Chapter 105
Tang Tang was just stunned for a moment, then recalled that Tang Taro said that he wanted to ask himself for help, and immediately agreed, and after asking about the place, he said to Tang Mei: "Get ready, there is a good place to go, Maybe I can help you get some good things to pass the catastrophe!"

"What good place?"

"Crack the Zhenlong chess game!"

Tang Mei was puzzled: "Zhenlong Chess Game? What is that? Is Suoto the Soto proving ground?"

Soto is as famous as the Sony Proving Ground. Many players know that it is located in the south of the Hunting Forest. There are monsters between level 30 and 60 there. It belongs to the high-level area in the eyes of players at this stage. It cannot be said that no one can go there. There are very few people who can play there, not the current well-known masters, but those who are also anonymous.Secondly, in the Suoto Proving Ground, it is true that the level of cultivation is high, and it is true that there is a chance to produce good things.But it is also more difficult to kill, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the extra cultivation value may not be able to make up for the time gap.So, either it is a team of experts, or they go there to try their luck and make good things, otherwise no one likes to go there.Of course, it means that no one likes to hang out there at this stage. If everyone can hang out there easily, Soto will not be a difficult place.

As for Tang Taro's Suoto Sealing Demon Cave, this is also the first time Tang Tang has heard of it, and he doesn't know how to get there. Looking for the magic cave, it would be like throwing Tang Tang directly to the underworld.Therefore, after Tang Tang and his eldest sister Tang Mei met in Holy Soul Village, their first destination was the main city, Dragon City!

Dragon City is famous for its beautiful scenery, and more importantly, there are two major sects near Dragon City. One is the Martial God Temple, which is mainly based on martial arts and support, and the second is Samurai Soul Valley, which is famous for its poisonous arts.

And Tang Tang and Tang Taro made an appointment, naturally there is an inn, there is no way, this "one" is a big brand, it belongs to the exclusive soul domain, no matter where you go, it is the best place to recognize, so Tang Tang just arrived I saw Tang Taro sitting on the second floor.

Beckoning, Tang Taro naturally saw Tang Tang, but Tang Taro was about to say hello to Tang Tang, but he was stunned for a while, but smiled at Tang Mei and said: "Tang Mei? I didn't expect that little girl The friend in his mouth turned out to be a famous figure in the "Tangmen Artifact Soul Master". I think our trip should be smoother!" "Tangmen famous person?" Tang Tang looked at Tang Mei in surprise and said, "Elder sister, so you are also Quite famous? He is also a famous figure in the Tang Sect."

"What did the little girl say? Why can't I be a man of the hour? Even you are the number one senior of the Tang Sect!" Tang Mei's words satisfied Tang Tang's little vanity, but the next sentence was: " But you seem to be the only student in the Death God Pavilion?"

Tang Tang immediately burst into tears. According to what the old man Dugu Bo said, there are only him and him in the Death God Pavilion. Which sect's first student is more embarrassing than himself?
"You're cruel!" Tang Tang gave Tang Mei a resentful look and said, "But eldest sister, how did you become a man of the Tang Sect?"

Tang Mei explained: "I was originally among the first batch to enter the soul trap, and I have done a lot of missions in the master's sect. The first character is Tang Yukuang, who was killed by you. The second character is Tang Yukuang's younger brother, In order to establish prestige, Tang Yukuang asked him to go to cross the tribulation, but he was also hacked to death. The third man of the hour is to see that after you successfully cross the tribulation, his confidence will greatly increase, and he will not be far behind. Died. The fourth man of the hour saw Bloody Limbo and Niu Dada succeed in crossing the catastrophe yesterday, and ran to cross the catastrophe with the crowd, but he was killed unexpectedly. The fifth man of the hour went to see the fourth catastrophe , I didn’t expect Chi Yu to be hit by the tribulation thunder, and he also followed in the footsteps of the fourth man of the hour, the No.6 man of the hour... I’m fine for the time being, because I haven’t crossed the catastrophe yet.”

Tang Tang patted Tang Mei's shoulder enthusiastically and said, "I'm looking forward to the appearance of the seventh man of the hour!"

Tang Mei smiled without saying a word and rolled her eyes at Tang Tang.

The three sat down, Tang Taro said that there were still a few people who hadn't arrived, and Tang Tang and Tang Mei both expressed their understanding. It doesn't make much sense that there are fewer people going to Suoto's place, and the Sealing Demon Cave is still a hidden dungeon, which must be better than Suoto's trial. The practice field is more difficult.

In less than a cup of tea, the fourth person arrived. Tang Taluo was about to introduce him, but Tang Tangxian laughed.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet again." Tang Tang waved with a smile and said, "How is Xiao Yao recently?"

The person who came was Tang Xiaoyao, who conspired with Tang Tang in the Qianli Frozen Magic Circle. After seeing Tang Tang, he was surprised and said, "You are here, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Taro said: "You two know each other?"

"Of course we know each other. The two of us should have a good relationship." Tang Tang took out a horn and pointed a golden stick, showing it off in front of Tang Xiaoyao with a smile, "And the cooperation between us is quite pleasant."

Tang Taro nodded and said: "Xiao Yao is a magic circle master with a hidden profession of wise soul master, and it will be very helpful for our expedition."

"Amituofu, goodness, goodness!" At this time, a softly chanted Buddha's name came from the stairs of the teahouse, and a handsome disciple in Buddha's costume came up, but at this moment, everyone suspected that the previous Everything seemed to be an illusion, because the Buddhist disciple suddenly grabbed a very beautiful female player's little hand and said: "This female benefactor, the poor monk sees that your seal is black, and there must be a bloody disaster in the near future. Do you want to help the little monk?" Do you look at palmistry? If it doesn’t work, you don’t need money!”

"Uh...!" Tang Tang gasped for breath and almost suffocated: "What is this, do monks tell fortunes now?"

Tang Taro waved in embarrassment: "Bull! Maverick... this way!"

The monk looked left and right for a while, and when he saw Tang Taro, he immediately leaned forward and said to Tang Tang and the others, "Isn't this Tang Taro's benefactor? Why do these female benefactors want to see their faces? Not interested in letting the little monk touch the spirit bones?"

The corners of Tang Taluo's eyes twitched twice, and he introduced helplessly: "This is Niu Da Da, a Buddha warrior inherited from Sanren, everyone should be familiar with him."

The others smiled and nodded. Niu Dada was also the first group of people to enter the Soul Realm, but it's not easy to mix with loose people, let alone get the inheritance of a loose human demon cultivator. There are still more people than demons these days. And there are even fewer goblins who prefer to be bald.

Among the branches of Sanren faction, the number of Buddha warriors is also the smallest. You said that the auxiliary effect of Buddhism is very good?Isn't there a soul healer from Sea God Pavilion? Nanny must be more popular than dad.So Niu Dada has always been not well-known, but this bald head just crossed the tribulation yesterday and is the third master to successfully cross the tribulation, but now the limelight is second to none, even Tang Tang, who pioneered history, has been thrown away The back of the head, but no one thought that this master turned out to be a flower monk!

After Niu DaDa arrived, it was Tang Mei's acquaintance who came, because the other party was also from the Tang Sect, but belonged to a wise soul master, a mortal and a mortal language!A man of the hour among the wise soul masters of the Tang Sect.

Tang Taro's evaluation of him is cold-faced, black-hearted and cruel, and the skills under his hands are quite good. If the position of the first senior is not ranked according to the prestige value of the teacher, but according to the strength, then many people are ranked among mortals. You have to stand aside in front of the language.It's a pity that the sect's biggest reliance in selecting the first senior is the mission of the master, and Mortal Mortal Yu doesn't seem to be interested in the mission of the master. The prestige of the master is quite low, but he is also one of the experts recognized by Tang Tang players.

Since Tang Tang didn't care about the sect's affairs, he didn't see how mortals and mortals were black-handed and cruel, but his face was cold.After entering the tavern, the man nodded to Tang Taro, and when Tang Taro introduced him, he hummed "um".When he was about to set off, the corner of his mouth twitched and said the word "good". I don't know if it was because of facial paralysis, and what made Tang Tang very upset was that when he saw this guy, he would think of that Bai Fengyu. People have one virtue.

After Mortal Mortal Words, the last player invited by Tang Taro also appeared a moment later.

Lin Dong!It was a very elegant boy, the kind with a strong sense of antiquity. At first glance, he didn't look like a player, but more like a heroic NPC.Moreover, most of the people here are relatively well-known, and at worst they are quite famous in the sect, but only Lin Dong has never heard of it. He only heard Tang Taluo's introduction, and he is a player of the Martial God Temple. In terms of vision, everyone also believed that this person should not be a showman, but should have real skills.

"Ahem! Now that everyone is here..." Tang Taro coughed twice and said, "Then how about we set off now."

The others naturally nodded without doubt. Although this wine is delicious, it is good to taste it once in a while, and it will be good if you drink too much, especially Tang Tang has been drinking tea for a whole day, and now he has a bloated stomach after drinking a few glasses of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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