The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 45 Serious Injury

Chapter 45 Serious Injury
Cultivation does not know how long it takes, Su Ruo stayed in Tianluoyuan for a year, which greatly fell the attention of the disciples of Beikunlun.Meanwhile, Bai Qi was recruited into the Seventh Level Realm, and everyone was worried that Su Ruo would never come again. Unexpectedly, the next day, she appeared at the gate of Tianluoyuan again with a smile on her face.

In the beginning, the disciples of North Kunlun would still bet on how long Su Ruo could last here. After a long time, they lost their minds and followed Su Ruo's example, coming here every day to seek abuse. Limit another month.

Although a year is just a drop in the ocean in the long years of cultivation, it passes in the blink of an eye, but it is enough for many things to happen.

Su Xin, a disciple of South Kunlun, succeeded in building the foundation, and the vision that appeared turned out to be a green dragon, which shocked the entire sect.Zhang Qi, a disciple of the West Kunlun, defeated the strong with the weak on the arena, defeated the sword cultivator of the late foundation establishment period in the North Kunlun, broke the status of the strongest sword cultivator at the same level, and entered his spirit beast—the mutant Teng Snake appeared body, and show off.

These rumors have nothing to do with Su Ruo. She can stay in Tianluo Courtyard for up to seven days now, and the sword energy has changed from the first three to today's 27. She plans to wait until she can stay in Tianluo Courtyard for nine days. , After the 27 sword qi tended to be perfect, sent and received freely, and controlled freely, this penance can tell a paragraph.Moreover, counting the days, the senior brother should come out of the seventh level.

This morning, Su Ruo was the same as usual, bouncing out of the door, intending to continue to Tianluoyuan, when Master Yunxiao's cold voice came to his ears: "Ah Ruo, follow me as a teacher."

Before she could answer, her petite body was rolled up, landed on a long sword, and flew straight towards the hidden forest.

Gently raising her head, Su Ruo saw the corners of Zhenjun Yunxiao's tightly pursed lips, and a bad premonition arose in her heart, "Master, but senior brother..." Before she finished asking, she clenched her red lips tightly, and she already had a feeling in her heart. worst plans.

"Ning He sent a letter, Ah Qi was seriously injured." Master Yunxiao sighed, thinking of Zhenjun Ning He's exasperated tone and what he said, his expression became extremely indifferent, he should try his best that day If Ah Qi is really seriously injured and dies after blocking Jiang Weiyu to enter the seventh level, Feng Feiluo, don't blame him for not being of the same family.

Su Ruo was already prepared, but her heart still tightened, and her petite body trembled slightly.Master Yunxiao patted her on the shoulder, speaking soothingly, "Ah Ruo, you haven't seen Ah Qi yet, so don't mess up your position, Ah Qi's injury depends on you." No one knows better than him, Hunyuan The magic of the secret scrolls of double cultivation, although Su Ruo and Bai Qi have not practiced double cultivation for a long time, their spiritual power has already formed a cycle in their bodies, and the five elements generate and restrain each other, initially forming a small world.After the two have formed the alchemy, they can exchange spiritual power, combine yin and yang, and live endlessly.

Now, although these two little fellows can't heal other people's injuries, there is no problem in healing their own internal injuries. The concern is that if Su Ruo has not built a foundation, he is afraid that his spiritual power will be consumed too much. Bai Qi's recovery The process is too slow.Or in the process of healing, Su Ruo was too reluctant, leaving hidden wounds on herself.

Master Yunxiao only had two precious disciples, Bai Qi and Su Ruo, in his life, and this time he might have to include both of them, which made him feel very bad.He knew in his heart that for Ning He to say that his injury was serious, it must be that Bai Qi was already unconscious, and his body and spirit were severely damaged. With the existing methods of the sect, it is possible to recover no.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for him to prevent Su Ruo from healing Bai Qi's wounds, and he could not predict what would happen to Bai Qi and her after Su Ruo exhausted all his strength... The Dao Heart, which had been calm for thousands of years, became turbulent.

True Monarch Yunxiao was extremely fast, and he was in front of the restriction of the seventh level in a short while.The Kunlun disciples who entered the second level of the seventh level have all come out. Everyone was more or less injured, but Bai Qi, who was lying on the ground and hugged tightly by a woman, was the most injured. His dilapidated body was almost injured. I can't feel much vitality, and my soul is also collapsing.

Master Yunxiao became angry when he saw it, "Ninghe, are you all dead? Why don't you heal Ah Qi first." Damn, since he was notified until now, he hasn't done anything at all, what do they want to do!
Ninghe Zhenjun was also full of anger, pointed at Feiluo Yuanjun who was standing beside Bai Qi and Jiang Weiyu, and said with hatred: "She is blocking me so hard, she won't let me get close to Ah Qi." Ruobai Qi can't stand any stimulation, and won't be suppressed to death by Fei Luo, and doesn't do anything at all.

Damn, that dead girl Jiang Weiyu was crying all the time, or else she just poured spiritual power into Ah Qi on her own initiative, making him hurt even more.

"Bai Qi was injured in order to save Wei Yu. I want to take him back to Chixia Peak to heal his injuries. You are the one who will stop me!" The corners of Fei Luo Yuanjun's lips curled up, revealing a sarcastic smile, " In addition to fighting and killing, you Bei Kunlun can heal your wounds? How can I rest assured that Bai Qi will be handed over to you!"

"Uncle Yun, I have given Ah Qi the Yang Shen Pill, and I have been infusing him with spiritual power to heal his wounds, and I have a single water spiritual root, even... even..." Jiang Weiyu saw Master Yunxiao , Suppressing tears and hastily confessed, biting her pale lips, she made up her mind, "Even if I try my best not to cultivate, I will save him!" Everyone in the room knew what she meant, right? Through double cultivation, give Bai Qi his body, spiritual power and vital yin to achieve the purpose of healing.

Damn, you are willing to post for nothing, but we are not happy to accept it!Su Ruo walked out from behind Zhenjun Yunxiao with a cold face, her usual sweet and clear voice was tinged with coldness and disdain: "Senior Sister Jiang, if you want to upside down, it depends on whether my senior brother is willing to take it. My senior brother saved You have to pay for the rest of your life with your life, how could it be such a cheap thing, you think too well!"

"You... why are you so cruel...Ah Qi hurt you by mistake..." Jiang Weiyu was so angry that her fingers trembled, and tears fell down like rain beating delicate flowers, which was extremely poignant and beautiful.

Su Ruo didn't bother to watch her performance at all, and called out directly: "Master!" Her petite body rushed forward, and at the same time, the divine sword had already been released, and two points of sword light went straight to Jiang Weiyu's eyes.Let you cry, cry, goug out your eyes, and see how you cry.

None of the people present had expected that Su Ruo would make a move. Fei Luo Yuanjun snorted coldly, and wanted to teach Su Ruo a lesson. Unexpectedly, Master Yunxiao's sword was already close, and the sharp sword intent carried a strong killing intent. , went straight to her dantian, judging by his posture, he clearly wanted to destroy her.

Although Fei Luo Yuanjun is a monk after Yuan Dynasty, he is a level behind Yunxiao Zhenjun. When he met face to face, he was wounded by the sword, and even Yuanying was a little unstable.Seeing that Yun Xiao was really angry, she didn't dare to resist, and walked directly, "Yun Xiao, as the head of North Kunlun, you hurt your fellow disciples for no reason, wait for the summon from Xixin Pavilion!"

Zhenjun Yunxiao seriously injured Feiluo with a sword, and said proudly: "I am waiting!"

Immortal Yunxiao succeeded with one blow, and Su Ruo kicked Jiang Weiyu, who was holding Bai Qi tightly, ten feet away. Sword Qi opened several mouths, blood mixed with tears, making her from a delicate flower to a crushed weed in an instant.

As for Bai Qi, after being tossed like this, his breath became weaker, as if there was nothing there.

(End of this chapter)

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