The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 77 Loose Cultivation Alliance

Chapter 77 Loose Cultivation Alliance
The man was stunned for a moment, then he looked up to the sky and laughed, "There are really not many people in this world who can't afford to drink fines."

Su Ruo calmly said, "My master is Master Yunxiao!"

The man laughed halfway before being choked back, his eyes widened and he asked, "Who is your master?"

"The first seat in North Kunlun, Master Yunxiao!" Su Ruo also nodded, indicating that he was right.She bent her eyes, "Can I go?" After speaking, she ignored the man, and Yu Jian went straight south.

The man was stuck there, but he didn't chase after him again, and the four words kept echoing in his mind, Master Yunxiao!Master Yunxiao!Cough, that bastard can't be offended, can't be offended, I can only let go of the top-quality little beauty I finally set my sights on.

After flying for another half a day, there is a city of cultivating immortals in the distance. Su Ruo intends to go around and pass a letter to Master Feijian to praise him.

"Master, well! This apprentice met a disciple on his way, heard the name of the master, and left immediately! From this, it can be seen that the master's reputation in the cultivation world won that day, and the disciple is very proud!" Leave a good message, Released a small flying sword.

Master Yunxiao received Su Ruo's flying sword letter, which was quite beautiful at first, but then the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, he slapped the table and shouted: "Brat, you actually said that my name can only be used to scare disciples?" Son, it really doesn’t make sense.”

After Su Ruo delivered the letter, she stepped out of the inn where she was staying curiously, and went for a walk in the market.Even in the realm of self-cultivation, not all are self-cultivators, the largest part of them are mortals.

Nancheng is mainly a market for cultivators. Many monks set up small stalls on the street to buy things they got, or refined medicines, formation plates, etc.

This place is very close to Kunlun, and many Kunlun disciples can be seen in the square market. They may be in small groups or alone, no matter what kind, their expressions are very relaxed, with a slight smile on their faces.

Su Ruo walked all the way, touched and looked, but didn't see half of the things that really interested her or were useful.Thinking about it, she was born in a top-notch cultivation family in the East Pole cultivation world, and was also a teacher of Kunlun Chief. She has seen countless good things, and these ordinary objects naturally do not come into her eyes.

"Zhenbao Pavilion." A three-storey storefront on the street appeared in his eyes, Su Ruo was curious, turned around and stepped in.

A female cultivator at the eighth level of qi training immediately greeted her, and said with a pleasant smile, "Fellow Daoist, what do you need?"

"Turn around at will."

"How about the little girl Luying to guide you?"

"Okay." Su Ruo nodded indiscriminately, she was just out for a stroll, so it would be nice to introduce herself a few times.

The first floor of Zhenbao Pavilion is full of artifacts and elixirs. Although they are excellent, there are not many good things.

Seeing that Su Ruo wasn't interested, Lu Ying smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, the first floor is full of common items, but there may be something you like on the second and third floors."

"Alright." Su Ruo and Na Luying turned to the stairs and walked upstairs.

There were far fewer people on the second floor than on the first floor. A few West Kunlun disciples in purple clothes were looking at something, talking lively with each other.

"Brother, this Qingfeng Chai can attack and defend, and it's also very beautiful. Senior Sister Lan will definitely like it."

"No, no, Senior Sister Lan has never seen anything good. If you can be moved by a Qingfeng hairpin, if you want to talk about me, it has to be this Susha Chanyi."

"Susha Chanyi can only be used in the foundation stage, but this Qingfengchai can be upgraded, and can be used in the Jindan stage. Besides, didn't senior brother Yuwen get a hairpin spectrum in Qichong territory, which happened to be the same as Qingfengchai?" Send them together."

Some people were not afraid of big troubles, and carefully suggested: "How about, Senior Brother Yuwen, you can give both of them!"

Su Ruo listened to the excitement, then looked at the one who was undecided, and laughed, she knew this person, had she ever fought?

Several people heard laughter, turned around at the same time, saw Su Ruo, and cupped their hands at the same time: "Junior Sister Su."

"Senior Brother Yuwen, Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Chen, and these senior brothers." Su Ruo returned the gift, she stepped forward a few steps, looked at Qingfeng Chai, then swept some plain gauze Chanyi, and said with a smile: " Let’s buy it together, and I’ll ask the boss to give you a cheaper price.”

Yu Wenyao was in a dilemma just now. He bought two pieces together. Although he had enough spirit stones, there would be nothing left.Hearing Su Ruo's words, he smiled immediately, cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank Junior Sister Su." Before entering the door, he saw the small phoenix totem under the signboard, which was the family emblem of the Yanan Su family.

Su Ruo casually took out a small jade token that had not been used for a long time from the ring, and flashed it in front of Luying's eyes, "These are my senior brothers, tell Mr. Wang that you only charge the same price for this hairpin and Susha Chanyi." .”

"Hahaha, it's rare for Miss Nine to open her mouth. The little old man will do as he pleases. Luying, take a few Kunlun fellow Taoists to check out and inspect the goods." A hearty laugh came from the third floor, and following the laughter, a The little old man with white beard and hair came down from the third floor.

Su Ruo lowered her head and saluted, "Old Wang."

"Miss Nine, please go upstairs." Wang Lao twirled his beard and smiled, and pointed his hand upstairs.

"Brother Yuwen, I'll go up first." Su Ruo bid farewell to Yu Wenyao and the others, and stepped onto the third floor.

"Junior Sister Su, thank you very much." Yu Wenyao thanked again.

People on the third floor are better than those on the second floor, only a man in black is sitting on a chair drinking tea.Seeing Su Ruo coming up, she drank tea without raising her eyelids.

"Miss Nine, this is Leng Su Leng, leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance." Elder Wang introduced to both parties, "This is Miss Nine of our Su family, a member of the Kunlun sect."

Hearing the words, the man in black raised his head, glanced over Su Ruo lightly, nodded slightly, and said in a calm voice, "Miss Su Jiu."

Su Ruo also returned a faint smile, holding the airs of Fairy Kunlun: "Master Leng."

"Brother, have you finished talking?" A voice that Su Ruo was quite familiar with came from downstairs, and then the man who had been chasing Su Ruo for three days came upstairs, and he saw Su Ruo at a glance. Called: "Yun Xiao's apprentice."

Su Ruo glanced at him, found a seat and sat down, dressed in a cool and noble manner, and didn't speak.

Qi Ao gave Su Ruo a strange look, "Little girl, why are you pretending to be dumb?" Wasn't it amazing when he choked on him halfway.

He glanced at his elder brother, and suddenly realized, "It turns out that the little girl's family likes this, what's so good about him, he puts on a cold face every day, as if someone owes him a spirit stone, isn't he afraid of being frozen to death?"

Su Ruo felt that she had to clarify this time, "I'm not good at this."

Ever since he found out that Su Ruo was Yun Xiao's apprentice, Qi Ao threw that bit of beauty out of Jiu Xiao Yun, leaving only curiosity about Su Ruo.He leaned in front of Su Ruo and asked, "Then what are you doing?"
Leng Su's unwavering voice sounded: "I heard that the ninth lady of the Su family and the fifth son of the Amaterasu Bai family are future Taoist couples."

"Hey, you are the master of the divine sword of this generation of the Su family?" Qi Ao became even more enthusiastic, and urged: "Little girl, show your family's legendary sword."

Su Ruo glanced at him sideways, "Haven't you seen it all?"

"Nonsense, when did I read it?"

"You have been flying with me for three days, didn't you see the sword I stepped on?" Su Ruo looked into his eyes, there is nothing wrong with it.

" mean, the sword you stepped on in those few days was the twin swords of heaven and earth, the sword of Kun!" Qi Ao's slender eyes tried to stare into the circle, "That's a divine sword, you just step on it everywhere Fly!" Shouldn't it be hidden tightly and only shown off at critical moments, why is this little girl just stepping on it and flying around.

Su Ruo saw that they were big customers of his family, and answered patiently: "I am Jianxiu."

"I know, you're wearing the Bei Kunlun's personal disciple uniform, and I'm not blind, so I can see it." Qi Ao said angrily.Don't think that she watched his eyes before, he didn't know, hum!

Su Ruo felt that there was no way to communicate with this person, so she simply said to Wang Lao: "Wang Lao, I'm going first."

"Hey, where is Miss Jiu going?"

"Go home first, I heard that my fourth uncle has successfully conceived a baby."

"Okay, Miss Jiu, be careful on the way." Seeing that Su Ruo was planning to go home soon, Mr. Wang didn't say anything more, watching her go downstairs and leave.

Qi Ao chased after him, "You haven't answered me yet..."

Leng Su really couldn't bear to see his idiot brother, so he stopped him directly: "Miss Su Jiu has already answered you, she is a sword cultivator, and she only cultivates one sword in her life."

"Uh, when I saw her, I became confused." Qi Ao sat down beside Leng Su, and said to Wang Lao: "Wang Lao, are all the ladies of the Su family so beautiful and interesting?"

Elder Wang kept laughing, "We servants, don't dare to talk about the lady of the master's family."

Qi Ao rubbed his chin, turned his head to look at Leng Su, and said via voice transmission: "Brother, you said that I will go to the Su family to ask for marriage, will the Su family agree?"

Glancing at him coldly, he asked blankly: "Are you serious? When a young lady from the Su family marries back, she must be a regular wife." Moreover, it is very difficult for the Su family to agree to your concubine.

"Of course I know that." Qi Ao thought for a while, but gave up, "Forget it, I'm quite comfortable now, there's no need to get a woman to come back to confess." Yes, if Yanan Su's marriage is allowed, she will definitely marry Miss Di is here, and he married Miss Su's Di line, of course he can't be treated like those women before.

"The Su family won't agree to your false name." Leng Su saw that he had dispelled the idea, and then told the truth.

Elder Wang chuckled, "If leader Leng asks to marry a daughter from the Su family, the patriarch will definitely agree."

Leng Su and Qi Ao shuddered at the same time, the old man actually heard the sound transmission they used just now.Thinking of them, a monk in the period of stealing and a monk in the post-Yuan period, none of them could see through the cultivation of the old man in front of him.The two sighed secretly, the Yanan Su Clan has been passed down for thousands of years, and it really has a profound foundation, so they still want to continue to be good friends.

Thinking of this, Leng Su slightly raised the corners of his lips, "If Leng wants to marry a monk, he will definitely go to the Su family to propose marriage."

Elder Wang smiled and said nothing more, just a warning would be enough, if you want to do business, you still need to be kind to make money!
(End of this chapter)

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