The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 48 Foundation Building

Chapter 48 Foundation Building
"Yun Xiao, Ah Qi's injury has been stabilized, and it will not get worse within a year." Zhenjun Danhua paused, and then said: "There are two ways to go now: one, I have seen A Xiao The ancient alchemy formula brought back, Good Fortune Pill can help Ah Qi reshape the spiritual root and rebuild the meridians, but the most important main medicine in the Dan recipe of Good Fortune Pill has disappeared, so it can only be replaced by other elixir. I'm not sure how effective the Good Fortune Pill will be."

"What about the second?" Master Yunxiao raised his eyebrows.

"Secondly, as you said, the exercises Ah Ruo and Ah Qi practiced are quite mysterious. It is more secure to use Ah Ruo's spiritual power as the main force, supplemented by spirit pills, than to use fortune pills. However, this There is a condition for this kind of security, Ah Ruo must build a foundation. Otherwise, the two of them..." Zhenjun Danhua left half of his words, and everyone present understood what he meant.

"Building the foundation?" Su Ruo thought about it. If she stepped up her cultivation, she should be able to do it in three months at the fastest, and half a year at the slowest. The key is whether the time is in a hurry? "Uncle, what time do I have to succeed in building the foundation at least?"

"Of course, the sooner the better? The slowest cannot exceed half a year." Zhenjun Danhua understood Su Ruo's meaning, he pondered for a while, and said to Zhenjun Yunxiao: "I have two top-grade foundation building pills, one of them Alchemy has passed." His meaning was obvious, it was up to Yun Xiao to make up his mind whether or not Su Ruo used the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation.Originally, with Su Ruo's aptitude, she could completely rely on her own cultivation to build a foundation, but the current situation does not allow her to take her time.

Yun Xiao's brows were tightly frowned, and he was also weighing, beckoning to Su Ruo: "Ah Ruo, come here."

Su Ruo obediently walked to Yun Xiao's side, letting his consciousness and spiritual power roam around in his body.

"Based on Ah Ruo's current cultivation, it is very sure to establish the foundation within half a year." This is related to Su Ruo's future, Yun Xiao has to be cautious.Taking Zhuji Pill, you may not be able to see it before Yuanying, and the impact is not great when you are in Yuanying, but the difference will appear when you are out of the body.With the aptitude and character of Bai Qi and Su Ruo, he hoped that the two of them could survive the tribulation, Mahayana and even ascend to ascension.

Su Ruo bit her red lips, she wanted to make an impact with her own strength, "Master, uncle, for a period of three months, it would be best if I can succeed in building the foundation, if not, please give me the foundation building pill. "

"Oh, that's fine. Ah Ruo, don't be too forceful." Zhenjun Danhua sighed, "I'll take Ah Qi back."

He glanced at Master Yunxiao, and Yunxiao nodded, "After three months, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will take Ah Ruo there."

After a year of painstaking training, Su Ruo has reached the state of great perfection in Qi refining. She has walked steadily and steadily, with a solid foundation.In terms of sword intent and state of mind, after a year of tempering in Tianluoyuan, it is not a problem. What she lacks is an epiphany, or a little bit of understanding, which is why Master Yunxiao assured her to give it a go.

Everyone has their own understanding of foundation building, some can be explained clearly, and some can only be passed on. Ji Xiao, Yan Zishen, Wen Yan, Sang Qiao and others all told Su Ruo their own experience of building a foundation. , hoping to increase the success rate a little more.

Su Ruo has heard a lot about this experience, but sometimes she feels that she has touched the barrier, and sometimes she feels that she is still far away. After two months, there is still no progress, and the spiritual power has been refined enough to be pure. , almost liquefied.

Seeing Su Ruo sitting for two months, Master Yunxiao drove her out to let the wind go, he didn't want her to push him too hard.Su Ruo, who was interrupted by her master, sat in the yard staring at the falling peach blossoms in a daze.

"Junior Sister Su." A flat male voice sounded, interrupting Su Ruo's thoughts.

"Senior Brother Chang." Su Ruo came back to her senses, just in time to see Chang Shan striding over, she smiled slightly, "Congratulations, Senior Brother Chang."

He went out to practice in Changshan earlier, and he was caught here by Yun Xiao just after returning to the mountain.Chang Shan is the latest sword cultivator in North Kunlun who built his foundation by practicing Qi Dzogchen. Yun Xiao hopes that his understanding can give Su Ruo some hints.

Chang Shan had a headache, he broke through when he was fighting to the death with a monster of the foundation building stage, he couldn't let the junior sister also find a monster of the foundation building stage to fight with his life, right?Sitting here for a long time, Chang Shan didn't organize his words well, how should he tell Su Ruo.He is already clumsy with words, let alone this kind of understanding that cannot be expressed in words.

Seeing the class struggle on Chang Shan's face, Su Ruo burst out laughing, "I'm embarrassing Senior Brother Chang, if you can't say it, then it's fine, it's impossible to explain clearly."

"I'm sorry, I didn't help Junior Sister Su." Chang Shan was a little embarrassed, "I made a breakthrough between life and death, and this method is not suitable for Junior Sister's current situation."

"Let's not talk about that, it's fine if you don't complete the Foundation Establishment Pill." Su Ruo also thought about it, the most important thing right now is to succeed in Foundation Establishment and cure Bai Qi.Nascent Soul and Out of Body are too far away from her, the road of practice is full of thorns and ups and downs, maybe she will perish that day, maybe she won't be able to reach Nascent Soul, what to do so far, why not focus on the present. "Senior Brother Chang, I'll buy you a drink." After she figured it out, she didn't intend to waste any more time, and she went to tell the master in a while, to see Master Danhua tomorrow, to build the foundation early, and to heal the brother early.

The way of practice is to fight against the sky, the earth, and oneself. You have already gone against the sky. Just go your own way. Other people's experience is someone else's, not her Su Ruo's.

"Uh..." How did it get to the stage of drinking, Chang Shan pinched the wine bottle in his hand and looked at Su Ruo who was drinking wildly, feeling a little dazed for a moment.Didn't he come to pass on the foundation building experience? How did he become a wine companion?The aroma of wine was overflowing in the air, causing him to take a sip subconsciously, and his eyes lit up, good wine!

Master Yunxiao has been paying attention to Su Ruo, and he naturally listened to their conversation. He sighed, and originally planned to wait for Bai Qi to come out, and let him take Su Ruo down to practice and build the foundation. Who would have thought that Bai Qihui was seriously injured and died.Time is fate, that's all, let's take Ah Ruo to Zhongyin Peak tomorrow.

Maybe Su Ruo had been pushing herself too hard before, but after making a decision, she felt completely relaxed.The wine was good wine again, she drank a little more, and after a while, the little girl became drunk.With a red face and phoenix eyes, she drank the last drop of wine in the altar, and after a while, she casually flicked the wine jar in her hand, fencing and singing: "Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning?" Back. Don’t you see Gaotang’s bright mirror with sad and white hair, morning like blue silk and evening into snow...five-flowered horses, thousands of golden furs, Hu’er will exchange for fine wine, and sell eternal sorrows with you!”

Singing and singing, she moved her body and unfolded the long sword in her hand. With the help of drunkenness, she danced freely while singing long songs.Those famous sentences about wine that I had memorized in my previous life were recited one by one, with the sword in my hand, following the chanting, fluttering and slowing, chic and wanton.

Unknowingly, the spiritual power in the body flowed slowly with the sword technique, and the sword in the palm became faster and faster, the sword style was magnificent, and sword flowers scattered all over the body.Gradually, a mass of white light flickered in the courtyard.Suddenly, Su Ruo's sword changed from fast to slow, from complex to simple, combining strength and softness, and the spiritual energy in the world seemed to be drawn, and slowly gathered around her, more and more, and gradually condensed into a mist.Su Ruo, who was in it, became slower and slower, the sword in his palm flickered, the red light shone brightly, and the shape of a phoenix bird gradually appeared.

"This is..." Chang Shan stood up abruptly, but was restrained, unable to move except his eyes.Master Yunxiao came to the courtyard at some point, looked at Su Ruo in comfort, and said to himself: "I knew that drinking is so useful, I should have drunk her earlier..."

When the substantial aura wrapped Su Ruo into a silkworm cocoon, she was in it, half drunk, half awake, only felt that this sword dance showed all her feelings about swords, and the sword in her palm danced. The Qiankun Excalibur seems to be closer to her heart, she can hear it singing and jumping for joy, and in a trance, it seems that someone is asking, why does your sword move?

For myself!For the heart!She replied without thinking!Ever since she knew she was reborn in this world of comprehension, she had a wish: to sing with a long sword, to cross the universe!

The heart governs the sword, the sword exerts strength, and the strength proves the way, it is for sword cultivation!She suddenly let out a long cry, soared into the air, and the sword came out along the way, pointing directly at Jiuxiao, and the spiritual energy around her rushed into her body crazily.Su Ruo could only hear a crisp sound inside her body, she suddenly became cheerful, and a brand new world that was familiar but unfamiliar appeared in front of her eyes.

The colorful clouds gather in the sky and the rays of light shine, and the strange flowers bloom on the ground, and the fragrance is overflowing.The flying sword turned into a phoenix bird, singing and singing, and a pair of colorful phoenix phantoms appeared in the void, dancing lightly.Su Ruo's petite body danced with the phoenix out of thin air, and the howling sound was like the sound of a phoenix.In the sky, at an unknown time, countless rare birds and spirit birds flew up, flying and circling with her, and did not leave for a long time.

If you want to build a foundation and make such a big noise, it's very shocking!Although Master Yunxiao complained in his mouth, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were slightly filled with pride and joy that could not be hidden.

"Master, I have built the foundation." Su Ruo stepped on the sword and came with a smile. Chang Shan was in a daze, as if she saw the Nine Heavens Fairy descending lightly.

True Monarch Yunxiao stood with his hands behind his back, his face was hardened, and he put on the air of a strict teacher, "That's right."

"It's just not bad, master, I saw you snickering." Su Ruo jumped in front of Yun Xiao, tilted her little head, with a smirk on her face.

It's over, it's really his eyes that are dazzled by fairies!Chang Shan murmured silently.

"It took me two months to build the foundation, I'm not funny." Master Yunxiao coughed, "Don't be too complacent, you just stepped into the road of cultivation, be humble, cautious, and low-key, look at you What does this look like, my mouth is almost grinning to my ears, what a great Kunlun Sword Cultivator!"

Su Ruo pursed her lips, "Master, you have never taught humility, prudence, and low-key. On the first day I started, you said that you are not allowed to lose in a fight, and you are not allowed to cry when you lose!"

"Did I say that?" Master Yunxiao blinked.

"That's right, you also said that as the chief disciple of Beikunlun, you have to be arrogant, domineering, and high-profile!"

"...Isn't that the Qi training period? Now that you have established your foundation, the precepts have to be changed. They can't always remain the same."

"...Master said that a swordsman will only practice one sword in his life, and he can't be half-hearted. How can you change your precepts at will!"

"Is the two related..."

"Yes... there must be..."

Hello!First seat, can you let me go first, and then go... Chang Shan silently watched the two masters and apprentices going away, and shouted silently!
(End of this chapter)

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