Chapter 130 Lessons
As the moon sets and the sun rises, Kunlun's flying boat is already full of people. Master Yunxiao told his two disciples: "The secret mirror of Qingmu Ridge will be opened in three years. You two will have less troubles in the past few years." After the double cultivation ceremony, immediately return to the mountain."

"Yes." Bai Qi and Su Ruo obediently responded.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you guys are up to." Master Yunxiao knocked on the two of them, "Don't shamelessly chase after people's butts and beg for a fight, or let me know, and you will be imprisoned on Wenxin Cliff Not for decades." He squinted at the two of them, and added: "Separate the switch." After speaking, he flicked his sleeves in a very chic way, and got on the flying boat.

Su Ruo kept a straight face, imitating her master, and flicked her sleeves, "Close it."

It made Bai Qi laugh and hug her tightly, "Let's just keep Master from knowing."

"Anyway, if she asks, let's just refuse to admit it." Su Ruo also smiled and opened her hibiscus face, took Bai Qi's hand and said, "Let's go to Jun Yi, and we agreed to have a discussion today. of."

Mr. Jun also waited for the two of them for a long time. When he was drawing a circle impatiently, he saw the two coming hand in hand, rolled his eyes and said, "You two are really slow, I have been waiting for a long time."

Cheng Youshan gave him a hand, and said with a smile, "It wasn't long before we came out."

Just when Jun Yi was about to say that finding a spacious place outside the city would be better than playing a match, Su Ruo narrowed her clear phoenix eyes and stared straight at a certain place. He followed her gaze curiously. When I went there, I saw a group of girls in pink palace costumes carrying a soft sedan chair, moving forward slowly.

"What's so interesting about this." Jun Yi curled his lips.

Su Ruo got up suddenly, and said to Bai Qi with evil eyes: "It should be Zhang Qi, so he hasn't left yet, senior brother, we will meet him."

Bai Qi stood up and said with a smile to Jun Yi and Wan Youshan: "Brother Jun, Brother Wan, the Kunlun traitor is here, my brothers and sisters are going to clean up the house first, and then we will discuss each other later."

Seeing the two of them chasing after the team of pink-clothed girls, Jun Yi was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin with interest, turned his head and asked Wan Youshan: "Old Wan, I remember that there was only one traitor in Kunlun in recent years. Right? It’s the one who entered the magic way Zhang Qi and used a gun?”

Wan Youshan nodded, "It should be him."

"Let's go, let's join in the fun too." Jun Yi pulled Wan Youshan after him.

Zhang Qi was not very satisfied, because he was defeated by Xiao Yi, he didn't get No.1 in the Hundred Years Competition, he didn't even make it to the top three, he only got fourth, watching what he wanted pass him by The feeling is too bad.

He was sitting on the soft sedan, thinking about how to get that thing out of Xiao Yi's hands, when the team suddenly stopped.Zhang Qi frowned slightly, and asked unhappily, "Why did you stop?"

Before the girl outside could answer, he heard, "Zhang Qi, come down and die!" The voice was clear and sweet, and it sounded very familiar.Zhang Qiyilin, with such a clear and sweet voice, there is only one woman he knows who has it, and that person... Before he could think about it, he flew out, and sure enough the two snow-white figures blocking the way in front of him were not Bai Qi And Su Ruo is that one again.

Zhang Qi fell in front of the team, bowed his hands in salute, and smiled brightly: "Senior Brother Bai, Senior Sister Su, did you two return to Kunlun?"

Su Ruo spat at him: "Shameless, that's your senior sister!"

"Ah Ruo, it's useless to talk more, let's do it directly." Seeing Zhang Qi, Bai Qi felt hatred from his heart, the flying sword had already been sacrificed, 120 eight sword lights, and went straight to Zhang Qi.

However, Su Ruo only slashed out with a sword, and the fierce sword energy turned into a phoenix bird and fell from the sky.

"You all retreat." Zhang Qi shouted back the sixteen waitresses who rushed to him, grabbed the air with his hand, and with the purple-black spear in his hand, he slashed across an arc, and all the sword energy in front of him was at once, Just as he was about to raise his spear to move forward, Huangniao was already close to him. He blocked the spear horizontally, and the Huangniao scattered with one blow, but it was divided into 120 and eight sword qi to surround him, and Bai Qi's previous 120 and eight sword lights also synthesized A sword stabbed straight at his dantian.

A few steps late, just in time to see a clear Jun Yi shouted: "Okay!"

A yellow circle of light appeared on Zhang Qi's body, which just blocked the attacks of the two of them. With the sound of "ding", a jade pendant on his body broke and fell to the ground.

Looking at the broken self-defense jade pendant, Zhang Qi's face changed. His jade pendant was enough to withstand the blow of the Yuan Yingqi monk, but it was broken by these two people. It seems that the power of the two swords combined should not be underestimated.Zhang Qi was on guard, he sacrificed a yellow bead, completely covered himself in it, and the spear in his hand zoomed in the air, stabbing straight at Bai Qi.

"When..." there was a loud noise, but it was Su Ruo who blocked the spear. Bai Qi's sword was already close to him, but was blocked by the yellow river ring.

Zhang Qi is a man with many magic weapons. No one knows how many things he has swept away over the years. Seeing that the earth element beads are enough to block the attacks of the two, he let out a long laugh, and the bracelet on his left hand flew out. Now, he patted directly on the heads of Su Ruo and Bai Qi.

Bai Qi held the sword to protect himself, blocking the huge waves, Su Ruo slashed towards the void with a sword, the sword energy split the huge waves, and the bracelet that was cut into two by the sword fell to the ground, and the huge waves disappeared without a sound , the tip of the spear hidden behind the huge waves also approached Su Ruo's chest.

Su Ruo gave a light whistle, stood up, dodged the spear stabbing, and threw the sword straight at the top of Zhang Qi's head.

Zhang Qi blocked each other with his spear, and with the sound of metal clashing, he was distressed to find that there was another scar on his gun, but he was lucky to think that it was not a natal magic weapon, otherwise he would definitely be injured .

Zhang Qi used the earth element bead to force Su Ruo's sword again, the bead was already cracked, he didn't dare to drag it any further, and shouted to the girls behind him: "Get ready...let it go..."

The rain of needles covered the two of them, 32 young girls, each holding a small round box in their hands, from which the spirit-breaking needle was shot.

Zhang Qi himself also released 64 throwing knives, and swept the spear in his hand.

Su Ruo backed away and landed beside Bai Qi, the two of them held their swords in tacit understanding to protect their body, there was a constant sound of small collisions in their ears, Bai Qi let out a long roar, and one style of ten thousand swords returned to the sect, nine giant swords fell from the sky, 32 girls at the same time Flying backwards, Zhang Qi's protective earthen beads finally shattered, and even the gun in his hand was scarred.

These girls were knocked down, the needle rain stopped, and it was the 64 flying knives released by Zhang Qi, forming a somewhat complicated knife array, which blocked Su Ruo for a while, but now they have been broken, and all the flying knives were disturbed by the sword energy shattered and fell to the ground.

Zhang Qi was distressed for a while. This was the inspiration he got from the talisman formation, and the sword formation he had refined was just abolished.This woman is too violent, I'm really sorry for her beautiful appearance.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi started at the same time, and the two swords of Qian and Kun merged into one, turning into a red giant sword, and slashed straight without any fancy moves, smashing the fairy sword that Zhang Qi had been using all along. The Qi Panlong spear was cut off, causing his mind to be damaged, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The giant sword made of the two swords of Qian and Kun has extremely simple moves, straight cuts, oblique cuts, horizontal cuts, vertical walls, combined with the strength of the two, suppressed Zhang Qi to death, and finally he finally risked the damage of his natal artifact , and released a Fangtian Huahalberd shining with colorful light.After the loud noise, Zhang Qi spewed out a blood arrow and retreated backwards. Fang Tianhua's halberd's light was greatly reduced, and Zhang Qi took it into his body.

He activated the random teleportation again. At this time, the giant sword was already on his body, and a set of silver armor appeared on his body. He blocked the sword, leaving one arm, and fled again.

"Let him run away again." Su Ruo gritted her teeth angrily, "Why does this man have so many things to escape from?"

"I'm really curious what is the silver armor protruding from his body?" Bai Qi walked to the broken arm, picked up the piece of armor that was still on the arm with the tip of the sword, and looked carefully: "It seems to be the skin of the silver dragon?"

"Really?" Su Ruo also came over, she looked at it for a long time, then shook her head: "I'm not sure, you can put it away, when we go back and show Master Danhua, he probably knows."

"Well, if the master can forge the robe he wears, Kunlun's disciples will go down the mountain to practice, and there will be another layer of protection." Although Zhang Qi ran away again, Bai Qi was not very depressed, and cut off one of his arms , just being reborn from a severed limb is enough for him. "Ah Ruo, how was the knife formation just now?"

"It's almost the same as his previous talisman array, not bad." Su Ruo knew what Bai Qi was thinking as soon as he heard it, "I will also tell the senior brother and the third senior brother, let them both study it."

"Hey, what about these women?" Jun Yi stopped all of Zhang Qi's maids, facing the resentful gazes of many beauties, he raised his voice and asked the two of them as if nothing happened.

Su Ruo was already angry, so she walked over directly, pulled a person casually, and threatened: "Tell the truth quickly, Zhang Qi has hidden there. If you didn't say that, I would just search for the soul, you don't want to become Be a fool!"

The pink-clothed girl caught by her was only sixteen or seventeen years old. Trembling, it's really indescribably pitiful.

Jun Yi said coolly: "Don't show off your low-level charm skills, it's useless, hurry up and tell the truth."

Bai Qi frowned and stretched out his hand: "Search for the soul directly."

"Don't, I'm telling the truth, tell the truth." The captured girl immediately knelt down, ignoring the scolding voices behind her: "My family is only a member of the red hall in Yunxian City, and it wasn't long before I was selected as the sect master. I really don’t know where the sect master will hide, please forgive me, the head of the fairy.”

"Red Pavilion?" Su Ruo felt that the name was quite familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Bai Qi asked: "What sect are you?"

"Peach, Tao Xianmen." The girl replied softly.

Jun Yi let out a "huh", causing several people to look at him, and Su Ruo asked directly, "Do you know Taoxianmen?"

Jun Yi was very surprised: "Well, that's not a purely female sect, why is a man as the sect master?"

(End of this chapter)

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