Chapter 147
This time, all sects and sects in the East Pole jointly encircled and suppressed the Blood Shadow Cult, and it was extremely successful, almost completely annihilating the Blood Shadow Cult. Although there were casualties in each family, they were not serious.After the encirclement and suppression, search and pursuit were carried out for those who escaped by chance. After nearly three months of tossing, they finally calmed down.

All the Kunlun disciples were a little depressed, especially Nangong Liu, who had obtained the new artifact, was even more depressed. He originally planned to take advantage of this siege operation to try his newly acquired Shanhe Ding. , Run in with the artifact.In the was all messed up by a dumpling.

On the way back, Fen Tuanzi was impatient to ride the flying cloud boat with them, so he left with his own sword.Seeing that Fen Tuanzi was not there, Nangong Liu dared to put on a bitter melon look, and followed behind Su Ruo and Bai Qi to vomit bitterness, "Bai Er, your master is too belligerent, and you don't know how to train your disciples at all. .”

Bai Qi stopped, turned to look at him, and said with a smile: "Isn't it just that you didn't show it? As for you putting on this look? You are not the only one who was robbed of your opponent."

Nangong Liu said angrily: "At any rate, you managed to touch one and a half. I only released the Shanhe Cauldron on my side, and he killed people on his side. He didn't give anyone a chance at all."

Bai Qi asked helplessly: "It's already happened, what's the use of it?"

Nangong Liu said angrily, "I should always complain."

Su Ruo pulled Bai Qi's sleeve, Bai Qi looked at her sideways, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter, Ah Ruo?"

Su Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Nangong Liu with bright phoenix eyes, and said softly: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother Nangong wants to find someone to try the new artifact, why don't you understand what he means?"

Bai Qi's eyes lit up, and he laughed and said, "I really didn't expect that." He looked at Nangong Liu with a fighting spirit, "A Liu, how about we discuss it?"

Nangong Liu tried her best to widen her eyes, and looked at Su Ruo in disbelief, why did this girl get involved in fighting in everything!Seeing Bai Qi's posture, he wished he could go back half an hour ago and knock out the boring self who came to talk to Bai and Su.He laughed twice: "Ah Qi and Junior Sister have something to do, your business is important."

Bai Qi shook his head, shattering his hope, "It's nothing, but it's nothing to go out with Ah Ruo." He looked left and right, and the place was still spacious, so he released the flying sword, and said, "Aliu, please! "

Nima, I really want to fight!Now Nangong Liu's whole face is wrinkled into a ball, seeing that he can't get out now, he just wants to finish kowtowing with Bai Qi and not have to practice skills with Su Ruo anymore.He once again regretted his ignorant behavior, pinched his nose, thought he was unlucky and stood opposite Bai Qi, and released his flying sword.

Su Ruo said: "Senior brother Nangong doesn't use a small cauldron?"

Nangong Liu said: "I'm not familiar with it yet, so I'm sorry to ask it to fight."

"I'm familiar with it, you're sorry, I'll talk about it." Su Ruo happily jumped over, since Shanhe Ding recognized the owner, she hasn't contacted Xiao Ding for a long time.

Nangong Liu looked at the smiling little face in front of him speechlessly, he just said excuses, okay?

Bai Qi also wanted to know the usefulness of the Shanhe Ding, "Aliu, how about taking the Ding and fighting?"

Before Nangong Liu opened his mouth, Shanhe Ding stood on his head and said: "No, fighting is the behavior of barbarians!" Nangong Liu said quickly after hearing this: "Look, look, it refuses to fight."

Su Ruo glared at Shanhe Ding: "Brutal is barbaric, if you don't fight, I'll smash you in a while!"

The spirit of Shanhe Ding burst out with anger, and the three-inch-tall man put his hands on his hips, angrily educating Su Ruo: "Do you know what the tripod is made of? It's for cooking food! I The purpose of it is almost the same, you are still thinking about throwing me out and smashing people!"

"Cooking food?" Su Ruo repeated blankly, pointing at Shanhe Ding's weapon spirit and said in disdain, "Throwing it out to hit people is better than staying on top of your senior brother every day, which is useless at all."

"Who said I didn't have it!" Xiao Qiling jumped out of his whole body, jumping on Nangong Liu's head in anger, "As for the poisonous fog you encountered, and any corpses, I can eat them all! "

"Hey, it's disgusting..." Su Ruo covered her lips and said, she looked at Xiao Qiling with a lot of sympathy in her eyes, "It's so pitiful, I've been locked up for so long, and I haven't even eaten anything delicious. "

"It's not the kind of food you think, is it good!!!" Xiao Qiling's still somewhat transparent face can see the red color, which shows that it is confused by Su Ruo's anger, "I can absorb and transform everything in the world for myself Useful, can attack, defend, and sneak attack, much more useful than your little red!"

"Hmph, my Xiaohong can attack from a distance, fight in close combat, and attack in groups, can you!"


"Wait!" Nangong Liu hurriedly stopped when he saw that one person and one spirit were getting louder and fiercer, "One of the characteristics of that mountain and river tripod is that it devours everything, so it is not suitable for sparring."

Disappointment was clearly written in Su Ruo's eyes, "Senior Brother Nangong really doesn't know how to make the small tripod bigger, how useful it is to use one leg to wheel people and hit people!"

"..." Nangong Liu felt that he and Su Ruo couldn't communicate with each other in terms of fighting skills.Looking at Bai Qi on the opposite side, his gestures were very standard, and he did not relax his eyes at all.He gave up on himself and ignored Xiao Ding's protest, and really retracted the flying sword, enlarged the small tripod, and grabbed one of its legs, making a big move.

Bai Qi was dumbfounded by his actions, and looking at Su Ruo whose eyes were shining, he could only step forward to fight.The two of them were somewhat dispirited at this time, and the fight was not intense, but when the head of Xuanyi passed by, seeing Nangong Liu using the Shanhe tripod, he was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he roared violently: "Nangong Liu, you You bastard, is the Shanhe Ding used like this!"

When Bai Qi and Nangong Liu saw the head of Xuan Yi, they separated, Su Ruo stepped forward to stand side by side with Bai Qi, first bowed to Xuan Yi Zhenjun, and then said: "Master, let's go first. "Throwing Nangong Liu to his master, he took Bai Qi and left calmly.

Nangong Liu was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he didn't dare to say more, he could only obediently lower his head and listen to his master's lecture, a training lasted for two and a half hours, passing by countless Kunlun disciples, Nangong Liu thought There's no rush to cover your face.

Bai Qi looked at Su Ruo, who was smiling with crooked eyebrows, couldn't help reaching out to scratch her nose, and said with a smile, "Naughty!"

Su Ruo snorted lightly: "Who told him to say our ancestor!" Well, the act of protecting one's weaknesses is a passive skill of Bei Kunlun, and Miss Su's skill is also at full level. "Besides..." She wrinkled her little nose, "I really think it's more refreshing to use the Shanhe Ding to hit people."

Bai Qi touched her hair with a smile, took her little hand, and walked to the room of the two of them, "Let's practice in the house during this time." It's better not to go out and stroll in front of Nangong Liu, otherwise it's easy to let He is crazy.

Sure enough, this has been going on for a long time, when Nangong Liu saw Su Ruo, her face was all black.

After the battle to encircle and suppress the Blood Shadow Sect, Su Ruo and Bai Qi retreated for a period of time. After leaving the retreat, because of Yun Xiao's retreat, the two of them were taught by their ancestor Fan Tuanzi.

About the North Kunlun sword cultivators all use one method to educate their apprentices, and that is beating.

Bai and Su started the day of being beaten every day again, and Fan Tuanzi was much more ruthless than Yun Xiao. Every time they beat them until they were almost breathless, they only gave them half a day to recover. Swing the sword a thousand times to practice basic sword moves. In the end, two people cut each other, and one person must fall to the ground to be considered as the end of the day's practice.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi were imprisoned on the Sword Test Peak and practiced hard. They really didn't hear anything about the peak. When Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao came to visit, Su Ruo was given half a day off to entertain the two senior sisters.

Ji Xiao looked at Su Ruo who was covered in scars and his clothes were soaked in blood, frowned and said, "It's too strict to say nothing."

Su Ruo smiled brightly, "It's so much fun to fight with the master, and the injury is worth it."

Ji Xiao shook his head, "Go and heal first, we'll talk later."

"Okay." Su Ruo nodded, turned and entered the room.Sitting at the stone table under the tree, Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao took out clear spring water and made spiritual tea, put it on the table, and also placed Su Ruo's favorite snacks.

Sang Qiao held a cup of spiritual tea and looked sideways at Ji Xiao: "Senior sister, compared with Ah Ruo, we are still not working hard enough!"

Ji Xiao nodded, "It's time for us to work hard, so we won't be left behind too much by our junior sister."

"By the way, I heard that Nephew Su is pregnant?" Sang Qiao asked, remembering what she heard today.

Just when Su Ruo came out, she heard the words and asked, "My eighth sister?"

"Yes." Sang Qiao nodded.

Su Ruo walked to the table and sat down, staring at Ji Xiao with burning eyes, Ji Xiao knocked her habitually, and said: "It's Su Xin, Nephew Su, who just found out yesterday."

Su Ruo rested her chin with one hand, half curious and half puzzled, "Didn't Eighth Sister say she had to work hard to cultivate, why did she want a baby first?" When a female cultivator becomes pregnant and gives birth, her cultivation will inevitably stagnate, and if it is serious, it will even regress .Therefore, even if a senior female nun has a double monk, she seldom conceives and gives birth.For aristocratic families like the Su family and the Bai family, those who need heirs to continue, will make complete preparations in advance before they can conceive and have children.

Su Xin has always acted cautiously and attached great importance to her own cultivation and safety. How could she conceive a baby without any plans?Isn't it different from her usual style of acting?

Speaking of Su Xin, Ji Xiao had a cold smile on his face, "Ever since she became a Taoist couple with Shangguan Xuan of Mingxin Pavilion, I saw that she was a little slack in her practice and didn't worry about everything, so what did Shangguan Xuan say?" What is it, I don’t even have the slightest idea of ​​my own.”

"How could it be? Didn't Eighth Sister get the ancient alchemy formula some time ago, and made several ancient rare alchemy, and even attracted alchemy once?" Since Su Xin got married, she has been staying in Ming Dynasty with Shangguan Xuan. Xinge, the two had less contact with each other before, and sometimes they hadn't contacted for a long time.

Ji Xiao sneered, "Oh, the ancient Qidan is good, but they are all used to refine the body, purify the spiritual power, and improve the cultivation level."

(End of this chapter)

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