The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 51 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 51 Going Down the Mountain
"Boom..." Su Ruo calmly set up the spirit shield, looked at the pill furnace with black smoke in front of her, and muttered in a low voice: "The furnace exploded again."

Outside the alchemy room, after Bai Qi heard the sound of the fryer inside, he stood up abruptly, rushed in, and asked anxiously, "Ah Ruo, are you injured?"

Su Ruo raised an obedient smile: "It's okay, it's just the fryer."

Is this all right?You must know that the alchemy fryer will cause great harm to the monks.He walked over a few steps, and pulled Su Ruo up, "Ah Ruo, let's spare Elder Sister's pill furnace and elixir, okay?" Also let me off your poor senior brother by the way!He didn't say the last sentence in his heart.

It happened that when Ji Xiao came back, as soon as he entered the alchemy room, he saw the appearance of the two of them, and asked very calmly: "It exploded again?"

Su Ruo nodded with a bitter face: "Yes."

"It's okay, do you still want to continue playing?" Ji Xiao couldn't be blamed for his indifferent reaction, it was Miss Su Ruo who made alchemy seven times out of ten and managed to succeed three times, and the other two furnaces were waste pills.As the elder sister of the alchemy hall, Ji Xiao has never seen such a poor alchemy talent in her life.For a month, Su Ruo kept refreshing her cognitive bottom line.

"Ah Ruo, go back with senior brother, let's stop learning." Bai Qi coaxed her softly, it was really a test of his ability to accept.

Ji Xiao shook his head, and jokingly said, "Second Junior Brother, you don't come here often enough." If you see more, you will know that this is nothing to Su Ajiu.Except for the first day, when the little face was turned black and white like a little tabby cat, not even a single strand of hair was messed up.

Su Ruo's small face was almost wrinkled, "Senior sister, Xiao Hei is very obedient, why is he so mischievous when he is released?" Xiao Hei is the yin and yang spiritual flame that Su Ruo received.She was so depressed, didn't it mean that after getting the strange fire, alchemy, weapon refining and so on were all done by hand, why is it so difficult to come to her?

Ji Xiao twitched the corners of her mouth. She usually watched too much play between Ji Xiao and Xiaohei, and she looked very docile. Why would she only destroy it when it was time to use it?Ji Xiao is a fire spirit root, so she is very familiar with fire, but through Su Ruo, she finds that she still knows too little, so she has to continue to study hard.Glancing at Su Ruo's watery phoenix eyes, and looking at himself pitifully, Ji Xiao softened his heart: "It's a pity that senior brother is in retreat, otherwise he should be able to answer your question."

Ji Xiao once again regretted why it wasn't him who retreated first.Why do you have to pity Yan Zishen who was chased and fought by Bai Qi, let him retreat first, and now he is the one who is tortured.

"Oh." Su Ruo lowered her head, pulled Bai Qi's sleeve, and said depressedly: "Master, I'm going back."

"Stop learning alchemy?" Ji Xiao tried hard to suppress the upturned corners of his lips and the bubbles in his heart.

"No." Su Ruo, like a beaten kitten, nestled into Bai Qi's arms dejectedly, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, let's go back."

Seeing her listless appearance, Bai Qi felt distressed, hugged her and walked out, comforting her: "Ah Ruo, I've recovered, I'll tell the master tomorrow, let's go down the mountain to practice."

His words made Su Ruo's face light up, and she stared at Bai Qi with burning eyes, "Can I go down the mountain?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi nodded, stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, "Don't be unhappy, anyway, you don't like alchemy and drawing symbols, do you?"

Su Ruo wrinkled her nose and complained softly: "I don't like it, but since I learned it, I should learn it well. Who knew it would be so difficult!"

The voices of the two senior brothers and sisters became farther and farther away, and gradually became inaudible. Ji Xiao sighed, and entered Zhenjun Danhua's quiet room, "Master, little junior sister has gone back."

Zhenjun Danhua nodded, "It's time to go back."

Ji Xiao was very puzzled and asked: "Master, the little junior sister is obviously very smart. My apprentice has seen that she has very precise control over different fires and spiritual power. Why does she fail repeatedly in alchemy?" People who dance with the flames turning into small figures at Su Ruo's fingertips will not think that Su Ruo's control over the different fires is not good.That's why she couldn't figure it out.

Zhenjun Danhua smiled, "Ah Ruona girl, she is petite and pretty, but inside she is like her master Yun Xiao, who advocates using violence to solve problems. She is also a sword cultivator, full of spiritual power. With the sharpness of the sword, it is strange to be able to make a good alchemy!"

Ji Xiao's eyes widened, "Then why did Uncle Yun Xiao ask Ah Ruo to learn alchemy and talisman making?"

"It's not that the little girl's cultivation is increasing too fast, so your uncle is afraid that she is too young, her experience is simple, her state of mind can't keep up with her cultivation, and there will be problems in the future, so she is asked to come out and learn something to distract her from cultivation. "As long as Zhenjun Danhua thinks of Zhenjun Yunxiao scratching his heart and liver because his apprentice is too hardworking, he can't help being in a good mood, "Ah Xiao, go and prepare some pills. It's time to go down the mountain." The two of them left, and the apprentices who had retreated should come out too!

In the early morning, beside the fog-shrouded Tianchi Lake, a petite figure was inseparable from the golden horned silver dragon, "Xiao Jiao, I'm going down the mountain to practice my experience, so I can't play with you every day."

Yin Jiao's slender body kept rubbing against Su Ruo's cheeks, and there was attachment in the blood red eyes.

Su Ruo pursed her lips and kissed again and again, "Xiaojiao, I entrusted Senior Brother Wen to deliver lotus seeds to you every day. Apart from Senior Brother, he is the one who does the best lotus seeds in North Kunlun. Don't worry, I will tell you My master said, don't let him steal your snacks."

"Ah Ruo..." Bai Qi's gentle voice came, and he stood not far away, looking at each person with a smile.

"Xiao Jiao, I have to go." With a bright smile on her face, Su Ruo touched the small bag on Yin Jiao's head, and jumped towards Bai Qi.

Yinjiao turned back into its original body, "Oh..." With a long cry, it seemed to see Su Ruo off.

Su Ruo didn't turn her head back, but waved her hand backwards, walked side by side with Bai Qi, and walked away with her sword.

On the edge of a remote mountain forest at the edge of the Funiu Mountains, Su Xin confronted four or five monks, the atmosphere was stagnant and explosive.

After Su Xin established the foundation, it took several months to stabilize his cultivation, and then took the opportunity of doing the mission of the sect to go down the mountain to practice.Missing her mother, she made a special trip home, and quietly left the elixir that she could use during the qi training period for her younger brother.As for the envious and hateful look in her aunt's eyes, she just pretended not to see it.

After going back to visit her mother, she went to a spiritual stone mine in Zangfengling in Kunlun. After three months, she wandered aimlessly after receiving the contribution points of the sect.

Some time ago, the immortal artifact appeared in Funiu Mountain, which attracted countless monks to rush here. Su Xin happened to be nearby, so he came to join in the fun.

She travels outside and never wears the clothes of inner disciples of Kunlun. Even her cultivation is concealed at around the eighth level of Qi training, and she pretends to be a casual cultivator.Occasionally, I met a team for training experience, and if I liked it, I followed it for a while, and if I didn't like it, I left directly, and I didn't encounter anything.When shopping for treasures in the market, those monks will not take the opportunity to raise the price.

She has seen with her own eyes that two [-]-year-old blood ginseng plants were bought by a disciple who looked like Lingyin Valley for [-] low-grade spirit stones, while the other was only sold for [-] low-grade spirit stones. Buyer is a casual repair.

Uh, although she doesn't lack spirit stones, she doesn't want to be taken advantage of by others.What she saw occasionally made Su Xin even more determined to pretend to be an ordinary monk.

If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. Ordinary monks will naturally encounter robbers if they pretend for a long time.As soon as Su Xin came out of Funiu Mountain, he was ambushed on the edge of a remote mountain forest.

Su Xin's left shoulder was injured, and her clothes were stained with blood. She pulled out her long sword and stopped in front of her.

There were six people ambushing her, one of them hid to the side, and five people stood in front of her, one person in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and two people in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Fellow Daoist Su, hand over your storage bag." A man with a very round figure and a smile like a Maitreya Buddha stood opposite Su Xin.

The other four people's figures flashed in succession, blocking Su Xin's escape route, and each of them held their magic weapons in their hands, ready to go.

"Fellow Daoist Su, you alone can't beat us, so you should obediently do as I say, otherwise a wrong hand hurts you, and our boss will be very distressed." The man spoke slowly, with a constant expression on his face With a smile, even the eyes are full of smiles, as if greeting a friend.It's just that his words had a deep meaning, which made the rest of them laugh together.

Standing on the left side of Su Xin, a man with a thin and dry figure like a monkey, with a lewd look in his small eyes, smiled particularly harshly: "Not only does the boss feel distressed, but the third brother doesn't feel distressed."

It was the first time for Su Xin to encounter such a dangerous situation since he crossed. Although it was not the first time to fight the monks, it was the first time that he fought against the crowd with one man.She tried her best to calm herself down, thinking what are the chances of getting away?It really doesn't work, I can only hide in the space.She clenched the sword in her hand tightly, and with the other hand hanging down, the Flame Talisman was ready, and the battle was about to start.

At this moment, two sword lights streaked across the sky above Funiu Mountain, like meteors, coming extremely fast, and they were coming in this direction.

There are monks passing by, good opportunity!Su Xin's Raging Flame Talisman shot straight for the person with the weakest cultivation base, and at the same time stabbed at another person in the Qi training stage with the move of Jade Girl Shuttle.

The man who looked like a smiling Buddha who spoke before had been prepared for a long time, and a shuttle-shaped magic weapon came first, and went straight to Su Xin's chest.While Su Xin dodged back, he shot five medium-grade sharp gold talismans in a row, and took one of them.These people also knew what to do, and they blocked and dodged, but the formation surrounding Su Xin remained unchanged.

"Hmm..." The man on the right suddenly widened his eyes, clutched his chest and fell down, his complexion was blue and gray, and even the blood that flowed out turned black.Su Xin stepped out from the gap that was opened, and ran into the forest with a swift step.

"Fourth..." The skinny monkey-like man cried out eagerly. Seeing that Su Xin was about to run away, he didn't even bother to look over. With red eyes, he threw out a flying sword and aimed at Su Xin's heart!

 Dear friends, I'm sorry, Shanshui has been inspected these days, and the update will be later!
(End of this chapter)

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