The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 12 Against the Sword

Chapter 12 Against the Sword
In the north of the Kunlun Mountains, the mountains are high and dangerous, and the 27 peaks of the North Kunlun Mountains are covered with snow all the year round. Especially the three main peaks of Lunjian, Jianjian, and Asking Sword can only see a trace of green except at the foot of the mountain. colder.

Of course there are exceptions, the first one in North Kunlun, known as the No. It took a lot of trouble to attract the hot spring spirit veins, and built the resplendent and magnificent Yuheng Pavilion on the Jianjian Peak as a place for his cultivation.As for the masters of the two peaks of discussing swords and asking swords, they are all ascetics, and they don't pay much attention.

Tianchi is located between the three main peaks of North Kunlun. Although it is called Tianchi, the water surface is so clear that you can see the bottom at a glance. There are crystal lotuses all over the water. You can see the flowers but not the leaves. Zhuo is the main medicine of Kunlun specialty Yangshen Pill.In particular, this flower has a characteristic. When picking the flowers, it must be packed in a stone box carved from cold stone in Tianchi. If it leaves North Kunlun, if it is not used within half a day, it will disappear into the world.Because of this characteristic, Jinglian is known as the No. [-] treasure in North Kunlun.

North Kunlun has always been the practice place of Kunlun sword cultivators. Now the three main peaks are guarded by three true monarchs of the stealth period. Among them, Yuanying Zhenjun and Jindan Zhenjun also have the most in Kunlun, and they should be the most powerful in the sect. The place of strength.The long sword in white clothes is like a rainbow, keeping the peace of Kunlun for hundreds of thousands of years.

The first ray of dawn in the morning obliquely reflects on the misty Tianchi Lake, and the blossoming crystal lotus slowly spreads out its smiling faces, like crystal clear jade bowls, the brilliance is restrained, but it is still breathtakingly beautiful.

Above the crystal lotus, two white shadows flashed and moved, with sword energy overflowing, obviously fighting swords.As soon as the two figures touched, each landed on a blooming crystal lotus.

Su Ruo held her sword horizontally across her chest, pinched the sword formula in her hand, her phoenix eyes were shining brightly, and she was staring closely at the young man who was standing opposite with his hands behind his back.

Bai Qi is dressed in white, with sculpted eyebrows and handsome eyes, with a slight smile on his face, standing with his hands behind his back, he is really graceful and graceful, as graceful as an immortal. "Ah Ruo, the swordsmanship of the Qing Dynasty, the sword is fierce, complex and fantasy, and the virtual and the real. You have done all of these very well. It is just a little bit fierce, but it is not agile enough." What he didn't mean to say was that the little girl's sword was big. Opening and closing is more domineering than using a knife.

"Smart and elegant?" Su Ruo tilted her head and thought about it. Master also mentioned her, but are the martial arts in the cultivation world the same as those in the world?Isn't it good if the movement of spiritual power and the sword style are in harmony?
Bai Qi pointed to the crystal lotus that was swaying gently in the morning breeze, and said, "Look at these crystal lotuses, they move with the wind and are very comfortable. Each flower has its own unique dance posture. No matter how strong the wind and snow is, Jinglian never breaks." As he spoke, he swung his sword, and in an instant the gust of wind blew past Jinglian, causing her to half bend over.After the sword wind passed, she straightened her back, still charming and charming.

"Ah Ruo, each set of swordsmanship has its own characteristics, and only by mastering the characteristics can it be regarded as the essence of swordsmanship." He, this little junior sister, has probably been born in the wrong birth, and the masculine path is very good. It's always three points short, which really makes the master and him dumbfounded.

Su Ruo stared at Jinglian in a daze, the scene just now played back repeatedly in her mind, the seemingly weak Jinglian was not damaged at all by her senior brother's sword, could it really be softness that can overcome steel?Then I thought about how light and elegant the petals were when the breeze passed by when I practiced sword in the peach blossom forest of the Su family before I started.Slowly, she seemed to realize something, and the sword in her hand danced from slow to fast, and light.

Suddenly, a ray of sword light went straight to Bai Qi's chest. Bai Qi swung his sword to block it, but the sword light suddenly changed into three strands, one on the face, one under the armpit, and one still went towards the chest. "Okay!" Bai Qi yelled unconsciously, didn't move his feet, just half turned around, slanted his sword, and went straight to the girl.

It is said that the best defense is offense, and Bai Qi demonstrated this very well.Although his sword was raised late, it was far faster than Su Ruo's, and he was in front of him in the blink of an eye.Su Ruo tapped her toes lightly, twisted her slender waist slightly, after dodging the sword, the sword flickered in her hand, this time there were five sword lights.

The two brothers and sisters fought together again in a blink of an eye, because they were only practicing swords, the sword in their palms did not leave their bodies, and they just fought close to each other.Shangqing's swordsmanship is light, nimble and graceful, and Bai Qi and Su Ruo's swordsmanship is as fast as lightning, and the rain is violent and windy, but there are only sword shadows around the two of them.Looking from a distance, above the Tianchi Lake, I saw two groups of sword glows with a hint of red light merged and then separated, but the crystal lotus under the two people's feet was still dancing with the wind, not affected by the person above them at all.

On Jianjian Peak, a figure had been standing for a long time, and just now he muttered, "It's not bad this time, the little girl has finally opened up a bit. Sigh, whose girl will be like her, more violent than boys , Xiaoqi is miserable this time..." The voice was still there, but the person was nowhere to be seen, as if he had never appeared before.

"Okay." Bai Qi swayed, his thoughts flashed, the dry sword was already in his body, he took a step forward to the right, his robe sleeves lightly stretched out, and embraced Su Ruo's slender waist in the light of the sword, "Ah Ruo, it's almost time, it's time to go back."

At this time, the sun has climbed to the sky, casting a little warmth on the freezing North Kunlun.

Su Ruo also put away the sword in her hand, and let Bai Qi take her back to the shore, "Brother, are you going to Yancui Peak to give a lecture today?"

"Well, it's my turn today." Bai Qi nodded, and let go of her hand when she got to the shore, and when she stood still, she carefully looked at the expression of the girl in front of her, and asked with concern: "How is it? "

The two of them practice swords every day, not just practicing swordsmanship, stepping on the crystal lotus, but can't hurt it in the slightest, the spiritual power is always in motion, and it must move with the sword's intention, and it must be controlled not to let it go. The sword qi hurt Jinglian, even Su Ruo, who had practiced this way for three years, would run out of aura and become as soft as cotton with this subtle power of manipulation.

In the first year, she was carried back by Bai Qi. At that time, she could only practice swords on the shore, watching Bai Qi flying on the crystal lotus from a distance, and she was extremely envious.When he was on the crystal lotus in the second year, he fell into the water countless times from exhaustion, and it wasn't until the third year that he was able to fight Bai Qi on the crystal lotus.

Su Ruo smiled coquettishly, showing her tiny canine teeth. She took Bai Qi's hand with a hint of complacency: "I still have the energy to run back with my senior brother today."

Bai Qi moved, and was already three steps away. He turned his head and smiled lightly: "Then you have to hurry up, or today's lotus seeds will be eaten up by the master."

"Hmph, I won't let him sleep." Su Ruo wrinkled her little nose, stepped out with Taiyi's phantom light step, and walked side by side with Bai Qi to the peak of Jianjian Peak. "Senior brother, I have already practiced the tenth level of qi, and I will definitely build the foundation next year, so you don't have to wait for me then." The little girl's beautiful face was full of determination.

"En." The young man responded in a low voice, his starry eyes filled with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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