Chapter 111
Bai Qi coughed lightly, and under the eyes of Zhenjun Yunxiao and Zhenjun Danhua, he also took out a small notebook, which was also filled with words, and the content was basically the same as the one in Su Ruo's hand.

Zhenjun Danhua said blackly: "There is really a second book."

Bai Qijun blushed a little, "This is from the Golden Core Stage. There was originally a Foundation Establishment Stage one, but it was destroyed because it was useless."

Master Yunxiao took it over and looked it over, and almost all the Golden Core cultivators from all sects and sects in the East Pole were on the list, he twitched his eyes: "You two really made it all!"

After reading these two books, Zhenjun Danhua had an ominous premonition, "Ah Qi, Ah Ruo, you two don't intend to challenge all the above people, do you?" Nima, how many people have been offended by this? ?Especially those who don't have a big heart, if they lose, they will definitely hold grudges for the rest of their lives.

Su Ruo nodded seriously, "Brother and I have studied it, going to those secret places or fighting with monsters is more interesting than fighting with people, so we plan to find them according to the list, and change people if we win. If you lose, keep fighting."

Emma, ​​these two people really want to treat fighting as a career development.Zhenjun Danhua rubbed his forehead with a headache, glanced at Zhenjun Yunxiao, and take care of your apprentice.

Zhenjun Yunxiao actually thought about it, and then nodded: "Alright!" Zhenjun Danhua had nothing to do with the three masters and apprentices, so he got up and left, but he still sent a letter to the head to let him Be prepared in advance.

The closer the century-old contest was, the more sects and monks came to Yunxian City. Su Ruo and Bai Qi were finally found a reason by Zhenjun Danhua to stay in the residence.Su Ruo once asked, "Aren't you going to arrest Zhang Qi?"

Zhenjun Danhua said: "He can't hide in the gathering area of ​​demon cultivators, so we can't just kill him. We will settle accounts with him after a hundred years of competition."

"After the Hundred Years Competition, it's easy for him to run early." Su Ruo muttered, but didn't go any further.It is not realistic to arrest people from Moxiu, and it is easy to cause conflicts.After the big competition, maybe she really ran away, Su Ruo scratched her hair, feeling a little bored.

Bai Qi comforted her: "Anyway, Dongji is so big, and we won't go back to Kunlun for the time being, we can always meet."

"Yeah." Su Ruo nodded before putting the matter aside.

Soon, the Hundred Years Competition began.Bai Qi and Su Ruo are no different than the other senior brothers and sisters. They have other projects besides fighting skills, so they basically stay near the fighting skills platform, wandering back and forth between several platforms, seeing interesting things Stop, after a day, there are more names in their little books.

The two didn't play on the first day, they just watched the battle.It was Nangong Liu's turn today, and Su Ruo really saw Nangong Liu's magic weapon, which was a big sword with flames, and the sword skills were wide open and closed, extremely domineering!
"Senior Brother, when you were fighting with Senior Brother Nangong, he didn't use his full strength."

"Well, not only what is reserved, but also a lot."

The person who fought against Nangong Liu was from a small sect in southern Xinjiang. He was not very old. He had light brown skin and looked very cheerful. His whole body was covered with tinkling silver ornaments. The weapons he used were also extremely unique. An enlarged scythe.

However, this person was obviously not Nangong Liu's opponent. After a few rounds, he was knocked off the fighting platform.Nangong Liu stood wearily on the stage, saluted, and said flatly, "I admit it."

The man jumped up from the ground, showing a mouthful of white teeth with a smile, and said in a strange tone: "You are amazing, and Em admires you." After finishing speaking, he jingled and walked away.

Nangong Liu smiled back, jumped off the fighting platform, and walked to Bai Qi and Su Ruo, "Why, let's see the details of our future opponents?"

Su Ruo looked at Nangong Liu with bright eyes, and she said excitedly: "Senior Brother Nangong, after the hundred-year competition, fight with me."

Nangong Liu shook his head like a drum, "If you don't fight, you don't fight. The last time I fought with Junior Brother Bai, I was already exhausted."

Bai Qi said: "But the senior brother didn't give his best last time!"

"Aren't you the same!" Nangong Liu muttered, finding an excuse to quickly stay away from the two, and sighed in her heart: It's such a pity that a beautiful girl was taught to be violent by Uncle Yun.

"Zhang Qi, Yu Mingyue!" The fighting platform lit up, revealing two names, one of them, Su Ruo, was very familiar with, she looked at Zhang Qi's name, and said with infinite regret: "Why didn't it be my turn to play?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Qi jumped up in a handsome manner, and walked up to the fighting stage step by step, Su Ruo curled her lips, eyes full of disdain.Then Bai Qi noticed that there were eight maids around Zhang Qi, and the three from that day were not among them.Eight young women, all dressed in thin sand dresses, stood around a wide wooden chair, smiling, looking at Zhang Qi on the stage with fascination in their eyes.

Su Ruo followed Bai Qi's gaze, opened her small mouth halfway, and finally said, "Is this man really here to fight?" He was here to show off!
Soon, Su Ruo really experienced what it means to show off, and Zhang Qin is all pediatrics.

"Yu Mingyue, Yu Mingyue!" Zhang Qi went on stage for a long time, but he didn't see his opponent coming up. He turned and looked down, opened his mouth to call his opponent's name, and deliberately used his spiritual power to send his voice far away.

The sound of silk and bamboo came faintly, and after a while, it came out of the crowd. Su Ruo saw the monks in the audience flashing a wide way, and then there were eight handsome young men in pink robes, playing the flute, Come slowly.Behind these eight teenagers are eighteen heroic and powerful men in blue robes, carrying a huge sedan chair, covered with tulle, but they are extremely hazy, unable to see the scene inside the sedan chair.

There are two young men in purple clothes on both sides of the sedan chair, some are handsome, some are unrestrained, some are gentle, some are coquettish.

This group of men is about to catch all the beauties in the world. Su Ruo stared blankly at this group of people and stopped in front of the martial arts platform. A young man in purple shirt said respectfully and gently to the inside of the sedan chair, "Lord, The fighting platform has arrived."

After a while, a deep and honest voice sounded from inside the sedan chair. Listening carefully, it seemed to be coaxing someone to get up.

The tulle was lifted, and the first to come down were two men, one red and one white. The red man was extremely evil and charming, while the white man was gentle and elegant.The man in white stretched out his hand towards the sedan chair, and coaxed softly: "Mingyue, come, I'll carry you down." From his voice, it was clear that it was the one who coaxed people just now.

Su Ruo stared at the sedan chair, thinking in her heart, with so many beautiful men and such a grand occasion, the one who came out must be a top-quality witch!Ah, so looking forward to it.

Bai Qi was a little unhappy, stepped forward to hold Su Ruo's hand, and brought her to him.Su Ruo raised her head and smiled coquettishly, and once again focused on the sedan chair.

Zhang Qi was very impatient, "Whether to fight or not, why are you dawdling!" During this period of time, he was suffocated and uncomfortable in the room, and he really wanted to vent it, but this opponent, who came late and put on such a big show, Make him lose his patience.

The man in red gave Zhang Qi a cold look, that look made Su Ruo's hair stand on end, not to mention Zhang Qi, who was being targeted by him, took two steps back involuntarily, barely standing still , but his face turned pale.

"Little San, don't scare him, the bright moon will fight again later." The man in white said lightly, the man in red stopped threatening Zhang Qi, turned his head to look at the sedan chair, and gently parted his red lips, his voice was very magnetic, " Mingyue, are you awake, I'll hug you."

With the sound of the man's voice, the thin veil was lifted again, and a pair of little feet as white as jade came out first, with a small golden bell on the left ankle, following her movements, jingling ring.

The man in white walked forward quickly, held a pair of little feet in his hands, and hugged them into his arms. He leaned in, and when he came out again, there was a little loli rubbing his eyes and yawning in his arms.

The little girl looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. She was wearing a double bun, and a pair of golden butterflies trembled on her hair.She was born Yuxue cute, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and a small flower-like mouth.At this moment, he probably didn't wake up, a pair of small arms wrapped around the neck of the man in white, and his small face kept rubbing against the side of his neck.

Su Ruo's eyes widened. It turned out that those who like beautiful men are not necessarily witches or witches, but also Lolita.

The man in white kissed the tender face of little Lolita, and coaxed softly: "Mingyue, it's your turn to play."

"Oh." Little Lolita nodded confusedly, and let the man carry her onto the fighting platform.She jumped down from the man's arms, her pair of small white jade feet did not directly step on the ground, but hung in the air.

"Yi, you go down."

Wow, a loli is just a loli, not only is she cute, but her voice is so soft and tender, and what's more, that small mouth is pink and tender, I really want to take a bite, Su Ruo feels that she is about to become a weird aunt up.

Zhang Qi didn't expect that his opponent was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, her body had just developed, and she was very tender.Wearing a bright red half-sleeve skirt, showing half lotus-like arms and legs, with a gold collar on the neck, a gold bracelet on the wrist, and even a plum blossom makeup on the forehead, standing opposite her, her big eyes blinked Oh wink, very cute.

"Well, little sister, you can't beat me, you'd better step down." Zhang Qi felt that he was a normal person, he would feel pity for a beautiful woman, and he would love a cute little sister, so when he spoke, his voice It's extremely soft, even the expression is put on the most gentle level.

Bai Qi frowned when he saw Yu Mingyue appearing. The little loli in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling, very similar to the successor of a certain Eastern Demon Cult mentioned by the Bai family.

Su Ruo burst into laughter after hearing Zhang Qi's words. She leaned against Bai Qi and said with a smile, "This traitor really feels good about himself? Doesn't he have a brain?"

She said this in a normal voice, and everyone who watched the battle together smiled heartily.The monks who can go to this martial arts arena are all Jindan stage, a girl who looks like a thirteen or fourteen year old girl, does not mean that she is also thirteen or fourteen years old.Sure enough, as the Kunlun nun said, the man on the stage has no brains!
 The other chapter is still being coded, and it will be published later!

(End of this chapter)

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