Chapter 10
The ladder leading to the gate of Kunlun Mountain seems to be endless, except for the illusion that I encountered not long ago, there is no movement, only the endless road, and the narrower and narrower steps under the feet.

Rao was practicing swordsmanship and body training at the age of nine, and after walking so far, he felt that his waist and legs were filled with lead. Every step he took was torture. , began to turmoil.

Ah Jiu frowned, and looked up to see that there were no ladders that did not change in any way except for the width. At some point, even the wind that passed by disappeared, and the surrounding was deadly silent, only her slightly rapid breathing Voice.

At this time, the ladder under his feet was only about half a foot, and if he went forward, he might not even have half a foot.Ah Jiu sat on the ground, closed her eyes and calmed down, quietly recovered her strength, adjusted her state to the best, and planned to finish the rest of the section in one go.

Ah Jiu always thinks less and thinks less, and enters samadhi very quickly, but today it took a few quarters of an hour longer than before, his mind was in a mess, he didn't know what to think, and it took him a long time to enter the ethereal state.Sure enough, this silent but boring journey had a great impact on her.

When Ah Jiu regained her strength, Su Xin gritted her teeth and persisted. Even though her clothes were soaked in sweat, her lungs were burning like fire, her throat was dry, and every breath felt like a knife cut, she would never give up.She told herself in her heart, just keep going, keep going, and you will arrive at the mountain gate soon.She kept pumping herself up in her heart, and walked mechanically on her feet. In the end, she only felt that there was a white glow in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything.I don't know how long she persisted, but she finally fell down.

When Su Xin fell down, a young man in white appeared quietly and picked her up, took a few steps into the void at will, and disappeared.

"Little Six, this is the first one to pass the test." The Ning and Zhenjun holding a gourd who had been watching Ah Jiu in front of the jade wall before, appeared in front of the Kunlun Mountain gate at some time, and he leaned in front of the gate together. On the stone, smilingly looking at the white-clothed boy who appeared with Su Xin in his arms.

"Master." Ning Xin put Su Xin aside to rest, and came to salute Ning and Zhenjun, "This is seven."

Ning He Zhenjun swept Su Xin with his consciousness, slightly surprised, "The three spiritual roots are not very pure, but they have persisted for so long. This girl's heart is really good. If she cultivates swords, she will be able to achieve great success."

"Hey, I don't know who will come out this year, instead of being carried out after being exhausted." Ning He Zhenjun muttered to himself, and suddenly stood beside him with malicious intentions. The outstanding boy asked with a smile: "Xiaoqi, can your Jiuya come out?"

Nine Ah!Such a vulgar title made the gentle and jade-like young man frown slightly, but the other party was an elder, so he didn't want to say much, so he bowed slightly, and replied respectfully: "Master, Ah Ruo will definitely come out."

Seeing his respectful appearance, Ning He Zhenjun felt very boring, "Yun Xiao, that lazy and self-willed guy, how did he teach you such a strict and extremely boring apprentice? Alas, good little girl, don't It also made him teach badly."

Bai Qi just pretended that he didn't hear his complaints. If he hadn't been serious, wouldn't he have been teased by you like the third junior brother?

After a while, a dozen or so boys and girls were carried out, 280 six people, except for Ah Jiu who hadn't come out yet, only 72 qualified in the end.

Ning and Zhenjun laughed, "A lot of people have passed this year."

There is no other danger in Kunlun's ladder to reach the sky except that there is an illusion in one-third of it. However, those who can walk out with their own feet have only been bent by dozens of people for hundreds of thousands of years.And these dozens of people are almost all sword cultivators.And the people who came out on their own, without exception, are famous all over the world.

In the entry test ten years ago, Bai Qi was the only one who passed. This time, can Ah Jiu do it?
At this time, Ninghe Zhenjun has placed infinite hopes on this generation of Kunjian masters.The senior brother went back to the mountain directly after coming out of the Wuji Hall. Could it be that he was sure that his little apprentice would come out by himself?Hmph, it was clearly agreed at the beginning that this little doll should be taught by him, but he was preempted by his senior brother, how treacherous!
At this time, the boys and girls who were brought to the mountain gate woke up one by one, and the people of the Bai family saw Bai Qi and came over to say hello.Bai Qi smiled and nodded.

After Su Xin woke up, she found herself in a huge square in front of the Kunlun Mountain Gate, with Su Lin on the left, meditating.Looking around, there were only dozens of people left in the team of more than 200 people.Wait, why don't you see Ah Jiu?Could it be that she didn't pass the test?

Su Xin couldn't tell what kind of feeling she felt in her heart, there seemed to be a hint of secret joy in it.

"Sister, where are Fifth Sister, Seventh Sister and Ah Jiu? Didn't they come up?" She asked Su Lin beside her softly.

Su Lin didn't even open her eyes, and ignored her.

Su Xin was very embarrassed and didn't know whether to continue asking.At the same time, Su Ziyu, a brother of the same father and mother as Su Wan and Su Ling, helped her out: "The fifth sister and the seventh sister should not be qualified, but the ninth sister really doesn't know."

Su Ziyu's eyes were sharp, seeing Bai Qi in white clothes, with a smile on his face, he walked slowly towards him, and quickly said: "Hey, Brother Bai Qi is here, ask him how he is."

"Ziyu, Zidu, Zipeng, how do you feel?" Bai Qi came over, first talked to the boys of the Su family, looked at a few familiar teenagers with a smile, and said, "Let's meditate and reply, yes You are good."

Su Lin's body trembled involuntarily when Su Ziyu said about Brother Bai Qi. Three years ago, when Ah Jiu started to practice swords, Bai Qi lived in Su's house for two months, just to enlighten Ah Jiu.He is gentle and elegant, although he has an extraordinary appearance, he does not have the slightest arrogance, and he treats everyone with gentle words. Su Lin likes this elder brother very much, and often visits him by taking the opportunity to play with Ah Jiu.

It was then that she learned from her mother that if Ah Jiu hadn't been born and Kun Jian hadn't recognized the Lord, Bai Qi's fiancée might be her.That is to say, from the moment she knew about it, no matter how she thought Ah Jiu was not pleasing to her eyes, she wanted to beat her in every way.

Su Xin looked at the gentle and jade-like young man in front of him, and sighed secretly, it's a pity that such a good man, but Ah Jiu doesn't like it, and insists on liking that **** boy.

Feeling Su Xin's gaze, Bai Qi tilted his head slightly, and asked with a smile, "Miss Xin, what's the matter?"

"Brother Seven, why is Ah Jiu still missing?"

"Ah Jiu..." Bai Qi paused, his eyebrows stretched, and his voice softened by three points, "She's coming up soon." Relying on the induction of the divine sword in the two of them, within a certain range, he can roughly check Feel Ah Jiu's position.

At this time, Ah Jiu was on the last section of the road, and the Kunlun Mountain Gate was already visible in the distance, but the road under his feet had changed from a jade root as thick as a bowl to a long rope that danced lightly in the wind, and the mountain gate was on the edge of the rope. that side.Obviously, to get to the mountain gate, you have to walk through the long rope under your feet.The light wind that had not been seen before also blew at this time, making the long rope dance more joyfully.

Without any hesitation, Ah Jiu stepped onto the long rope with one step, and the wind suddenly became stronger, making the dress on her body rattle violently.She secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, the hair was tied tightly and not loose like Sister Qi, otherwise she would be blown into a crazy woman.

Ah Jiu, her petite body adjusted her balance with the dance of the long rope, took every step steadily, and walked forward firmly.

The wind got faster and her heart became calmer. The mountain gate was in front of her eyes, but she was neither happy nor sad. The steps under her feet became more and more delicate, and every step she took, she landed on the long rope evenly.If you look closely, you can see that every step of her is the same distance, without any difference.

When Ah Jiu took the last step and set foot on the gate of Kunlun Mountain, the scene behind him changed, and the Tianyun Ladder changed back to its original appearance. Hurricane Changsuo seemed to be just a dream.

"Ah Ruo!" Seeing Ah Jiu's petite figure suddenly appearing in front of the mountain gate, Bai Qi was overjoyed, rushed forward a few steps, and hugged her.Little Junior Sister is really amazing, even half a day faster than he was back then.

"Brother." Ah Jiu smiled with crooked brows, and her sharp little canine teeth sneaked out again.

(End of this chapter)

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