, the man watched the cars coming and going downstairs, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Actually, I'm fine like this. I have nothing to worry about, as long as I can concentrate on my work."

Although Yan Feimo said it very calmly, Guo Wei still heard the indelible bleakness and helplessness in his tone, and put his hand on Yan Feimo's shoulder inadvertently: "Mo, you don't have to do this, in fact, there are many things in life. Things can be pursued, I think you will be able to find a good woman who really loves you in the future."

"Women? Huh..." Yan Feimo laughed at himself: "If it's for my money, I believe there are many who wouldn't mind, and would even flock here, but I don't need it."

"You are too negative. There are still beautiful things in this world, but you haven't discovered them. As long as you have this belief, she will come out in your life one day." Yan Feimo's attitude towards life made Guo Wei Very worried.

Hearing these words, Yan Feimo couldn't help but think of Yu Xiaoxi, so she twitched her lips and sneered again: "There are indeed beautiful things in this world, but she no longer belongs to me, just like you said , I was too paranoid and pursued perfection too much, so in the end I was blinded by my own eyes, unable to see the truth, and expelled the good woman as a demon, but brought the bad woman into the house and reaped the consequences, so this is retribution, I think this She will never want to see me in her life, and she will never forgive me." Thinking of what Jing Sihan said to him that night, he felt his chest constricted.

"Mo, what are you talking about, good women and bad women?" Guo Wei was at a loss, not understanding who Yan Feimo was referring to.

Realizing that he thought of Yu Xiaoxi inadvertently again, Yan Feimo suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Guo Wei being gentle to Yu Xiaoxi, so he turned his face and asked, "When did you know Yu Xiaoxi? "

"Huh?" Guo Wei didn't follow Yan Feimo's change of thinking for a while.

"I asked how you and Yu Xiaoxi met?" Hearing Guo Wei's confession to Yan Feifei that time, Yan Feimo knew who the person in his heart was, but he didn't want to admit it or reveal it.

"Why did you ask this question suddenly?" Guo Wei was stunned for no reason, a trace of doubt flashed in his brown eyes, and then he looked at Yan Feimo in confusion.

"Because I didn't know her well before, there were some misunderstandings between us." Yan Feimo's mind flashed a few clips related to Yu Xiaoxi from time to time, with a sad expression on his face.

Guo Wei had no way of knowing what happened between Guo Wei and Yu Xiaoxi, so he couldn't understand how much Yan Feimo owed Yu Xiaoxi, but from what he said just now, he could tell that that good woman It refers to Yu Xiaoxi.

"Then what do you want to know about her?" Perhaps Yu Xiaoxi's name had been hidden by Guo Wei for too long, so when Yan Feimo mentioned it, it also made him restless. All the memories appeared in front of my eyes uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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