Chapter 96 Follow-up
In the main hall of Kunlun Yaotai, Zhenjun Xuanyi sat on the head of the sect, and three monks of different shapes sat cross-legged on the left, and the one in the middle was Fei Luo's master, the former head of Kunlun, Chong Xuzi.

Su Ruo's father, Su Wenche, the current patriarch of the Su family, is seated first on the right hand side, and the eldest son Su Zimu stands behind him.The father and son looked solemn, looking at Fei Luo and Jiang Weiyu standing in the hall, their eyes were full of evil spirits.

Next to Su Wenche were Danhua, Yunxiao, and Miaoyi, all of whom were expressionless. Zhenjun Guiyuan of Xixin Pavilion was sitting behind the left back of Xuanyi's head, half hidden.

Since Fei Luo woke up that day, she has been sullen, neither happy nor sad, turning a blind eye to the accusations of her fellow disciples, even standing in the palace, facing the scrutiny and disgust of the Kunlun rulers, she still remains expressionless.

Ever since Jiang Weiyu was seriously injured by Bai Qi that day, she has also been as taciturn as her master, with fear and regret flashing across her eyes from time to time.

When Xuan Yi asked about the events of that day, Fei Luo remained silent for a long time, and Jiang Wei Yu was in a panic, and spoke first: "Yes, it was my master who was exposed because of his personal affair, thus seriously injuring Su Ruo." The matter was said all over again in a fit of annoyance, and when there was a "plop", he knelt down on his knees and begged for mercy, "The disciple was also under the persecution of the master, so he had no choice but to move his hand on Junior Sister Su. I really didn't mean it." I beg the sect master and the ancestors, for the sake of the disciple being coerced by others and not causing any harm, please spare the disciple's life." As he said, he kowtowed again and again.

Master Yunxiao squinted his eyes, flicked his hand casually, and a cold voice sounded: "Ah Ruo can't afford to call you a junior sister, don't call her like that again."

Jiang Weiyu quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes. Miss Su was seriously injured at that time, and she was protected by the divine sword. The disciple didn't hurt her at all. I beg the master to forgive me."

When Jiang Weiyu opened her mouth, Fei Luo's dull eyes turned and landed on her body. She just stared at Jiang Weiyu like this, making her step back involuntarily, and Ai Ai said in the middle of her mouth: "Master... ...Master, you, you did something wrong..."

"Oh, I was wrong, I was wrong..." Fei Luo let out a smile that was uglier than crying, but felt sore and unbearable in her heart, her eyes were so dry that she couldn't shed even a single tear.She suddenly knelt down to Chong Xuzi, "Master, my disciple made a mistake, a big mistake, and I've embarrassed you, old man."

Chong Xuzi closed his eyes, neither looking at her nor speaking.

"I beg you to forgive me. It's really my disciple who has lost his mind and made a big mistake, so he has no face to ask you to forgive me." Fei Luo seemed to be crying but not crying, not smiling but not smiling, and she kowtowed respectfully to Chong Xuzi. Nine heads, "The unworthy disciple Fei Luo thanked the master for his teaching for thousands of years. The disciple should no longer be filial to the master. The master just pretends that he has never accepted me as an apprentice."

Chong Xuzi slowly opened his eyes, "You still know you are wrong."

"Yes, as early as four hundred years ago, the disciple was wrong." Fei Luo raised her head and closed her eyes, two lines of tears fell down.She paused quietly for a moment, then stood up from the ground, her eyes fell on Yun Xiao, and she smiled faintly, "Senior Brother Yun Xiao, I'm sorry! I owe you 400 years for this sentence."

Yun Xiao raised her eyebrows, her eyes were deep and unfathomable, "You don't owe me, you owe Qingli."

"Yes, I owe my junior sister Qingli and my nephew Su Ruo, and I should pay them off together today." She slowly turned to Zhenjun Xuanyi, "I did everything, disregarding ethics, and my disciples. Selfishness, cruelty to fellow sects, murder to silence. I have committed a serious crime, please punish me severely!"

Fei Luo pleaded guilty without saying a word, so that Zhenjun Xuanyi sighed secretly, got up and said: "Abolish the cultivation base, expel Kunlun, and no longer be a Kunlun disciple."

"No..." Fei Luo stood up abruptly, and her emotions became agitated again: "Even if I apologize by death, I am still a Kunlun disciple." After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes, self-destructed Nascent Soul, and dispersed her cultivation base.In an instant, his body was limp and lifeless.

Crimson committed suicide!There was no sound in the hall, for a long while, Chong Xuzi stood up, put away Fei Luo's body, and walked out step by step.

Fei Luo died, and Jiang Weiyu's fate can be imagined.Her performance in the palace is really disgusting.True Lord Xuanyi abolished her cultivation as usual and expelled her from Kunlun.

Jiang Weiyu stayed in Qixian City under Kunlun Mountain for more than a month, and then disappeared.

At the same time, because of the evil cultivating Dharma altar found in the [-] Dashan Mountains, Kunlun sent letters to various schools in the East Pole to tell about the Dharma altar.All of a sudden, the situation in the East Pole Cultivation World became tense, with each sect and sect tightening their grip on the outside and tightening on the inside, each investigating the internal traitors in the sect.

Days passed day by day, five years had passed since Su Ruo was injured, she just lay there quietly, except for the scabs on her face receding and leaving scars, making her look like a rag doll, The rest remain unchanged.

After a night of training, the little fox came to her side to talk in the morning as usual.It's just that the little fox has already grown two and a half tails, and is now working hard to grow the third tail.

"Ah Jiu, you have been sleeping for a long time, when will you wake up? I still want to go out to eat delicious food with you! Mingyan is not allowed to eat, whether it is bad..."

Xiao Jiu, I'm already awake. I've been awake all this time, but I can't talk to you.Su Ruo tried her best to bend a smile, hoping that the little fox could see it.

"Ah Ruo, it's been more than five years, why I still can't find you?" In the center of Jiuwan Dashan, not far from the Eye of Heaven, Bai Qi stood with his hands behind his back on his sword, looking at the distant sky surrounded by clouds and mist. Qingshan, the loss came to his heart again, "I can clearly feel that you are not far from me, why do I return disappointed again and again?"

"Ah Ruo, Fei Luo is dead, Zhang Qi broke a leg, betrayed Kunlun, and is now wanted by Kunlun! And Jiang Weiyu was also abolished and expelled from Kunlun. Your revenge has been avenged, why not come out?"

Seeing that the primordial lamp belonging to Su Ruo was slowly returning to light, Bai Qi was both happy and worried.In the past five years, he has traveled almost every inch of the Nine Thousand Mountains, experienced countless dangers, and suffered serious injuries time and time again, just to find Su Ruo.

But for five years, every time he sensed Su Ruo's direction, he couldn't find it anywhere.Bai Qi, who was gentle and elegant back then, has become more indifferent than Yan Zishen, and his deep eyes have been frozen for thousands of years.

"Uncle Bai..." The pretty girl stood not far from him, staring at the man bewilderedly, "We have already checked, and there are no restrictions or formations here."

Bai Qi raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and hid the disappointment in his eyes, he said lightly: "You have been here for a long time, it's time to get out of the mountain."

"Hey, what about you, uncle?" the delicate girl couldn't help asking.

"I'm not your business." Bai Qi threw it down coldly, and Yu Jian left.

The delicate girl lowered her head and was secretly sad. She missed the gentle and friendly Master Bai in the training hall that day.Unfortunately, since Master Su disappeared five years ago, Master Bai has become more silent and colder every day.Sometimes, she really wanted to rush up and tell him that everyone said that Uncle Su would never come back again, why didn't you look at other people?But she didn't dare, the lesson of Senior Sister Chang Jingyi is still in front of her eyes.

On the same day, Master Bai was arrested and brought back to Kunlun because of his injuries.Senior sister Chang was furious for a while, and said bluntly that Uncle Su died.As a result, Senior Uncle Bai went into a rage and almost beat Senior Sister Chang to death.Since then, things about Uncle Su have become a taboo in Kunlun, and no one dares to mention it.

"Senior brother, senior brother..." Countless times, Su Ruo felt that Bai Qi was so close to her, she kept calling him in her heart, and even asked those Lingzhi friends she made over the years to say hello, but she couldn't get in touch anyway. on him.

This time, she felt that Bai Qi was getting closer to her than ever, and she was anxious, and the sword light on her body was also flickering.

Ming Yan, who was reclined among the flowers, was watching with great interest his little fox playing with the butterfly.Suddenly he raised his eyebrows, a strange smile appeared on his lips, and there was interest in his eyes, "That's good, that's good, I found it here. But..." He smiled maliciously at Su Ruo, "I can't let you Meet." With a wave of his hand, the fog in the valley seemed to thicken.

Su Ruo felt that her feelings towards Bai Qi were getting worse, and after Bai Qi lingered for a long time, she was also drifting away. "Brother!" She was so anxious that she opened her eyes suddenly.

The first thing that came into view was the blue sky and the brilliant sun. Turning her head slightly, the ancient trees, spirit flowers, and strange fruits that she often chatted with were shaking her body gently, greeting her.

"Huh, you're actually awake?" The voice was full of surprise, and the ending sound rose slightly, with a strange tone, which was unexpectedly pleasant.

"Squeak... Ah Jiu Ah Jiu, you're awake." The little fox heard that Su Ruo had woken up, and the butterfly stopped jumping, and jumped directly towards Su Ruo.

Fortunately, Mingyan's hand was released in time, so that it was not injured by the divine sword.

Su Ruo turned her head, and saw a tall, handsome black-clothed man with black hair, holding a little fox in his arms, walking slowly towards him.

Su Ruo smiled sweetly at the little fox, opened her mouth, and said hoarsely after a long time: "Xiao Jiu..."

Ming Yan suddenly smiled at Su Ruo, and the beauty and charm of Qingcheng rushed to her face.

Su Ruo blinked, suddenly feeling sorry for the little fox.It is said that the fox spirit is the most beautiful and enchanting after it takes shape. Looking at the tails of the little white fox, it must be good or bad.Such a beautiful vixen, but she wants to find a husband who looks like a boy and a girl, what a match!

Ming Yan was a little curious, and his emotions were clear at a glance in those clear eyes.There is no obsession, no deep intoxication, but there is a little bit of regret.What is she regretting?Sorry, am I a big monster?

Eyes rolled around, the charm deepened, and a deep and nourishing voice sounded, "Su Ruo~" ended up rising, indescribably lingering.

Su Ruoka rolled her eyes twice, feeling goosebumps all over the floor, she tried to speak clearly with a hoarse voice: "Straighten your tongue before speaking!"

Ming Yan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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