Chapter 141
During the trip to Wannan, Master Yunxiao and his disciples reaped a lot and stole two artifacts. If the Kunlun disciples can be recognized by the artifacts, the status of the number one sect of the East Pole Righteous Way will not change for at least 3000 years.

Because there are two artifacts that have not been recognized by the owner, even if he is as arrogant as Master Yunxiao, he has to be careful. He took Su Ruo and Bai Qi to change their descriptions, and ventured across the Nether Sea, thousands of kilometers away from the south of Anhui. A jungle landing.

"Where is this?" Bai Qi, who has been flying over the sea for more than N days, has long been dizzy and lost his direction. This time, he no longer pretended to be a thin and gentle man, but turned into a fat man with a big cake face and a broom Eyebrows, mouse eyes, and a tall general's belly, he smiled openly, showing a mouthful of sesame-like teeth, which was quite different from his gentle and elegant image.

When Su Ruo saw him like this, her first thought was "Senior brother is ugly once!" Maybe the image of her previous female man was too touching, but this time she is dressed as a man, who is still very beautiful and extremely The enchanting man walks up and down, with a willow slender waist swaying in the wind, more charming than a snake demonizing a man.

This time, as soon as Master Yunxiao landed, he changed back to his original appearance, "Ah Qi, Ah Ruo, let's split into two ways, you two go back to Kunlun as soon as possible."

"Master, it's too dangerous for you to go by yourself." Su Ruo shook her head in disapproval.

They took advantage of Zhang Qi's life and obtained two artifacts. That kid Zhang Qi has a very small mind. If he can walk out of the sea alive, he will definitely publicize it, which will bring them great danger.If it is an ordinary thing, it is okay to say, but it is an artifact that has not recognized its owner. If it is brought back to Kunlun, almost no one would dare to go to Kunlun openly, but it is hard to say outside of Kunlun. will be excited.After all, there is an artifact, which will provide an extra guarantee when going through the catastrophe, and it will definitely make people crazy.

Seeing that Master Yunxiao asked them to leave first, he planned to use himself as a bait to distract some people's attention, so that they could bring the two artifacts back to Kunlun as quickly as possible.

Bai Qi's ever-upturned lips, half-closed eyes, and a solemn expression are indescribably funny, "Master, let's go together."

Master Yunxiao glared, "Go as soon as you are told, what are you talking about!" After speaking, he flew away with Yujian neatly, and disappeared after a while.

The rest of Su Ruo and Bai Qi looked at each other helplessly, they didn't dare to fly with their swords, and went straight into the dense jungle.The swords of the two of them are too special, once they step on them, they will definitely reveal their secrets.

Bai Qi and Su Ruo, who got into the jungle, didn't know that the East Pole cultivation world was in an extremely strange state at this time.First, the Eighth Miss of the Yannan Su Clan married Shangguan Xuan, the No. 1 young generation of the Wuji Sect. On the wedding day, in front of various schools and factions in the East Pole, she simultaneously controlled six celestial artifacts and spiritual artifacts, and directly killed Wuji. An elder in the Nascent Soul stage in the gate got rid of a spy who had been buried for a long time for the Wuji Gate, and thus became famous.

Then, Zhang Qi, a traitor from Kunlun, took Tao Xianmen and directly picked a sub-altar of the Blood Shadow Sect located in Lingqiu. He was more powerful than Su Xin, the eighth lady of the Su family, and directly set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation to include the sub-altar master The three Nascent Soul monks, eight Golden Core monks, seven blood corpses and three poisonous corpses were wiped out in one fell swoop, making him famous in the East.

What is even more shocking to the world of cultivation in the East Pole is that Zhang Qi accidentally revealed that it was the first Master Yunxiao in North Kunlun who brought his disciples to take an artifact in the Nether Sea——Nanming Lihuo Orb. None of the three sword cultivators could use it.

As soon as this news came out, the entire East Pole cultivation world became a sensation.You must know that not only Dongji, but even Kaiyang, Tianshu and Nether Sea, there are only four known and extremely powerful artifacts. We have been friends with Kunlun since ten thousand years ago, and all the disciples who got the Excalibur also worshiped Kunlun. Invisibly, everyone attributed the Qiankun Sword to Kunlun. This is why Kunlun has always suppressed Wuji Gate and Mingxin Pavilion for thousands of years , one of the reasons why it became the first gate in the East Pole.

The other three artifacts, the Mountain and River Cauldron, the Splendid Picture, and the Lihuo Orb, are just legends. I don't know how many people have searched for them over the past ten thousand years, but all of them returned without success. Many monks even gave their lives for it.After the initial madness, everyone thought that the three artifacts were just legends.Now some people say that the Lihuo Pearl has been taken by Kunlun again!Not to mention the way of magic, even Wujimen and Mingxin Pavilion are ready to move.As the rumors became more and more popular, some old monsters who had been hidden for many years couldn't help but come out to join in the fun.

As soon as Zhenjun Yunxiao showed his face, he was assassinated three times. Finally, he was a high-level swordsman and escaped from hunting.

At the edge of the undulating green bamboo forest, Master Yunxiao killed two out-of-body monks with a single sword, and even smashed their Nascent Souls to pieces.When he was sitting on the spot recovering his spiritual power, he thought to himself that if he continued to kill like this, maybe after returning to Kunlun, he should retreat and advance again.In other words, he has been lucky recently, and the people he meets are all monks in the out-of-body stage, and he still has the strength to fight. If it is a monk in the split-spirit stage or the fusion stage, he will have no choice but to escape.Fortunately, two-thirds of the journey has gone, and I haven't encountered a hidden old monster yet.If he meets one, he will have to lose his cultivation base even if he does not die, or he will be seriously injured and difficult to recover.

Master Yunxiao must not know that there is a kind of mouth called "crow's mouth" in this world, and he is the best one.When the spiritual power was almost fully recovered and was about to set off, an extremely indifferent voice sounded behind him: "Leave the Lihuo Orb, and I will spare you!"

Master Yunxiao was startled, and turned around slowly, dressed in a green shirt, he described a handsome young man standing by the bamboo forest.

"Dare to ask senior for any advice?" Zhenjun Yunxiao asked with the same indifferent expression, the cultivation base of the visitor is only one level higher than him, but this level is the difference in realm.Especially later on, the distinction between realms becomes more obvious. Even if he is a sword cultivator, his chances of winning are not great if he competes against the distraction stage with his cultivation at the out-of-body stage.

The young man stared at Yun Xiao with his dark eyes, "I don't want to repeat the same thing." To be honest, if it wasn't for Li Huozhu, he wouldn't want to come to him either. It is also very difficult for a person to resist Kunlun, the number one gate in the East Pole.He planned to go to Tianshu Continent immediately after getting Li Huozhu, and never come back again.

It should be said that there are many monks who have the same idea, but there are not many people in Dongji who are capable of doing it.Master Yunxiao has a fierce reputation, and many people are afraid that he will fight to the death and put himself in it.After carefully calculating their ability values, at least half of them were disappointed and gave up.The rest is the real trouble.

Yun Xiao was unlucky today, and happened to meet someone who, like him, was a swordsman.Looking at the flying sword that was brought out with awe-inspiring killing intent, Yun Xiao's chest was full of fighting spirit, he laughed loudly and said: "If you want Li Huozhu, you have to show some real skills!"

The young man opened his thin lips lightly, and spit out four words: "I don't know how to live or die!"

"It's true that I can't read dead words!" Yun Xiao and Su Ruo bickered for N years, and immediately returned the color.

The youth's eyes were stained with anger, and his slender fingers touched the flying sword hanging in front of him. The sword was long in the wind, and it was not wide, but thin and long. Three points of sword light appeared on the tip of the sword, and it went straight to Yunxiao's Come up, middle and down.

"Good time!" With a light drink, Yun Xiao was also really angry.This person's attack was really vicious, he directly took the upper, middle and lower dantians, purely trying to destroy him.Unlike the young man, Yun Xiao's natal sword flew into the air, but it was only a three-foot clear spring, the body of the sword was as clear as a pool of autumn water, and even the sword energy carried the unique chill of North Kunlun.

"Ding, ding, ding..." After a series of crisp sounds, Yun Xiao took three steps back, while the young man stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression, as if he wasn't the one who made the move just now.

In one round, Yun Xiao suffered a little.These are normal, and the accumulation of spiritual power is different. Naturally, the weaker side must be slightly inferior.Apart from spiritual power, there is also the understanding of the way of the sword, and the application of the laws of heaven and earth. These are enough for a person of a high level to completely defeat a person of a low level.

Compared with this young man, Master Yunxiao is known as Kunlun No. 1, so he naturally has his strong point, that is, his understanding of the way of swordsmanship. Not only is he not inferior to the young man in the distraction stage, he is even slightly higher than him. For one thing, even in terms of using the laws of heaven and earth, he is no worse than this young man.There is no way, this is a problem of personal qualifications, and it cannot be made up for by studying hard.Some people are born very talented in a certain field. If they are willing to endure hardships and work hard, they will achieve much greater and faster achievements than those with a little talent or no talent.

The two people in the battle are such a contrast between geniuses and elites.The fact that the young man was able to cultivate the divine weapon meant that he was definitely not an idiot. On the contrary, he was still very smart, and he had his own understanding of the sword.It's a pity that today the elite meets the genius.He came to rob Master Yunxiao, I don't know whether it is his luck or misfortune.Fortunately, in his battle with Yun Xiao, some blurred places became clear after a long time.Unfortunately, except that his spiritual power is deeper than that of Master Yunxiao, he doesn't have much advantage in other aspects.This is also because Master Yunxiao himself has reached the late stage of leaving his body, and he is only a hair away before stepping into distraction. Therefore, the difference in realm and coercion have little influence on him.

If two sword cultivators were fighting, it was pretty good to see, but the destructive power was a little bit more. After a while, the beautiful bamboo forest was no longer growing, and even a not-so-small mountain peak would become flat ground.Just now Yun Xiao swept across with his sword, and half of the mountain peak fell, directly pressing on the young man flying beside it.

The young man stabbed out a few times with his sword, and half of the mountain peak turned into dust and fell down.He fought back, and when Yun Xiao approached the mountain peak, he turned the thorn into a sweep, and leveled the remaining half of the mountain peak.If the two fight like this, there is no way to tell the result within three days.

The boy's eyes were covered with haze. He didn't want to use this thing at first, but Yun Xiao was too tricky, and in the end, he was afraid that both sides would suffer.It's better... There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he threw out the thing he had been holding in the palm of his left hand!
 The work in hand today is temporarily over, and I don't need to go out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will add a few more. PS: I'm sorry, Shanshui has been very busy at work recently. If I don't update it, I must be working overtime. I don't have time code words. When I have time, I will definitely code more!
(End of this chapter)

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