Chapter 40 Seventh Realm

Su Ruo made arrangements for the flame lion, and then followed Zhenjun Yunxiao and Zhenjun Danhua to Yaotai.

Zhenjun Xuanyi, the head of Kunlun, Miao Yiyuan, the head of West Kunlun, and the deacons and elders in the sect, have already arrived for more than half of the time, and they are all seated in the main hall.

Su Ruo entered the hall, first performed a round ceremony, then took out an ordinary bronze mirror from the storage bag, and presented it with both hands: "This is the secret key to open the second spiritual realm of the seventh realm, as stated in the jade slip , as long as five Jinfan monks with gold, wood, water, fire, and earth single spiritual roots inject spiritual power at the same time, the spiritual realm can be opened."

"The second level of the seventh level?" Everyone in the hall cheered up. If there is a second level, there should be a third level, and a fourth level...

Su Ruo gave a brief account of her experience in the seventh realm, emphasizing the important information about the seventh realm obtained from Wanfa Pavilion: "Well, the Golden Crow Secret Realm should be called the seventh realm. The first spiritual realm of Qi refining, building foundation, Jindan, Yuanying, stealing, distracting, and combining the seven levels are opened every five years, starting from the disciples of the refining period, who collect all four tokens and enter the center. Wanfa Pavilion in the area, pass the trial road, and you can get the key to open the next layer of secret realm."

Rao, all the people present here are well-known figures in the cultivation world of the East Pole, and their combined age is more than [-] years old. They were still shocked by the information Su Ruo brought back, and then they were ecstatic.Zhenjun Xuanyi smiled and wrinkled his face, and waved gently to the bronze mirror in Su Ruo's palm, a soft spiritual force sent the bronze mirror into his palm.

"Based on my knowledge, I don't know what material this bronze mirror is made of." After examining it over and over again, Zhenjun Xuanyi sighed, "Senior Brother Danhua, come and see."

True Monarch Danhua put the bronze mirror in his palm, separated a strand of consciousness to carefully wrap it around the bronze mirror, inspected it carefully, and after a while, he said, "The main ingredient is Wujin."

The small bronze mirror was passed around in the hands of everyone, and finally fell into the hands of Master Yunxiao. He directly put it in his pocket, squinted his eyes and yawned, and lazily said: "I know everything I need to know. We should go back too." After speaking, he stretched out his robe sleeves, rolled Su Ruo into his arms, and planned to leave.

Zhenjun Xuanyi was so angry that he was so taken for granted that he jumped up from the first seat, pointed at Zhenjun Yunxiao and shouted: "Stop, leave the secret key, and you can get out."

True Monarch Yunxiao didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, he passed the gate of the palace in a blink of an eye, the Tai'a sword appeared under his feet, and flew away directly, leaving only True Monarch Xuanyi jumping behind and cursing angrily: "Yun Xiao you bastard!"

Danhua Zhenjun said blankly, "Go and grab it when you are angry. If you win, it will be yours." After saying this, he also left in the air.As for the law enforcement elders, they covered their mouths and snickered and ran away, leaving only Mr. Miao Yiyuan looking helplessly at his Taoist companion.

"Junior Sister, that bastard Yun Xiao always bullies me."

"You can bully me back." The harassed Mr. Miao Yiyuan also said the same thing, got up and retreated, she is going to retreat recently, and she won't come here for at least three years.

"...Hum..." Xuan Yi, who was ruthlessly abandoned by the Taoist companion again, snorted arrogantly, got up and left for North Kunlun.If you are not feeling well, find Ning He for a fight first, then you can order some wine and come back.As for who was sent to advance to the secret realm this time, did they all leave if they didn't see that they should go? They all went back to train their apprentices.

Su Ruo, who was brought back to try Jianfeng by Master Yunxiao, was very puzzled and asked her master: "Shouldn't the secret key be left to the master for safekeeping? Why did the master bring it back?"

"Who said you're here?" Master Yunxiao raised his eyebrows lazily.

"I clearly saw that the master put it away."

"Heh, if you say it's with me, then it's with me." Zhenjun Yunxiao pinched Su Ruo's small face, and said slowly, "Kids, don't be so curious."

Well, Master and the others have their own plans, it's not her business. "Master, the second level of the seventh level is opened, will senior brother go?"

"Stupid, what do you think?"

"There won't be a big ranking, right?"

"Oh, what do you think?"

"Oh, I see." The little girl didn't ask any more.There are so many direct disciples in the sect that they may not all be able to enter. How can it be ordinary disciples' turn.Alas, even in the world of comprehension, there is a big difference between the treatment with a backer and without a backer.By analogy, does this "truth" also apply to the fairy world?

Su Ruo was thinking wildly, Master Yunxiao had already gone back to the house directly.

"Ah Ruo." A soft and spring-like voice sounded behind her, making her turn around in surprise, and behind her stood a pair of jade-clad men, with purple shirts and jade belts, as beautiful as flowers.Well, it's inappropriate to describe a big man as beautiful as a flower, but Su Ruo thinks that this word can't be more appropriate for her third senior brother.

"Second Senior Sister, your retreat is over." Su Ruo threw herself directly beside the gentle girl, her joy was beyond words.

"Yeah." Sang Qiao pulled Su Ruo over, carefully looked at her from head to toe, and then from foot to head, and then she was slightly relieved, "It seems that the injury is not serious, and it is all healed."

Just as Su Ruo was about to speak, Bai Qi had already walked out, "Ah Ruo, Second Junior Sister, and Third Junior Brother came in to talk."

When the four entered the room, Su Ruocai found that Yan Zishen and Ji Xiao had also arrived, sitting in the room looking at her and smiling.Ji Xiao repeated what Sang Qiao did just now, and then let Su Ruo sit down beside him.

Yan Zishen was a little surprised and said, "Junior Junior Sister, have you already practiced the twelfth level of Qi?"


He frowned slightly, "You're not too old, don't be in a hurry to advance, the most important thing is to lay a solid foundation first. Don't learn..." He stopped in the middle of the sentence. .

Thinking of the two young men and women who built the foundation in one fell swoop in West Kunlun and South Kunlun, Yan Zishen had worries in his eyes. He was only eleven or twelve years old, and he was anxious to build the foundation, fearing that his mood would be unstable and would hinder his future cultivation.He was also afraid that mentioning that Zhang Qi and Shen Peilan had already established a foundation would arouse the junior sister's competitive spirit, making it even more difficult to deal with.

Alas, it is good for young people to have a bit of a competitive mentality, but it will be troublesome if they pass it.Recently, West Kunlun and South Kunlun are not very peaceful, and some people secretly seek trouble with Zhang Qi and Shen Peilan, which really annoys Yan Zishen.

Ji Xiao asked curiously: "Ah Ruo, what's going on in the secret realm, is it dangerous?"

Su Ruo said: "Fortunately, there is just one thing that is very strange. Most of the monsters in the secret realm will consume spiritual power, and some of them will directly hurt the primordial spirit."

Wen Yan, who had been silent all this time, lightly shook the folding fan in his hand, and said, "Eating spirits and hurting gods are the characteristics of monsters in ancient times." His voice is low and sexy, and when he talks to you, his amorous peach blossom eyes don't even blink. Blinking at you, infinite charm and style rushing towards you.

Bai Qi coughed lightly, "Third Junior Brother, if there are no outsiders around, you don't have to take that fan!"

Wen Yan's face turned red in an instant, she took a careful look at Ji Xiao, and shook her head decisively: "It's okay, I'm used to it." Fortunately, I'm used to it, otherwise I would be scolded by the elder sister if I forgot to bring it out when I went out. of.

Sang Qiao, who was sitting beside him, shook his hand quietly, and smiled sweetly, soft as spring water, her eyes full of comfort.

Wen Yan also showed a shy smile to Sang Qiao, all of a sudden she was charmed and flirtatious.With such an innocent expression on his evil and beautiful face, it is really hard to look directly at.

(End of this chapter)

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