Chapter 93
Master Yunxiao has been fidgeting since the early morning, he didn't even sleep in his favorite sleep, and sat on the cloud bed with a sullen face.As a monk in the out-of-body period, the only person who can make him feel such a strong sense of uneasiness is himself or someone close to him.

He first made sure that there was nothing wrong with him. Although Bai Qi, who was in seclusion, had reached a critical juncture, the problem was not too big.It seems that it should be Su Ruo. She went there for more than three years without any news, and Master Yunxiao didn't have any premonition. This time, she might really encounter some catastrophe.

"Ning He, Ah Qi is about to form an alchemy, help me watch him." Yun Xiao sent out a sword book, attracting Ning He Zhenjun.

Ning and Zhenjun held the wine gourd, and joked when they saw him: "I've never seen you protect your disciples so much. Ah Qi has been in seclusion for six years, and you haven't left Yuheng Palace even a single step. Seeing that the alchemy is coming soon, you come It's time to go out."

Master Yunxiao wasn't in the mood to talk to him, so he said, "Look after Ah Qi, I'll go find Junior Sister Zhiwei."

Ning and Zhenjun were taken aback for a moment, then became serious, and sat down on the cloud bed casually, "You go, Ah Qi, I will take care of it."

Outside the Palace of Seven Stars in East Kunlun, Zhiwei Yuanjun stood quietly in a long lavender dress, with a bland face and eyes as deep as an endless starry sky.

Master Yunxiao came with his sword, and saw Zhiwei Yuanjun waiting there at a glance, his heart tightened, "Junior Sister Zhiwei."

"Senior Brother Yunxiao." Zhiwei Yuanjun smiled faintly, calm and far away, which made people calm down immediately, "Don't worry, Ah Ruo will go here without any danger."

Knowing Zhiwei Yuanjun's words, Zhenjun Yunxiao felt a little relieved, and he said with a serious face: "Thank you, Junior Sister Zhiwei." After speaking, he turned and left.

"Senior Brother Yunxiao, wait." Zhiwei Yuanjun suddenly called out to him, with a look of embarrassment on his face.


Zhiwei Yuanjun paused, and finally sighed, and didn't say it out, Senior Sister, Senior Sister, you really made a big mistake this time, all I can do is not take the initiative to speak, so you know yourself.

"It's nothing, brother, please go back, Ah Qi is about to leave the customs." After she finished speaking, she turned and went back to the Seven Star Hall, the door of the hall was closed, and there was no more sound.

Master Yunxiao's eyes were so dark that it was hard to tell, he snorted coldly, if Ah Ruo's distress was related to Fei Luo, he would try his best to enter the Nether Realm for a thousand years, and he would kill her as well.

Bai Qi in the secret room was at a critical juncture. The Taiji Diagram in his dantian was running extremely fast, and countless auras entered the body and turned into spiritual power, causing the already fully loaded meridians and dantian to burst with pain.He compressed the extremely viscous spiritual power again and again, but the speed of compression was not as fast as the influx of spiritual energy. The meridians and dantian had expanded to the limit, especially the meridians were about to shatter, and the body was oozing thin of blood beads.

Bai Qi looked calm, acted calmly, and compressed his spiritual power a little bit.Gradually on the side of the Taiji diagram, the spiritual power in the dantian gradually differentiated and turned into five colors. They pushed and fought each other, and finally calmed down, forming a cycle again.

At the moment when yin, yang and five elements appeared in his body at the same time, the spiritual energy seemed to be drawn by something, and surged in, and soon he was surrounded by a mass of spiritual energy that seemed to be real.

The five-color spiritual power became active again, and at the same time, it jumped in the middle of the Taiji diagram, and quickly formed a circle, which gradually became transparent from the five colors, and finally became smaller and smaller, finally becoming a small circle on the Taiji diagram. Small white spots.Xiao Baidian trembled slightly, and then began to absorb the spiritual energy crazily, trying to grow himself, but the Tai Chi Diagram slowed down at this time, slowly sucking in and out the spiritual energy, purifying it again and again.

The little white dot grew up little by little, and the color gradually changed from white to golden. Bai Qi let out a breath slowly, and the golden elixir was completed.

When Zhenjun Yunxiao returned to the Sword Test Peak, it was the time when Bai Qi's Golden Pill was formed and the vision appeared.The boundless red clouds formed huge phoenixes, flying and circling around the Jianjian peak, and did not disperse for a long time.

Yun Xiao's face had been stern all day, and when he saw the celestial phenomenon of Jiedan, he finally showed his first smile of the day.

Ning and Zhenjun threw him a wine gourd, "Congratulations!"

"Oh, Tongxi." He had just picked up the gourd and took a sip of wine when the door of the secret room was shattered with a bang. Going down the mountain."

Master Yunxiao was stunned, seeing the boundless fear and panic in his eyes, and sighed, "I asked you, Uncle Zhiwei, if Ah Ruo is out of danger this time, there should be no danger of his life."

"No, master, Ah Ruo is injured, she is seriously injured." Bai Qi just thought about the moment he had just formed the Golden Core, and he seemed to be able to see her dying figure in front of his eyes. The blood in front of his eyes was red, that was her. of blood.Bai Qi's heart was in great pain, if he hadn't thought about it in time, if he couldn't form the alchemy, it would be even more difficult to find her, he almost couldn't control his mind, and the alchemy failed.

Without saying a word, Master Yunxiao turned around and walked towards the inner hall. Sure enough, Su Ruo's original magic lamp was dimmed, leaving only a faint light, which was about to go out.

Ning and Zhenjun were shocked, "What hurt Ah Ruo like this!"

True Monarch Yunxiao's face was ashen, and he asked a very unwilling question: "Did Fei Luo go to Jiuwan Mountain?"

"This, I don't know." Ning and Zhenjun shook their heads.

"Hmph, yes or no, it will be clear at that time." Master Yunxiao glanced at Bai Qi, "Ah Ruo passed on the breath before, she has already arrived at the Ninety Thousand Mountains. Go and clean up, we will set off immediately."

"Yes." Bai Qi agreed, and after a few ups and downs, the person disappeared.

In Hanyun City, Su Xin was holding an ordinary storage bag, and his expression was a little tangled, "Xuan, do you think this really belongs to Ah Jiu? Could it be that Ah Jiu is really involved with the Yaozu? "

What she held in her hand was the one that Su Ruo had tied to the little fox's leg before. As early as the moment the formation broke, when Su Ruo had attracted the full attention of master and apprentice Fei Luo, the little fox quickly escape.While running, he tried his best to contact his backer, which is why the man in black arrived so quickly.

After getting Su Ruo settled down, and seeing her situation calm down, the little fox Ah Jiu finally remembered what Su Ruo had tied to him, and after bargaining with the man in black, he reluctantly agreed to send it to him.

Su Xin was found by the man in black when he was about to leave the Ninety Thousand Mountains. Without saying a word, he just threw the storage bag to her and said, "This is from Ah Jiu." not see.The Ajiu he was talking about was his own little fox, but Su Xin and Shangguan Xuan mistakenly thought that the Ajiu he was talking about was Su Ruo. This was really a tangled misunderstanding.

However, this person never hides himself. When he appeared in front of Su Xin, he dragged a long snake tail and swayed it. In addition, when he mentioned Ah Jiu, his eyes were as gentle as water, and his tone was warm. Lingering, anyone can easily know that Ah Jiu holds a special place in his heart.

Shangguan Xuan pondered for a moment, and boldly guessed, "I think Lingmei has a good relationship with him." Men know men best, even though it is a snake, it is also male.Shangguanxuan felt that the four words of friendship were not enough to describe the relationship between them. If he had to say it, it was obviously adultery|deep love.

"Then what about Master Bai?" Su Xin blurted out, successfully making Shangguan Xuan's face turn cold, "Xinxin cares about Bai Qi?"

Su Xin was taken aback, then quickly shook her head: "Ah-Jiu and Bai Shishu are natural Taoist couples, and it is impossible for the Su family and the Bai family to separate them." She turned her head slightly, looked at the sunset outside the window, and sighed leisurely Tone: "It's not so much that I'm worried about Uncle Bai, it's better to say that I'm worried about Ah Jiu. No matter how much the uncle dotes on her and the clan elders value her again, she will not be allowed to abandon her engagement and leave with others."

Shangguan Xuan's face softened slightly, "It's a matter between the two of them, let them solve it by themselves."

"At that time, I was quite sorry for Ah Jiu. She was so beautiful and talented, but she made a marriage contract early, and Master Bai..." At this point, she paused, feeling that it was not good to speak ill of Bai Qi. Turning the words around abruptly, "If she really likes that demon cultivator, even if everyone objects, I will support her."

"No need, my Ah Ruo won't change his mind." Bai Qi's cold voice sounded outside the house. He and Master Yunxiao rushed to Hanyun City. Hearing that Su Xin had just come out of Jiuwan Dashan, he searched for him, thinking He asked her if she had met Su Ruo before, but she didn't expect to hear such a remark.

Su Xin was taken aback, got up and went out, was taken aback when he saw Master Yunxiao, and immediately saluted, "Master Uncle, Master Bai."

Shangguan Xuan also saluted and said: "Shangguan Xuan of the Wuji Gate has met the real monarch."

Master Yunxiao nodded, and with a casual move, the storage bag in Su Xin's hand flew into his hand. With a sweep of his consciousness, he threw it to Bai Qi: "It's Ah Ruo's."

There is a restriction set by Su Ruo on the storage bag, which cannot be opened unless he is himself. Of course, Bai Qi is also possible, but it will take some effort.

"What is this..." Bai Qi was taken aback when he saw the bones in the storage bag, then took out the jade slips, and searched with his consciousness.His face became more and more dignified, and in the end even overflowed with murderous aura, and the Qiankun Sword also appeared, buzzing.

Bai Qi just came out of the alchemy, and his cultivation has not been consolidated. In addition, when he formed the alchemy, just when Su Ruo had an accident, the mutual induction made his sword more murderous, and the people were also very angry. Much colder than before.When he got angry, sword intent shot out everywhere, causing Shangguan Xuan's eyes to well up with a strong fighting intent.If Master Yunxiao wasn't here, he would definitely have to fight Bai Qi first.

"Ah Qi?"

"Master, take a look." Bai Qi sent the jade slips to Master Yunxiao, and turned to face Su Xin, "Nephew Su, thank you for bringing back the news about Ah Ruo." Then, he looked at Shangguan Xuan. With a glance, "Shangguan Daoist, I have something to ask Master Nephew Su, it's about Kunlun, you..." It's definitely not suitable to talk about Fei Luo's master and apprentice in front of Wuji disciples.

Shangguan Xuan was very straightforward, "There are still some matters in Wuji Sect, I need to deal with them, so I will leave first." After saying goodbye to Master Yunxiao and Bai Qi, he said to Su Xin: "Xinxin, this matter is over, but Find me at the Promise Gate station."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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