Chapter 24
"Eighth Sister, did he offend you?" Su Ruo asked persistently.

Su Xin came back to her senses, shook her head with a smile, bent over and tapped Su Ruo's little nose, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Ah Jiu, you have Master Bai, so you can't pay too much attention to other men. "Oh, Ah Jiu

After all, she was her younger sister, and since she knew her future fate, she should be reminded.If she still wants to go that way in the future, it's none of her business.

Is it divided into fights?Su Ruo was puzzled and annoyed by Su Xin's words, she habitually looked up at Bai Qi, with question marks clearly drawn in her clear eyes.

Bai Qi rubbed her little head with doting eyes, and smiled good-naturedly: "Ah, if you want to compete with Martial Nephew Zhang, it's fine. When you come out of the Golden Crow Secret Realm, Senior Brother will take you to find him."

"Yeah." Su Ruo nodded her head with crooked eyebrows, smiled and rubbed against Bai Qi, hugged his arm and acted like a baby: "Brother is the best."

Su Xin on one side was a little dumbfounded, did she get it wrong?She was a little uncomfortable, thinking of the reason why she came to Su Ruo, she said, "Ah Jiu, sister has something to tell you." Then, she looked at Bai Qi
At a glance.

Bai Qi knew at the first sight that she was looking for A Ruo for a private matter, smiled politely, and said softly to Su Ruo: "A Ruo, I'll go to senior brother, you can talk to Junior Sister Su." standing on another
Yan Zishen, who was next to a fighting platform, walked over.

"Ah Jiu, can you pick the crystal lotus from Tianchi?" Su Xin made it all the way to the top [-], and is very likely to enter the top five. She also has this confidence.Entering the top five means that you can be the first

A group entered the Golden Crow Secret Realm.However, this is the first time the Golden Crow Secret Realm has appeared in this world, and it would be very dangerous to explore it.During this period of time, apart from practicing, she was doing all kinds of preparations.

She can practice some low-level pills by herself, and there are many high-grade pills.Before entering the mountain gate, the Su family had already prepared a copy for her of the rest of the talismans, vestments, and artifacts, all of which were high-quality goods.
, There is no problem in using it in the foundation period.If there are any deficiencies, after two days, you can go down the mountain and buy them in the square market. She still has a lot of spirit stones on her body.It's just that, thinking that Master Shouyang's soul was damaged in the Golden Crow Secret Realm before, it made him
Su Xin felt that other elixirs could be taken less, but only elixirs for nourishing the consciousness and restoring the primordial spirit must be taken more.It's just that this kind of elixir has always been rare, and the most famous one is Kunlun's Nourishing Pill.

The prescription of Yangshen Pill is available in the bookstore in West Kunlun, and she has already remembered it in her heart.It's just that the rest of the ingredients are easy to find, but the main medicine, Jinglian, is hard to find.As the treasure of the North Kunlun Mountain, Jinglian is not

Anyone can pick it, and it must be picked and used immediately. After picking it for more than half an hour, the crystal lotus will dissipate in the sky and the earth.Based on these characteristics, even if the first Danhua Zhenjun in West Kunlun wants to use it, he can only use it with Yun Yun in advance.
Xiao Zhenjun said hello, for an ordinary disciple like her who has not established a foundation and has not been accepted into the sect of that real person, it is simply a dream to use Jinglian to practice alchemy.

In desperation, Su Xin thought of Su Ruo, the last time the real Shouyang was injured, it was the medicine she and Bai Qi gave.Later I heard from Uncle Ji that the only one who can pick crystal lotus in North Kunlun now is Su Ruo besides Master Yunxiao.

She originally wanted to wait for the competition to end before going to Jianfeng to find Su Ruo, but she didn't want to meet him today, so she opened her mouth in advance.

Su Ruo frowned slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Eighth Sister, crystal lotus is the food of Xiaojiao, if there is no order from the head and head, you can't pick it casually."

"Ah Jiu, I only need one flower, and I don't need a flower that is ten thousand years old or a thousand years old. I only need a hundred years or so." Su Xin did not give up and wanted to fight for it again.There are always hundreds of thousands of crystal lotuses in Tianchi Lake.
A flower that is about a hundred years old can have any problems.

"Eighth Sister, what do you want Jinglian to do?" Apart from making snacks, Jinglian can only be used to refine the divine elixir.To make desserts, you only need to use the petals. If Eighth Sister wants the whole plant, she must have undergone alchemy. "

Eighth sister, do you want to refine the magic pill? "Su Ruo was a little surprised when she came back. As far as she knew, Yang Shen Pill could only be refined in the foundation building stage. The elder sister is a genius in alchemy, and she was still in the middle stage of foundation building.
Uncle Danhua allowed her to open the furnace.Ju said that he had failed many times before refining a batch of low-grade pills, and the elder sister was happy for a long time.It can be seen from this that it is difficult to refine the nourishing pill.

Facing Su Ruo's surprised eyes, Su Xin smiled lightly, and nodded indifferently, "Yeah." Maybe the qualifications are not as good as yours, but I will definitely work harder.

"Oh." If Su Ruo doesn't know much about alchemy, she doesn't understand.However, as far as Jinglian is concerned, she still understands, "Eighth Sister, the elementary Yangshen Pill does not need the whole Jinglian plant, come tomorrow, I will give it to you."

You gourd lotus dew it. "

"Lotus dew?" Su Xin was planning in her mind. She originally wanted to get a crystal lotus and see if she could cultivate it in the space. At present, it seems that it is impossible to get it from Su Ruo.Do you want
, Go to Tianchi and pick one by yourself?

"It is to melt the crystal lotus petals that fall by themselves every night in the water of the cold spring to make lotus dew. It can be used as a snack, and it can also be used as the main medicine of the primary nourishing pill."

"Oh, thank you Jiu, I'll go get it tomorrow." Su Xin's goal was half completed, he looked at the fighting platform, and then glanced at his own jade card, "Jiu, the next game is coming soon, I'll go get ready."

"Well, Eighth Sister, let's go." Su Ruo nodded, and said with a smile: "Eighth Sister will definitely win."

I don't know what kind of luck Su Xin is. Her opponent this time is Lan Ling, the daughter of the Seven-language True Lord of Cangwu Peak in West Kunlun, whose mother is Su Lin's master Qingxia Yuanjun.Last time Su Lin lost to Su Xinzhi
hand, injured and returned to the peak, which made Lan Ling very angry.Although she and Su Lin didn't get along very well, but Su Lin was her mother's disciple, how could she be bullied like this by a concubine!

She always wanted to show Su Xin some flair when she was fighting, but the two didn't match up, and they didn't meet until they were twenty to ten.Lan Ling came here with the intention of tidying up people, and she was well prepared.
I took a lot of talismans and array disks.

As soon as she came to the stage, she threw a lot of various offensive spells at Su Xin, such as giant wooden spells, fireballs, water arrows, and wind blades, which made Su Xin flustered and embarrassed for a while.While Su Xin dodged
At this moment, Lan Ling's figure flashed repeatedly, laying down the array.The disciples who were learning the formation from West Kunlun in the audience saw it and called out, "Seven Shas Lost Formation!"

One of the unique skills of the Seven-language True Monarch is also well-known in the entire East Pole cultivation world.

"No, it's just the simplest version. With Junior Sister Lan's cultivation, it's a bit difficult to set up this formation." The other person shook his head strangely, "Why did this junior sister from South Kunlun offend Master Lan?"
Sister, let her even put out the Seven Brave Lost Formation? "

"... How can we understand Junior Sister Lan's thoughts!" All the disciples in the nearby West Kunlun laughed. Lan Ling's temper was well-known throughout West Kunlun, and few people dared to provoke her.

Looking at Su Xin, who was supporting herself in the battle, Su Ruoxiu, who was watching the battle from the audience, frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Although it is normal to use various means on the fighting stage, Senior Sister Lan has gone too far this time."

After all, they are all Kunlun disciples, and the competitions on the fighting stage are all done at the end of the day, as for using the means of suppressing the bottom of the box!

Yan Zishen glanced down at Su Ruo, and said calmly, "You also said that everyone depends on their means. If Su Xin's skills are not as good as others, he can't blame others if he loses. As for Lan Ling..." He sighed abnormally, "she
I'm afraid they got something good again, otherwise the Seven Sharks Lost Trace Formation would not have been displayed. "There is one more thing he didn't say, this trip to the Golden Crow Secret Realm, Lan Ling participated directly without being named, and he was holding a breath in his heart. Big
It was about seeing Su Ruo watching the battle from the audience, so he put out the Qisha Mizong Formation to show that his ability was no worse than Su Ruo's.

Bai Qi never liked Su Ruo frowning. He stretched out his slender fingers to rub the center of Su Ruo's eyebrows a little bit, then put his arms around her and smiled: "The Qisha Lost Formation is mainly a phantom formation, Ah Ruo, don't worry. Junior Sister Lan Repair
Because where, the spiritual power is not enough to last too long, your sister can win as long as she supports Yizhuxiang's kung fu. "

Su Ruo pursed her lips lightly, "Is it enough to just break the formation violently? What's the fun in winning without fighting when people's spiritual power is exhausted!"

"..." Yan Zishen glared at Bai Qi with resentment, it was you who taught the little junior sister badly, and made her such a young daughter's family be so violent!

Bai Qi straightened his sleeves calmly, raised his sword eyebrows lightly, and his dark eyes were full of pride, "If a swordsman is not violent, what are you doing with a sword! Besides, do you think that senior sister is gentler than Ah Ruo!"

(End of this chapter)

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