Chapter 117
When Su Xin heard from Shangguan Xuan that he had realized his epiphany, after Su Ruo's performance, he suddenly felt very proud.She was finally jealous of her once, and her life could be fulfilled.

Shangguanxuan looked at Su Xin's expression carefully, and said, "Xinxin, even if you are a real sister, you can't guarantee that you won't be jealous of others, let alone a cousin sister. Your sister's predecessor is attracting attention, and suddenly she is inferior to you in some aspects." , there will naturally be a gap in your heart, and it is inevitable to be jealous of you. You, more careful when you return to Kunlun and the Su family in the future."

Su Xin froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "Yeah." She knew that Su Ruo's pride would definitely not do anything to her, even if she fell behind by chance, she would catch up with her hard work.However, Shangguan Xuan kindly reminded himself that it was enough for him to understand in his heart, and there was no need to say it out loud to make him unhappy.

Su Ruo didn't know that her impression in Shangguan Xuan's heart was even worse.Even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart, and it's not her future husband-in-law, nor her fellow apprentices, so what if she doesn't have a good impression!
She was struggling with her opponent in the second round at the moment, her small face wrinkled like a bitter melon.There are so many conversations, why is it her?

"Ah Ruo, what's the matter?" Bai Qi asked softly.The girl who was still shining brightly when she went out in the morning, is now completely wilted like a cucumber beaten by frost.

Su Ruo showed him the jade card in her hand, "My opponent in this match is Sixth Sister." After they came to Kunlun, the sisters didn't have much contact with each other.Especially 30 years ago, after she went down the mountain alone, she was never seen again.Therefore, most of Su Ruo's impressions of Su Lin remain as the very proud and self-respecting girl at home.That's why she was so distressed, the sisters of the same clan were too much PK, this was the first round, okay?I don't know it's the battle table of the bad guy platoon, don't let her know.Clenching her small fist and waving it, Su Ruo made a note in her heart.

Bai Qi caressed her hair, and said with a smile: "Just do your best, and that is the greatest respect for your opponent."

"I know, I won't let go." Su Ruo wrinkled her little nose, no matter how weak the opponent was, she would concentrate on it. This was her respect for the sword and also for the opponent.

It wasn't until the two of them actually stood on the fighting stage that Su Ruo found out that Su Lin had changed a lot.She was silent, the edges and corners seemed to be smoothed, and she stood quietly opposite her holding the double rings, like a bottomless lake, which made people feel uncomfortable drowning in it.

"Sixth Sister, please." Su Ruo saluted first. For Su Lin like this, she was a little distressed and also a little happy. The sister must have suffered a lot to become what she is today.Happily, Su Lin really calmed down, and there was no real hatred in her eyes anymore.

Su Lin smiled faintly, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, like a spring breeze blowing across the water, causing layers of ripples. "Ah Jiu, please."

The two sisters fought together, and they both showed [-]% seriousness. You come and go, and you won't give in to each other.Su Lin's water spells made her more flexible. She held a pair of gold rings in her palm, and she could retract and release them as she wished.

No matter how Su Lin attacked, Su Ruo stood still and did not move. The sword in her hand did not even leave her hand. The simple chopping, chopping, stabbing, and sweeping made Su Lin flustered. tableside.

Su Ruo's eyes flashed, and she slashed straight with the sword. Su Linzhi felt that the sword was unstoppable, and there was no way to receive it except to retreat.She sighed, took another two steps back, and said, "I lost." Before she finished speaking, she was already standing on the ground.

"Ah Jiu, congratulations." Su Lin stood where she was, watched her sister come down, and said with a faint smile.

"To each other." Su Ruo replied.Both of them are at the Golden Core Stage, so it's time to congratulate each other.

The long-term unfamiliarity made the two of them not know what to say for a while, and they both fell silent.In the end, it was Su Lin who spoke first, "I only have one show today, and I still have to go to the city to see it, so let's go first."

"Sixth sister, go slowly." Su Ruo could only say this at best.Afterwards, she was a little depressed, turned around and buried her head in Bai Qi's arms, "What should I do, brother, I haven't kissed my cousin yet."

"So what, the blood between you can't be broken." Bai Qi patted Su Ruo on the back and said with a smile, "Cheer up, your next opponent will be very troublesome."


"Look." The second round was missed because one of the monks was injured, and his opponent naturally won.Now in the third match on the fighting stage, the names of Su Ruo and Su Xin are prominent.

Su Ruo clenched her fists in hatred, "This is intentional, right? There are thousands of monks in the golden dan stage, why do sisters from the same race always meet together. Don't let me know who made the battle list, Otherwise, he must be beaten until his teeth are all over the floor."

Su Xin also had a bad relationship with Su Lin, and just saw her talking to Su Ruo, so she hid her body until Su Lin left.At this time, when she heard Su Ruo's words and looked at the names of the two people on the stage, she smiled wryly, "Ah Jiu, please be merciful later!"

Su Ruo said seriously: "No, you must use your full strength when you move the sword."

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but rolled her eyes, thinking: I'm just being polite, understand!
Standing beside Su Xin, Shangguan Xuan gave Su Ruo a cold look, but she ignored it, and then Bai Qi met his eyes with a smile, and a thin layer of ice formed in the dark eyes.My A Ruo, it's not my turn for outsiders to stare at me!
"Ah Jiu, please." Su Xin raised his hand and jumped onto the fighting platform first.

Su Ruo went up from the stairs beside the stage as before.

The sister game attracted many people.It has to be said that compared to Su Lin, Su Xin was more difficult to deal with. She used all kinds of attacks, including swordsmanship, Taoism, and even magic weapons, formations, and talismans.

Su Ruo responded to all kinds of changes without changing his feet, without moving half a step, and often only needed one sword to break Su Xin's moves.In the end, it was still that straight chop that forced Su Xin to fall off the stage.

Su Ruo smiled and said, "I've accepted."

"Ah Jiu is good at swordsmanship." Su Xin raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "I don't know if Ah Jiu will be willing to compete with me after returning home."

"Yes." Su Ruo jumped down from the stage, and when she walked up to Su Xin, she said bluntly, "Eighth Sister's attacks are too complicated, and she is not proficient in each of them. This is not good. If my sister chooses the best The longer ones, if you practice and study more on weekdays, they will definitely be much better than they are now."

After listening to Su Ruo's words, Su Xin was thoughtful. She also knew that what she had learned was complicated, and the time in space was different from the reality. Interests and some things that I think are useful and can save my life have been learned.It's a pity that no matter how much time passes, people's energy is still limited, and it is impossible to be proficient in everything.This caused her to know a little about everything, but not proficient in anything.The master had ordered her before, but at that time she felt that Yiduo was not burdensome, and she could survive outside better by learning everything for a while.

Since forming the alchemy, she and Shangguan Xuan went deep into secret realms and dangerous places several times, and she felt more and more that her lethality was not even a little bit worse than Shangguan Xuan's.What Su Ruo said today gave her the illusion that she didn't listen to the old man's words and was suffering in front of her eyes.

"Thank you Ah Jiu, I've made a note of it." Su Xin smiled sweetly, then turned to Shangguan Xuan, "Xuan, what game are you in?"

Shangguan Xuan said: "Which side, there are still four games."

"Ah Jiu, let's go first." Su Xin took Shangguan Xuan's arm and said goodbye with a smile.

Su Ruo looked at Su Xin's back and shrugged her shoulders, "It seems that Eighth Sister's marriage is not far away. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Second Aunt is afraid that she won't make decisions about Eighth Sister's marriage." Su Ruo can understand Second Aunt's mood, and she is very depressed when facing a mistress every day, but the children of that mistress have to be valued by her husband. I won't talk about it.Even that daughter always keeps her eyes away from her own daughter, which is really annoying.

Su Ruo sometimes felt that the second aunt was really soft-hearted. If she encountered such a thing, she would castrate the cheating man immediately, and then take the child back to her mother's house!Hmph, in the world of self-cultivation, you can practice on your own, so why look at the face of a stinky man!

Bai Qi lowered his head to see her small face, annoyed and sometimes angry, and asked, "Ah Ruo, what are you thinking?"

"I wonder why the second aunt didn't eunuch the second uncle?" Su Ruo replied smoothly.

Bai Qi: "..." How can he answer this kind of words.

"All the men in the world who take concubines should be cut off!" Su Ruo snorted coldly.

Bai Qi wiped his forehead, wiped away the sweat that didn't exist, coughed twice, and changed the subject: "Well, Ah Ruo, I have three matches today, and the opponents are all good."

Su Ruo is not interested in these things now, so she suddenly had an idea, "Brother, after the big brother's wedding, let's go for a walk around, and if I see a man with a concubine, I'll beat him up."

"..." How did this idea come up, Bai Qi felt that he was really sweating this time. "That's other people's husband and wife's business, it's not good to interfere!"

"I didn't want to eunuch them, I just beat them up if they didn't like it."

"Beat it, what's the use if you don't change it."

"At least I vented."

"..." Oh my god, who will help me, how did this topic get here.

"Susu." A cheerful female voice rang out, immediately arousing Bai Qi's high attention. These days, Ah Li came to Su Ruo almost every day. He seriously suspected that his little junior sister was taught to be bad by this bastard who was determined to save the world's women. of.

Just as Su Ruo turned around, she saw Ah Li jumping happily to her side, with a sunny face, she greeted cheerfully: "Ah Li."

"Susu, join our team to save the world's poor women, and let all the men in the world die!" A Li obviously had listened to the conversation between the two for a long time, and she vigorously shook her fist towards the sky .

Without further ado, Bai Qi picked up Su Ruo and left. Emma must be quarantined!
(End of this chapter)

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