Chapter 86

"What are you talking about? How could Xiaoxiao lie? Xiaoxiao never lies. Usually, when she is afraid of hurting someone with the truth, she will keep silent." Xiaoxi's tone became a little tougher.

"No, Wei, you don't know, so, so..." Guo Wei's affirmation made Yan Mo even more excited. In this way, Yu Xiaoxi was really pregnant with his child. Thinking that she could have a child, and still With her child, the joy in his heart was beyond words, so he rushed to the desk immediately, rummaging through boxes and boxes to find Ruan Lingjia's address and phone number that the hotel manager wrote to him that day.

"Mo, what's wrong with you." Guo Wei couldn't understand Yan Feimo's crazy behavior.

Yan Feimo didn't pay attention to Guo Wei's words, but searched for it on his own. He didn't stop until the note appeared in front of him. Seeing that he finally had a moment's rest, Guo Wei wanted to speak again, but Before he could say anything, Yan Feimo had already pulled up his legs and disappeared outside the door.

Coming out of the office, Yan Feimo rushed straight to the garage, then picked up the car, and drove at a speed of 200 to Ruan Lingjia's residence.

In the room, Ruan Lingjia was eating instant noodles while looking at the front page of today's business, because she was used to Yu Xiaoxi's care, so without her, her life would be a mess, and almost three meals a day were with instant noodles, Moreover, since entering MOD, her diet and daily life have been very irregular, unlike a design institute that works [-] to [-] and takes weekends off, but for Jing Sihan, she still enjoys it; and reading business newspapers has become her daily compulsory course, Every time she saw a newspaper report about Jing Sihan, she couldn't help being excited, but today when she saw the headlines in the newspaper, she couldn't help being startled, thinking of Yu Xiaoxi's grievances in Feiyang, she There is a feeling of relief, and Feidan doesn't feel sympathy for Yan Feimo's encounter, and he also gloats.

After eating noodles, Ruan Lingjia looked at her watch, then dressed appropriately, and was going to go shopping, because it was her turn to go on vacation today, but when she was about to go out, the doorbell rang, thinking it was business, so she looked impatient She opened the door and said, "I've said it all. I'll make up for this month's salary. Why worry?" Because she left the design institute, her parents were very angry and froze her credit card. Thanks to the help from the Internet, her daily expenses have increased a lot, so she has a lot of money on hand.

However, when she opened the door and saw Yan Feimo, she was stunned for a moment, and after looking for a long time, she came back to her senses and asked, "Is there something wrong?" Because she didn't think she would have any interaction with him, So the first reaction was that he went to the wrong door.

"I'm looking for Yu Xiaoxi." Yan Feimo tried hard to control the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help casting his eyes behind Ruan Lingjia.

"Don't look, Xiaoxi moved away a long time ago." Although Ruan Lingjia didn't know what he wanted to find Yu Xiaoxi, she didn't have any affection for him.

"Moved away?" Yan Feimo couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face, and then continued to ask: "Where did you move?"

Seeing the anxiety on Yan Feimo's face, Ruan Lingjia was a little puzzled. Thinking that Yu Xiaoxi had left Feiyang for several months, what else could he ask her for now, so she asked angrily, "I don't know."

"Aren't you and her best friends? How could you not know." Yan Feimo already guessed the general idea from Ruan Lingjia's tone and attitude, but now he doesn't care about it, he just hopes to find Yu Xiaoxi soon.

"Of course I'm her best friend, but why should I tell you?" Ruan Lingjia's tone was provocative: "And what does it have to do with you where she went?"

"I want to ask her something, so please tell me where she went, okay?" Yan Feimo's tone was full of sincere pleading, and his eyes were full of hope.

Seeing Yan Feimo's sincere face, Ruan Lingjia's attitude softened, and then said flatly: "She has gone abroad."

"What, going abroad?" Yan Feimo was stunned, and then added without thinking: "How can she be so careless as a pregnant woman?" Hearing this news, Yan Feimo was disappointed again.

"What's wrong with pregnant women, can't pregnant women go abroad?" Ruan Lingjia answered involuntarily, but at this moment, she suddenly understood, so her eyes lit up, her face was full of anger, and she looked at Yan Feimo: "So It's you?" Yu Xiaoxi doesn't have many good friends, and she believes that besides the Jing family, she should be the only one who knows about the pregnancy. She remembers that she once forced Yu Xiaoxi to find the child's father, but that day After Yu Xiaoxi came back, she just cried without saying a word, but Yan Feimo knew about it, so it was obvious that the man was Yan Feimo.

Yan Feimo knew that he was wrong in this matter, so his face was a little uncomfortable, so he said a little guilty: "So I want to know where she and the child are now?"

"Isn't it too late for you to come to her now?" Ruan Lingjia folded his arms on his chest, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"I think... I think it's still too late, can you tell me her current address?" Yan Feimo knew that it would be useless to regret at this moment, but this is his greatest hope now, even if He leaves all dignity behind, and he will have no complaints.

"It's funny, Yan Feimo, you are really a man. Why did you go there? You only want children now, it's too late." Ruan Lingjia spoke harshly, raising her eyebrows: "Don't think I don't know, you just It's because I can't have children now, so I think of Xixi, a man like you, what right do you have to come to Xixi now, let alone Xixi's child is gone, even if there is, I won't give it to you Ruan Lingjia thought of the grievances Yu Xiaoxi had suffered at that time, and became even more angry with Yan Feimo, and she didn't want him to get entangled with Yu Xiaoxi again, and she didn't want Yu Xiaoxi's finally settled life to be ruined by such a man. Break, so deliberately say nothing.

"What did you say?" Hearing Ruan Lingjia said that the child was gone, Yan Feimo's heart went cold for an instant, and then he looked at her sadly.

"Of course I'm speaking in human language, don't you understand? Xixi is only 20 years old, and the best years are waiting for her. How could she ruin her life because of a child? Didn't she never think about staying Having a child, but you know how difficult it is for her, otherwise she would not have gone to you, but what about you? If I guessed correctly, you were the one who refused to have a child. Since you didn’t want to have a child at the time, why are you here now? You Do you know how annoying your current behavior is, and you deserve to be sterile, this is retribution." Ruan Lingjia's fiery temper broke out, and she scolded Yan Feimo bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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