Chapter 143
Master Yunxiao came back injured, which really shocked Kunlun for a while.Who is Master Yunxiao? He is the first in North Kunlun, No. 1 in Kunlun, his combat value is beyond the table, and his danger ranks among the top three in the entire East Pole cultivation world. Of course, these cannot be counted as those hidden powers them.He was injured, wouldn't it shock the whole Kunlun!
In view of the fact that the entire East Pole cultivation world has been fighting against the Blood Shadow Sect from Kaiyang recently, most of the Kunlun disciples are guessing that the first seat in North Kunlun must have fought against the Blood Shadow Sect, and was besieged by many masters. Try to get injured and wipe out the enemy.

Everyone loves gossip, even monks are not exempt from it. For a while, the story of Master Yunxiao’s brave battles against the enemies was widely spread. In just a few days, seven versions have been released. In the latest version, even Even the cause, process, climax, ending, and even the names, looks, and specialties of the main characters and supporting roles, including countless cannon fodder, are revealed.

Su Ruo came back from Zhongyin Peak to fetch medicine for her master, and listened to at least five versions of jokes along the way: the simplified version, the detailed version, the pink version, and the fantasy version.Surprised, she rarely had the heart to gossip, and after inquiring about the seven versions one by one, she went back to try Jianfeng with satisfaction.

Master Yun Xiao and Bai Qi were talking, Master Yun Xiao came out of the retreat, stabilized his injuries, and had time to ask about the experience of the two apprentices after they separated last time, as well as the two artifacts , what is the situation now.

Just as she was talking, she saw Su Ruo's eyebrows and lips curved back. The girl was in a very good mood, there was a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, and she even walked briskly.

Seeing her like this, Yun Xiao purposely scolded her with a straight face: "You are so happy because you got hurt because of your teacher?" There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in it.

Bai Qi was taken aback, and instinctively protected his wife, "Master, we are naturally happy to see you."

Master Yunxiao rolled his eyes suddenly, he found speechlessly that since his master left the customs, he has done this inelegant movement again and again.He gave Bai Qi a squinting look: "There is no progress at all."

Bai Qi pursed his thin lips, looked at the pretty girl approaching with affection in his eyes, and asked softly, "Ah Ruo, why are you so happy?"

Su Ruo cheerfully approached him, and first handed the elixir she took to Master Yunxiao, and then teased enthusiastically: "Master, you are so famous now."

Master Yunxiao felt that what this girl was going to say would definitely make him vomit blood, so he gave her a warning look, got up and walked to the quiet room.

Everyone loves to gossip, even if he is as elegant as Bai Qi, it is rare for him to ask curiously: "What's wrong?" He has been trying out Jianfeng's nursing master and has never gone out.

Su Ruo shook and chattered the gossip she had heard to Bai Qi, which made him laugh out loud, but Master Yunxiao's cold voice: "How far are you two? How far have I gone!" He still didn't stop his curiosity, and after eavesdropping for a while, he turned out to be in a bad mood.

Bai Qi pulled Su Ruo, who had softened from laughing, out of the inner hall. He pinched Su Ruo's little nose, and said with a smile, "Just play tricks, and be careful that Master will beat you after he leaves the customs."

Su Ruo sticks out her tongue, "It's okay, it will take at least ten years for the master to come out." It's better to watch him be furious than to be angry.Alas, since her master left the seclusion, her lovely master has always maintained a cloudy and uncertain expression. If she doesn't explode, she will really hurt herself.

Bai Qi was about to say something, when a small flying sword came in front of the two of them, and brought with them an order from the master Xuanyi Zhenjun: Tell them to go to Yaotai quickly.

Bai Qi lowered his eyes: "The siege is about to begin."

That's right, Shanhe Ding finally reluctantly recognized its master, Nangong Liu, Xuan Yi's beloved apprentice, returned to the mountain only a few days ago, and was arrested by his master for inspection. As a result, he was very lucky to get Shanhe Ding's admit.As for Li Huozhu, although he didn't recognize his master, he got along well with Ji Xiao, and since he met Ji Xiao, he has relied on her and never left.

The two artifacts are already under control, and the early spying on the information of the Blood Shadow Cult has also made great progress. The heads of the various sects and sects of the East Pole gathered in secret, discussed the plan to fight the enemy, and determined their own cleaning area , agreed on a time to do it, and planned to wipe out the Blood Shadow Sect.

It's a pity that Yun Xiao, Kunlun's well-known number one thug, is currently injured, and he won't be healed within ten years, so the commander-in-chief of Kunlun this time is his master, a tender and tender dumpling.

Su Ruo clearly remembered, when her family's ancestor jumped out and loudly announced that he would lead the team for this operation, Xuan Yi's expression stiffened for a moment, and her master's low pressure all over her body.

However, Fan Tuanzi laughed with his hands on his hips, "Silly apprentice, I'm going to fight, you can only stare blankly!"

Su Ruo thought, if she couldn't beat her master, her master would definitely betray her and find another good teacher!
There are many people in Kunlun, and there are countless masters in the sect, and the tasks assigned to them are also the most difficult ones.

When Su Ruo and Bai Qi rushed to Yaotai, many peak masters, elders, and elite disciples had already arrived.After greeting the familiar brothers and sisters one by one, the two consciously stood beside Ji Xiao and the others.Su Ruo glanced at Nangong Liu, who was standing upright beside her, and couldn't help sniggering, teasing, "Senior Brother Nangong, is your neck tired?"

Ever since Shanhe Ding recognized its owner, it has settled down on top of Nangong Liu's head, and will not go to his dantian to nourish it.Poor Nangong Liu's lazy temperament, it's better to lean or crooked, but Shanheding will increase the weight every time he is lazy, making him have to hold his chest up and hold his head up. Over time, he is more self-disciplined For example, Yan Zishen, Bai Qi and others look more tall and straight.

Hearing Su Ruo teasing him, Nangong Liu smiled wryly, "It's okay." At that time, he thought to himself, he didn't get a magic weapon, he obviously got an ancestor!
Even though it took time for Shanhe Ding to recognize the Lord, he was connected with him. Listening to his slander, he proudly twisted his body on top of his head, and a childish voice rang in the ears of several people: "Don't say when the tripod will be completed, even my old man Much older than you, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an ancestor!"

your sister!Nangong Liu's face was so black that he could squeeze out ink.The three sisters Ji Xiao, Sang Qiao, and Su Ruo laughed together, even if they were as serious as Yan Zishen, a smile could not help but appear on their lips.

After laughing for a while, Su Ruo asked Ji Xiao: "Master, where is Li Huozhu?"

Ji Xiao stretched out his left wrist, and the nine fiery red beads were next to each other, sticking to Ji Xiao's skin, sliding up and down from time to time.

Su Ruo stretched out her slender fingers to poke the round beads, pouting and complaining: "I really have no conscience, and I don't want to see who brought you out. Now I'm only attached to the elder sister, and you don't play with me."

Li Huozhu trembled when Su Ruo poked it, but still hated her threat to them in the Haiti palace, quickly rolled and rolled, and hid in Ji Xiao's sleeve.

Su Ruo's eyes widened, and she shouted coquettishly, "Hey, I'm pretty tempered, don't you remember eating or beating?" As she spoke, she tugged on Ji Xiao's sleeve and touched it with her little hand.

When Yan Zishen saw it, his face darkened, and his hand was like lightning, he directly stretched out two fingers to pinch Su Ruo's wrist and grabbed her little paws. Under the half-smiling eyes of his brothers, he said seriously: " Don't make trouble, and listen to the master's admonition honestly!"

Su Ruo wrinkled her small nose, "Brother, you can just say that you are jealous, we won't laugh at you!"

Ji Xiao knocked her little head hard, and scolded with a smile: "Don't bully senior brother in front of me."

Su Ruo hugged her head and hid behind Bai Qi, muttering softly, "Violent girl!"

Ji Xiao raised his eyes: "You have the nerve to call me?" I don't know who it is, but the name of cruelty is topped in Dongji!
"Humph, it was." Su Ruo stuck out her tongue at her and hid behind Bai Qi.Bai Qi stopped Ji Xiao from knocking on Su Ruo's hand again, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law..."

As soon as Ji Xiao met his dark eyes, her heart trembled uncontrollably, she snorted uncomfortably, turned her head and rubbed against Yan Zishen's side, and twisted his hand forcefully.Huh, Bai Er looks more and more like Uncle Yun Xiao, and his smile makes people shudder.

Yan Zishen clenched her hand tightly, squeezed it hard, and gave Bai Qi a warning look.

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, and pulled Su Ruo out from behind with his arms, bowed his head and softly coaxed her to be happy, without further words.

Sang Qiao and Wen Yan, who were standing obediently on the side, took two steps back at the same time, turned their heads at the same time, and looked at Zhenjun Xuanyi.The two of them were crying in their hearts. Ever since Master Fen Tuanzi came out of customs, all the people in Beikunlun had convulsions.

Su Ruo, who was talking sweetly to Bai Qi, let out a "Huh" when she accidentally swept across the stage.

Bai Qi asked: "What's wrong?"

"A Li..." Su Ruo's voice was full of joy, her bright phoenix eyes shone brightly, and Bai Qi looked sweet and sour.She grabbed Bai Qi's hand and shouted in disbelief: "Why is Ah Li here? Didn't she go back to Langhuan Immortal Mansion?"

Bai Qi tightly hugged Su Ruo's delicate body that was about to run forward, "The master master has not finished talking, so I will talk about the past later."

"Oh." Su Ruo calmed down obediently, her pair of phoenix eyes still fell on Ah Li, and she didn't leave for a moment.Bai Qi's heart was sour, and the eyes that swept A Li were piercingly cold.If he didn't know that Ah Ruo didn't have any special hobbies, he would have thought that dead girl was her Taoist partner.

Ji Xiao saw clearly from the side, and said with a smile: "When did this girl, Ah Li, come here, and she didn't say anything. Junior sister, let's punish her later."

Su Ruo's eyes brightened, "How to punish?"

"Punish her for us..." Before Ji Xiao finished speaking, a clear voice sounded: "Punish me to kiss you." Before the words finished, Ah Li's pouty red lips appeared in front of Ji Xiao , aiming at her red lips.

Thanks to Yan Zishen's sharp eyes and quick hands, he quickly backed away three steps with his arms around Ji Xiao, so that his daughter-in-law was not taken advantage of by others.Even so, his face darkened, and he scolded in a cold voice: "How decent is Cheng!"

Ah Li was extremely disappointed, and cried loudly: "The pretty girls are all made up by pigs..."

Yan Xiaozhu, Bai Xiaozhu, and Wen Xiaozhu stared at A Li murderously. If their eyes could kill, a certain woman would have died tens of millions of times.

Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao covered their lips and smiled lightly, only Su Ruo said in a daze: "Isn't it true that all the cabbages have been crushed by pigs..."

Ji Xiao, Sang Qiao, A Li: 囧! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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