Chapter 126 Trouble
In Zhaotong Town at the foot of Wenqu Mountain, an exquisite awning boat slowly descended from the sky in the eyes of the people in the town.Then came a group of monks wearing various robes and various flying instruments.After the boat stabilized, a group of young women came down from the boat, all of them looked hesitant and worried.

Liu Lihua from Mingxin Pavilion saw them standing close to each other, her eyes were full of despair for the future, and she felt pity, "Master, these girls are so pitiful, we should find a way to settle them down."

Su Ruo also nodded, she turned around and asked Yun Xiao: "Master, can you help me find a way?" Her phoenix eyes widened, and she looked at Master Yun Xiao expectantly.

Master Yunxiao was also scratching his head, if there were one or two, they could be settled anywhere, but there are hundreds of people, where can they be placed? "Do you remember where your hometown is? If anyone wants to go home, we will send someone to send you back."

Only after this inquiry did I know that most of these girls were from the ordinary world, and only a few were arrested in the realm of cultivation.If you think about it, there is definitely not only one or two blood pools. If they were all caught in the cultivation world, they would have been discovered by various sects long ago. How can they be hidden for so long?
For the girls, most of them still want to go home, and some say they were sold by their parents and don't want to go home.

Since we saved people, we should save them to the end. As for Wenqu Mountain, no one knows how far the poisonous mist will spread. Master Yunxiao brought the Kunlun disciples to stay, and Zhenjun Ziluo was responsible for sending the girls back. For the rest of the homeless, it is still possible to settle down by dividing them into several families.As for Zhenjun Quanyang, he also stayed with his disciples.All three of them sent a letter to the head of the sect, asking the elders in the sect who specialize in formations to bring someone over. If it didn't work, they combined the forces of the three factions to set up a formation restriction to stop the poisonous mist.

During this period of time in Zhaotong Town, which is sparsely populated all the year round, high-ranking monks kept coming, and flying boats from various sects and factions landed outside the town one after another.

"Little Aruo." The gentle woman with a fat fox in her arms stood outside the inn, looking at her niece with a smile on her face.

"Three, third aunt." Su Ruo was taken aback, immediately stood up, and ran out without seeing her master's stiff expression.

Su Ruo took Chu Xuan's arm and walked towards the store together. Su Ruo poked the fat fox in Chu Xuan's arms and found that he didn't respond. She poked happily again until the unbearable black fox shook the furry The big tail patted the little paw, and turned to stare at her.

Su Ruo pointed to the little hand that was slapped away and complained: "Third Aunt, look at him slapping me."

Chu Xuan pinched the ears of the fat fox in her arms, and warned softly, "Erhei, be good."

The fat fox pressed his ears on his head obediently, and even rubbed his head against Chu Xuan's chest coquettishly.Chu Xuan glanced at Su Ruo, "Be more honest."

"Hmph." Su Ruo wrinkled her little nose, and sat down with Chu Xuan, "Third Aunt, are you the only one here?"

"And your second uncle and fifth cousin." Chu Xuan scratched the fat fox's chin leisurely, saw him squinting his eyes comfortably, and then glanced at Master Yunxiao who was sitting upright, and smiled gently and generously, " Zhenjun is here too." No matter how you listen to that tone, there is a hint of joking.

Master Yunxiao nodded and smiled, "Miss Chu, you have worked hard all the way."

Su Ruo heard it really strange, when did her master be so polite to people, the sun really jumped out from the west.Looking at her master's attitude from the sidelines, she is also very gentle.It was her third aunt who pursed her lips and stretched out her hand to hold the teacup, and then saw her master, who rushed up to the second floor very quickly, and made a strange smile: "Ah Ruo, how much do you and your aunt do?" Let’s chat, I’m going back to my room soon.”

It's so strange, so strange, her master's behavior is too strange!Su Ruo's eyes widened, and the fire of gossip was burning fiercely, "Third Aunt, do you know my master?"

Chu Xuan took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Not familiar."

"That means we know each other." Su Ruo's eyes became brighter. She hadn't seen anyone that her master was afraid of. If she saw her third aunt's expression correctly, she must be afraid. "Third Aunt~~" She elongated her voice, and the sweetness soared, making the fat fox extremely uncomfortable, raising her hind paws and scratching her ears.

Chu Xuan said casually: "It's okay, I was just bored at the time, and wanted to fulfill the wishes of a friend, but later I knew that your master had something for me, so I gave up."

"Oh." This seems to be nothing!Su Ruo wanted to ask more questions, but Bai Qi grabbed her little hand.He pointed to the second floor, Su Ruo didn't even need to look over, she knew that Master Yunxiao was glaring at her angrily, in order to save himself from being tormented in the future, let's be honest now.

Not allowing Su Ruo to ask any further, two men who were almost identical walked into the shop.Su Ruo rushed towards the man in the green shirt, "Second Uncle."

Chu Wei caught her niece with a smile, looked her up and down a few times, and then took her by the table and sat down, "Ah Ruo has grown up and is beautiful." He took out a bunch of vials from his ring and put them on the table, "Experiencing outside, you will inevitably be injured and poisoned. Keep these and write to Uncle Ken when you run out."

The four uncles of the Chu family have all inherited from the sea of ​​books from outside the world, and they have extremely high attainments in medicine.All kinds of pills and spiritual dews from them are good things that all the Eastern Pole factions are rushing for. The row of small bottles on the table will attract the red eyes of many people.

Ever since Chu Hengzhi entered the door, his eyes had been on Bai Qi, and the two of them stared wide-eyed, not afraid of getting tired.

Su Ruo asked, "Fifth Cousin, what are you doing staring at senior brother?"

With a handsome face, Chu Hengzhi said coldly: "It's okay, I'll just see if he has broken his body and vented his Yuanyang!"

Pfft... Bai Qi's face turned red all of a sudden, and even Su Ruo was restless.Chu Wei comforted Su Ruo with a smile, "Let your fifth brother take a look, or give me the wrong medicine, it's not a joke."

Su Ruo really wants to cry, can we discuss this topic in private!Bai Qi was really wanting to die there, so he couldn't fling his sleeves to hide in the room, but he didn't know what to say.

Su Ruo looked at all kinds of eyes in the store, and introduced to Bai Qi: "You have met the third aunt, this is the second uncle, and this is the fifth cousin."

Bai Qiqiang stood up and saluted with a smile, Chu Wei still smiled, "Not bad, not bad, a good-looking person."

Chu Hengzhi answered with a straight face: "It's easy to cause rotten peach blossoms, you have to pay attention!"

Chu Wei glanced at his son: "Don't put on that dead face, and speak more tactfully, what should you do if you scare your brother-in-law away." After training his son, he turned to look at Bai Qi: "Your fifth brother The matchmaker is pretty good, since he said so, the nephew and son-in-law should pay attention in the future."

The old god of Chu Heng said: "It's okay, just catch another one if you run away. If there are too many rotten peach blossoms, just replace Ah Ruo with someone else, it's simple."

"..." Su Ruo felt that they shouldn't be allowed to talk anymore, otherwise bloodshed would easily happen, and her senior brother's smiling face could hardly hold on anymore. "Second Uncle, we have been to Wenqu Mountain several times in the past few days. The spread of the poisonous mist has slowed down, and the toxicity has increased, but the area is still expanding."

Chu Heng is good at detoxification, and Chu Wei is the most familiar with Wenqu Mountain. He has been here many times, and the detoxification pill that Su Ruo used before is from him.As for Chu Xuan, she is a master of poison making and has the deepest understanding of various poisons in the world.

Shiwai Shuhai sent the three of them here, it is definitely a strong alliance.

When it comes to their expertise, the attitudes of the three of them are quite serious. Chu Wei thought that there were too many people downstairs, so he said, "Go to the room and talk about it."

Eight people sat in the room of Zhenjun Yunxiao on the second floor. Zhenjun Quanyang from the Wuji Gate also came, and he was extending his palm for Chu Xuan and the others to check.A surprisingly fat black fox was squatting on the table, trying to widen its eyes, watching Zhenjun Quanyang's every move, and would raise its claws to scratch him if he found any inappropriate behavior towards his wife.

"The toxicity is very complex. Seven of the top ten strange poisons are the main ones, and a hundred kinds of poisons are fused together. What is rare is that these toxins are so well balanced that they do not let them fight each other, but form a single poison." The stable environment gives full play to their respective characteristics." Chu Xuan is worthy of being a master of poison, and after a while, she can roughly see the composition of it.

Chu Hengzhi's eyes stared blankly at a certain place, and he didn't move until Su Ruo pushed him, then he said dumbly: "It's not impossible to detoxify, just use Seven Star Shenmu as the main medicine." He looked at Quan Yang Zhenjun glanced at him, "Or if you force the poison with spiritual power, the poison will be clean after ten years."

"Seven Stars Divine Tree?" Zhenjun Quanyang was stunned for a moment, "That is an ancient spiritual plant, where can I find it now?"

Chu Wei said: "In three years' time, the secret realm of Qingmu Ridge will be opened, and the seven-star god tree will be there, just let you Wujimen disciples look for it." He took out a jade slip, put it on the table and pushed it In the past: "Here is a rough map, you can keep it."

Zhenjun Quanyang got up and bowed, "Brother Chu's kindness, Quanyang will always remember it in his heart."

"Hey, don't be in a hurry to thank me. Except for the use of alchemy, I will keep the rest for the consultation fee." Chu Wei has a hobby, collecting spiritual plants from all over the world, and then planting them in his own medicine garden Or store it in your own pharmacy.

Zhenjun Quanyang also knew his habit, he laughed loudly, "Of course, of course."

"Brother Chu, is there a way to suppress the poisonous fog in Wenqu Mountain?" Master Yunxiao thought of what he saw when he entered the mountain in the past few days. The poison turned light green, all creatures in the water were wiped out, and there was a layer of corpses of various fish floating on the surface of the water.

Chu Xuan and Chu Wei looked at each other, and said in unison: "You can only know this after you go to the mountain to see it."

Chu Hengzhi shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work if you want to suppress it. The toxicity is too complicated. If you fight poison with poison, I don't know what kind of changes will happen."

"It's up to people, we have to see it before we talk about it." Chu Xuan slapped him, stood up and smiled slightly: "Tomorrow we will go into the mountain."

"I'm sorry, everyone." Zhenjun Yunxiao and Zhenjun Quanyang stood up at the same time, and sincerely thanked each other.

(End of this chapter)

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