The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 17 The Ancient Secret Realm

Chapter 17 The Ancient Secret Realm
Su Ruo's words not only made Su Xin feel emotional, but several ordinary disciples including Zhang Qi felt an unspeakable feeling in their hearts.Especially Zhang Qi, he is now at the same level as Su Ruo, both at the peak of the tenth level of Qi training.Originally, I thought, go to the hidden forest a few more times, find the spiritual grass for refining the foundation building pill, and then start the furnace to practice the pill, and then build the foundation as soon as possible, and become an inner disciple.

Now that he heard Su Ruo's words, he was thoughtful, Master Yunxiao is No. 1 in Kunlun, since he didn't let his disciples use the Foundation Establishment Pill, he must have his reasons, should he also work hard once?Well, it is better to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, and then work hard to cultivate, but also rely on your own efforts.

Alas, the time for him to enter the inner gate will be delayed again.Speaking of which, Kunlun is also interesting. Except for a very small number of people who were taken away by the chiefs of the peaks and directly became direct disciples, the rest, regardless of their aptitude, had to stay in the outer sect for two years before they could be divided. Under the west, south and north peaks.When the light is divided into it, you are still an outer disciple, and you must build a foundation before you can become an inner disciple.Fell, what kind of cheating door rules is this!Zhang Qi thought indignantly.However, he raised his hand and pinched his chin. Although this kind of sect rule is very difficult for disciples with good qualifications, it is still very beneficial for people with mixed five spiritual roots like him.Hee hee, he already knows that there is a spiritual enlightenment grass there, and when it matures, it can be directly practiced and changed the spiritual root.

"Eldest brother, how did Senior Shouyang get injured?" As the most hopeful person to be accepted as a direct disciple by True Monarch Danhua, he has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood. It's almost there.How could someone receive Yuanshen?
Yan Zishen glanced at the ordinary disciples in the room, and thought about it for a while. Anyway, that secret realm can only be entered by the disciples of the Qi Refining Period after the Qi Refining Period. , the cultivation base is good, maybe they can be the first batch to enter.Thinking about this, he said: "Brother Shouyang entered an ancient secret realm by chance in the hidden forest. When he subdued the guardian beast in the secret realm, he was injured by it. Subdue the guardian beast and get the treasure of the secret realm." Afterwards, in order to save a few disciples, he made more injuries." As for who Shouyang Daoist rescued, just look at the people in the room.

Ancient secret realm?The eyes of all the people here are bright. Although the treasure of the secret realm was taken away, but in a short time, the real Shouyang was injured again. He definitely can't take everything away, at least the spirit herbs and medicines must be there.It's just that they are unlikely to go in.Zhang Qi was secretly planning to go to the Hidden Forest again in the near future to see if he could get some benefits from the troubled waters.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi were the only people who were not very excited when they heard the news. They acted as if they hadn't heard the news. They should drink as much as they should, and Su Ruo even took the snacks that Bai Qi made for her. Come out, drink wine, eat a snack, very leisurely.Bai Qi looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and would discuss with her a few words about the taste and heat of the dim sum.

The corners of Yan Zishen's eyes twitched as he watched, these two idiots, do they have to go to the ancient secret realm to attract their attention! "Now that ancient secret realm can only be entered by disciples in the Qi training period. When Senior Brother Shouyang came out, he didn't take anything other than the guardian beast and the treasure of the secret realm, the Golden Crow Sword. Listen to the master and the master. , will probably send disciples from the Qi-refining stage of his sect to enter the secret realm to investigate." Looking at Bai Qi who raised his head because of this, he nodded slightly, "Little Junior Sister is the direct disciple of Uncle Yunxiao, the only one among us who has not Those who build the foundation will definitely be the first to go in."

Alas, although the little junior sister has already refined the tenth level of Qi and is not the most powerful swordsman, she is only ten years old, and she is still a little girl.Look, it's not much higher than his waist.In that secret realm, none of the elders of the teacher's sect had conducted an investigation in advance, so what should I do if I get injured?As the senior brother of this generation, Yan Zishen has always cared for his juniors, especially Su Ruo, the youngest, but he protects them tightly.That's why he told Bai Qi and Su Ruo the news at the first time, hoping that Bai Qi could discuss it with Uncle Yunxiao and not let the junior sister in.Even if you go, don't be the first to enter.

He stared at Bai Qi with burning eyes, hoping that he could understand what he meant.But Bai Qi obviously failed to have a good understanding with him. He frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "So, the situation in the secret realm is not fully understood?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Shouyang was passed directly to the Guardian Beast, and what it guards is the Golden Crow Sword. Senior Brother got the inheritance, after subduing the Guardian Beast, the Golden Backed Ape, it was passed on, and then the entrance to the secret realm was revealed , but he got in anyway. The situation in the secret realm is still mentioned in the inheritance. The head and the master have gone to investigate, and it is true that only disciples in the Qi training period can enter." The voice of the person at the interface was a little dark Dumbness makes it a bit more sexy, of course this is only what Zhang Qi thinks.

Su Ruo, Bai Qi and the others got up and looked at the door. Ji Xiao, who was dressed in a red dress, stepped in, followed by a gentle and docile woman in a dark red dress with her head slightly lowered.

"Elder Sister!" "Uncle Ji!" Everyone saluted.

"Brother." Ji Xiao nodded to everyone, and sat beside Yan Zishen.

"Elder Sister, Master's Nourishing Pill has been practiced? How is Senior Shouyang?" Seeing Ji Xiao coming in, Su Ruo sat up straight consciously, and even retracted her little hand stretched out to the wine pot, her face was full of pain. The smile is also very flattering.

Ji Xiao glared at her, looking at the pretty little face that was still a bit fat like a baby, after all, he couldn't help reaching out and pinching her, "Master has brewed a lot of wine this time, I'll bring you two tanks later. "

Su Ruo smiled and nodded again and again, and moved to Ji Xiao's side, rubbing and rubbing, like a contented kitten, almost meowing at Ji Xiao, coquettishly: "Eldest sister is the best."

Ji Xiao stretched out his index finger to poke her forehead, pushed her little head away, and said with a smile: "Don't act like a baby, sit down for me, don't you want to be reprimanded by me again?"

Su Ruo sat back beside Bai Qi in an instant, shook her head vigorously, "I don't want to."

"How is senior brother Shouyang?" Yan Zishen finally couldn't bear the pressure of his junior sister, so he opened his mouth to make a rescue.

Ji Xiao's beautiful eyes turned around, and he cast a sideways glance at Yan Zishen, naturally revealing all kinds of amorous feelings, Yan Zishen's heart was lifted when he saw it, he quietly moved his body, and tried his best to bend the corners of his lips.Ji Xiao just said in satisfaction: "Master, Senior Shouyang is fine. It's just junior sister..." She glanced at Su Ruo worriedly, "Uncle Yunxiao's meaning is very clear, Junior Junior Sister is going to It's settled." She was there when Uncle Yunxiao sent a letter to Master just now, and she was quite worried for Su Ruo at the moment.

Su Ruo was very excited, her face was bright red, and her voice was full of excitement: "Master, will you encounter many monsters when you go in?"

"Very possible!" Why are you so excited?Ji Xiao nodded.

"Ho Ho Ho, senior brother, senior brother, there is a fight, there is a fight..." Su Ruo jumped up, and jumped up and down with Bai Qi in her arms. In the past year, apart from practicing swords in Tianchi, she also listened to her master's instructions. , Outside of meditation practice, there is no actual combat.Although fighting swords with senior brothers is also very interesting, but there is no rush to fight all kinds of monsters and monks to enjoy it.

Bai Qi was also very happy, hugged her and said with a smile: "It's a pity that those in the foundation building period can't enter, and I haven't fought for a long time!"

"Bai Er... Su Jiu..." A sinister combination sounded, and Yan Zishen and Ji Xiao stared at them viciously with pale faces.Nima, do you need to be so happy when there is a fight between these two guys?Not only will he be injured this time, but he may even lose his life, do you know that!

(End of this chapter)

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