Chapter 36
A small bamboo building is exquisitely and elegantly arranged. A landscape screen stands in front of the door. When the screen is turned, there is a picture of a beautiful woman hanging on the opposite wall. The beauty is standing in the wind with long sleeves , seems to go with the wind.Under the picture of the beauties, there is a long table with a small incense burner on it, with light smoke curling up, making the beauties in the picture even more like a dream.

Su Xin pulled Su Ruo, and said vigilantly: "Ah Jiu, the ancient secret realm has been passed down for at least [-] years. Why hasn't the incense in this incense burner been burned?"

"If it's in a dream, it's not surprising." Su Ruo had already protected herself to nothing, and walked over after hearing this, and looked into the furnace curiously.In the jade slips given by Master Yunxiao before, she had seen a kind of incense in ancient times called Lumeng, and it was said that a piece as big as a palm could burn for tens of thousands of years.Fragrant name into the dream, of course, is to create a kind of dream, let people have an extra life experience, like rebirth, it is very useful in improving the state of mind, the various sects in ancient times, will give a small piece of the disciples before the promotion.

It is a pity that the dream incense is made of a special kind of golden scale fish in the Yingbo Pool of Wuxi Mountain and the nameless flower beside the pool. Later, a war broke out between Daoist and demonic cultivators, Wuxi Mountain was destroyed, and the Yingbo Pool disappeared. It was lost.

"It's a pity, it's really a dream. However, after 10,000+ years of burning, only the aftertaste of incense ash is left." Su Ruo scratched the inside of the incense burner with her little paw, feeling very regretful.

Su Xin's attention was only swept over the incense burner, and after confirming that there was no danger, he searched the house.

"Hey, why is there a small box." Suddenly, Su Ruo's little paw was caught in the incense ash, and she came across a cold small jade box, and she picked it up curiously.A small square white jade box, only two fingers thick and four fingers wide, with three characters engraved in ancient script on the cover, and she read it out word by word: "Caohua Pill!"

Su Xin, who was searching for the hidden pavilion on the desk by the window, froze when she heard the words, a wry smile appeared on her lips. Sure enough, the heroine is the heroine? Even if she knew the plot in advance, she would not get a chance.

"What is this? It sounds familiar, as if I heard Master Danhua mention it before." Su Ruo fiddled with it over and over again, the small jade box didn't get her body temperature at all because of her playing with it, it was still cold, she Open the jade box with light force, and the fragrance instantly fills the room, making people feel refreshed.Inside the small jade box, there is only a golden elixir, about the size of a longan, with cloud patterns hidden on the surface, it looks very beautiful.

Although he clearly knew that this Good Fortune Pill could not belong to him, Su Xin still stared at it eagerly, with only one thought in his mind, how much would it be if it was mine.

Su Ruo admired it for a while, then re-covered the jade box, intending to take it back to show Zhenjun Danhua.

"Ah Jiu, that painting..." Su Xin pointed to the picture of a beauty. Not only when it opened, the beauty standing against the wind on the picture disappeared, but lines of words slowly appeared.

"The elixir of good fortune is made by me imitating the elixir formula in ancient times. It can improve the quality of the spiritual root and regenerate the body. Remember, the elixir must be taken internally after the jade box is opened, otherwise the effect of the medicine will be lost." The two sisters After reading in a low voice, his eyes fell on the small jade box at the same time.

Well, remember, Uncle Danhua mentioned that Good Fortune Pill is one of the lost ancient Qidans, which can rebuild meridians and reshape spiritual roots.Unexpectedly, I got one here.She became happy, and her crisp voice was full of joy: "Eight sister, I didn't expect this to be the ancient Qidan mentioned by Uncle Danhua! It's really beautiful."

Su Xin forced a smile, "Ah Jiu, it seems that you can't take it out, why don't you accept it, and I will protect you."

Su Ruo casually tossed the small jade box up and down to play, tilted her head, looked at Su Xin, her eyes were as clear as water, and Su Xin couldn't hold back her smile, and said awkwardly: "Ah Jiu, you don't take the pill, look at it. What are you doing with me?"

"Eighth Sister, you want this Creation Pill." Su Ruo said with certainty.

"Of course, who wouldn't want such a miraculous pill." Su Xin nodded, showing a playful smile, "However, Ah Jiu got it, sister..."

"Since Eighth Sister wants it, let's take it." Su Ruo interrupted Su Xin, threw the small jade box into Su Xin's hand, and walked out of the bamboo building lightly, "I will protect Eighth Sister."

Su Xin stared blankly at the jade box that Su Ruo threw into her hand, and she didn't realize it for a long time. How easy is it to get the Creation Pill she's been thinking about?She had an unreal feeling, "Ah Jiu, you, you, don't you need it?" Su Xin came back to her senses, hurriedly chased him out, looked at Su Ruo who was sitting cross-legged at the door, and kept asking, the voice in her voice Surprised and unbelievable.

Su Ruo nodded affirmatively, "This thing is not of much use to me, but it is of great benefit to Eighth Sister. It is better for you to eat it than me." She has the best spiritual root, so naturally she doesn't need to improve it.On the contrary, it is Su Xin, the aptitude of the three spirit roots, good or bad, is just right for use.No matter how good something is, it should be used in the right place, or it will be a waste.

"Thank you Jiu." Su Xin controlled her excitement, thanked her solemnly, turned and went back to the room, and went to practice the pill.

The Flaming Lion, who was circling on the grass outside, walked over slowly, rubbed its big head against Su Ruo, and let out a low growl.Su Ruo raised her index finger, put it on her lips, and gave a "hush", feeling the message from Xiaohuo carefully, showing a happy smile, hugging it and rubbing it non-stop, "Xiaohuo is really powerful."

"Roar... ouch..."

"Ah... I know, I know, let's not worry, we'll go behind the waterfall after Eighth Sister has practiced the elixir."

Su Ruo traveled all the way, got two small signs, put together half a map, and followed the instructions above, found this bamboo forest, thought it was probably in this bamboo building, entered the house, but did not Find any kind of spiritual plant.It was Xiaohuo who was wandering outside and discovered the mystery behind the waterfall.

"Ah... ah..." Su Xin's miserable scream came from inside the bamboo building, the voice was full of unbearable pain.Surprised, Su Ruo jumped up and rushed into the house.

At this moment, Su Xin only felt that there was a fire burning her body and soul, and the pain made her scream, and her body fell to the ground, but she had no strength to roll over and twitched non-stop.

When Su Ruo came in, Su Xin had already become a blood man, and the flesh and blood on his body were constantly being broken and reborn.Her face was distorted, and her long, fallen hair covered her face, revealing only one wide, bloodshot eye.

This is to reshape the muscles and bones, the process is too scary, right?She wanted to go forward, but she was afraid of affecting Su Xin, so she paced back and forth anxiously.Seeing that Su Xin's screams were getting weaker and weaker, and the vitality in her body was intermittent, she gritted her teeth, sat down cross-legged, channeled her spiritual power, and recited the Qingxin formula word by word, hoping to help Su Xin stabilize her soul , keep going.

Qingxin Jue is the secret method of sword cultivation in North Kunlun. Sword practitioners grow up in battle and often kill too much, which hinders their advancement.The Qingxin Jue can help them calm down and resist demons. It has always been the secret tradition of Kunlun Sword Cultivator.

Su Ruo's cultivation is limited, and she can only read one-third of the 81 sentences of the Qingxin Jue and the nine-character mantra, which is already her best effort.

Singing softly, like a breeze blowing, if there is nothing, it makes the world quiet.Su Ruo chanted over and over again, her temples were drenched with sweat, and the blood color slowly faded from her pretty face. After a muffled groan, her petite body trembled slightly, and traces of blood slipped from the corners of her lips, but she didn't stop singing.

Just when Su Ruo was about to exhaust herself, Su Xin's condition finally improved, and the aura in her body gradually calmed down.Su Ruo didn't dare to stop, and chanted again with strength, but was unable to continue, and collapsed on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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