Chapter 115

At this time, the walls that were gradually closing in finally solidified. It lasted only a few seconds, and then slowly moved away. The ancient chess souls that everyone had been playing for a long time turned into white light, leaving a fire-attributed treasure chest in the center of the house.

A group of people couldn't help cursing. The ancient chess soul was eliminated in this way, which meant that Tang Tang's speculation was completely correct.

In essence, they admire the creator of this magic cave. If the four links were separated, everyone would probably not be caught. Just like the sowing of dissension in the first level, the three of them knew without hesitation that there was something wrong. It's tricky, but the continuous induction makes them make wrong judgments every time, or waste a lot of time to judge, which greatly increases the difficulty...

However, from the player's point of view, they all want to say something to the creator of the magic hole: fuck your sister!

"Forget it, I've cleared the level no matter what." Tang Tang pointed to himself and said, "The box with the fire attribute, shall I open it?"

"Open it, open it!" Niu Dada urged: "I wish you good luck, open something good to comfort my traumatized young heart, now only the best equipment can comfort me."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes at him, then ran to open the box, there were still three rays of light, but they turned into red lights, and flew into the backpacks of Tang Tang, Tang Xiaoyao and Tang Taluo respectively.

"The True Solution of Mysterious Fire." Tang Xiaoyao vomited blood and said, "Spells below level 60 ignore the restrictions and can be upgraded by one level. There is a 20% chance to comprehend an additional level 5 fire spell, a [-]% chance to comprehend an additional level [-] fire Taoism, and [-]% It has a chance to comprehend the fifth-level fire spell, and its attribute is fire, so Tangtang boss has the right of first refusal."

"I'll buy..." Tang Tang said with tears streaming down his face, "Give me an estimate."

Tang Tang thought for a while and said: "This is an upgraded version of the true fire technique. Although it must be upgraded to a level, there is a chance of a fifth-level fire spell, but I have to say that the true solution sometimes has some very useless magic spells. Spells are random, so the estimated price is around 180 to 260 gold coins."

Tang Xiaoyao waved his hand, and said generously: "They are all our own people, so let's take the middle, two hundred gold coins."

Tang Tang said to Tang Mei: "Eldest sister, borrow 100 gold coins for use."

Tang Mei asked strangely, "Didn't you just pick up a bunch of equipment and gold coins?"

Tang Tang said: "If I don't have those gold coins, I will have to borrow 200 gold coins from you."

The others were speechless. This is probably the poorest master they have ever seen, especially the first junior master to survive the catastrophe.

Tang Mei took out a bag of gold coins and said to Tang Tang, "Take the 100 gold coins and use them!"

Tang Tang took the gold coin and lamented that his life was full of ups and downs, and he had experienced ups and downs in a short period of time...

"I don't want you for nothing." Sighing, Tang Tang threw a cold-colored will-o'-the-wisp to Tang Tang and said, "This is for you, and it's a fourth-level thing anyway. Well, you can help me pay for my share of dividends." gone."

Ice Ghost Flame (Level 499 legendary quality Horcrux): Soul ring: 4999 years, age: 45 years, flight speed +36, strength qualification: 30%, agility qualification: 25%, intelligence qualification: 30%, (equipment Level requirement: level 35, strength requirement: [-]. The ghost fire from hell can be used as a Horcrux.)
Ghost Fire Sparkling: (Summon ten ghost flames, the ghost flames will not go out within 3 minutes, each ghost flame can increase the damage by 5%, and the duration is 40 seconds.)
This horcrux is very good, but the ghost fire is very interesting, so Tang Taro's estimate is a bit higher, which is 180 gold coins. Others have no objections, so Tang Mei simply distributed the dividends to everyone. .

Tang Tang then lamented that after just a few seconds, he returned to the pre-liberation night again...

After sharing their trophies with each other, everyone looked at Tang Taro. To be honest, the first two things were beyond everyone's expectations. If Tang Taro didn't get any good things, then they would feel that this It's not worth passing the level, after all, bats are much easier to kill than ancient chess souls.

But unfortunately, Tang Taro's handsome face is not relaxed, even a little dignified, at least it is definitely right to say that his face is expressionless.

Everyone's hearts were raised. With such a serious expression, obviously the answer would not be too happy. Unexpectedly, Tang Taro's face suddenly turned cloudy and he laughed.

Ghostly Will-o'-the-wisp (Darkness) (Level [-] spell): Ghostly will-o'-the-wisp, sparkling life and death.Summon three ghost fires from the underworld to attack different targets, and can also do superimposed damage to the same target. For each level up, two ghost fires will be added. The maximum upgrade limit: six levels!

Everyone's eyes widened. Although the ghost fire is only a third-level spell, it has to be said that Tang Taro's good luck has really exploded.The reason is obvious, because this will-o'-the-wisp is not an ordinary attribute spell!
Almost all players know that wind, water, fire, earth, wood, ice, and thunder are the most common attributes, but besides these seven attributes, there are many types of spells, such as combined spells, which can also be It is a spell that has two, or even three, or even four or five attributes superimposed. Although this type of spell is still based on ordinary attributes, the power and effect of each attribute are doubled. Yes, very tyrannical, Tang Taro's Wind and Thunder Double Kill is a very good double combination spell.

In addition, there are three special types of spells, namely darkness, light and nothing. For example, the ghost fire comes from the nether world, so it is classified as a dark attribute. The biggest feature is that although it is in the form of fire, it will not be destroyed. The water attribute is restrained, and other special spells have almost the same meaning.

Common attribute spells are very common, but special attribute spells are rare. It's not a matter of being unable to be learned, but most people don't know where there is such a type of spell.At the same time, the effects of these spells with special attributes are indeed better, and their power is greater than that of ordinary spells, so the price has always been high, and almost every book is comparable to the value of a magic weapon.

Tang Taro definitely achieved a lot this time.

"Because it was something I took..." Tang Taro spread his hands and said, "So I'm not very good at estimating the price. Let's come up with a suitable price together."

Everyone was silent for a while, this will-o’-the-wisp is really hard to estimate, and finally Niu Dada stood up and said: "Actually, this thing is mainly because of its rarity. If it is priced based on this, 400 gold coins is more than enough, but considering practicality, I mean fixed it." How about 300 gold coins? After all, it is a transaction between us, so don't be too dark."

The others nodded. It was indeed a little low when measured by the market price, but after all, it was only a third-level spell, and the maximum improvement was only six-level. If it was too high, it would not be so easy to sell, and Tang Taro himself had no objections, and he simply said Take out gold coins and give dividends to others.

Tang Tang burst into tears holding a heavy bag of gold coins. His life was indeed full of ups and downs.Only a few seconds later, he changed from an underground poor peasant to a landlady.

This ups and downs life is like a dream. The only thing that makes Tang Tang feel painful is that she has experienced big ups and downs in a few minutes. She is very worried that in the next few seconds, she will become a poor peasant with debts again...

And after Tang Taro finished distributing the gold coins as dividends, he simply imitated the ghost fire, and released three small black flames the size of a fist to demonstrate to everyone, and then continued: "Let's continue, but, now At the beginning, everyone has to be careful and vigilant. Because last time we only reached the position of the ancient chess soul, we were wiped out by the group."

The word "be careful" is very commonly used in the soul domain. It is often shouted when beheading and leading monsters. Even if it is not so dangerous, someone will remind you. As for whether to listen to it, that is other people's problem. The key is a Someone in the team must stand up and remind everyone.

After Tang Taro completed the work, everyone took it to heart, and started walking along the long and narrow passage.

Tang Mei approached Tang Tang and said, "Girl, you don't need that book of Xuanhuo True Explanation? Are you going to sell it?"

Tang Tang said: "Sister, I'm going to bathe for three days, and then I'll learn it again, maybe my character is super explosive, and I can comprehend a fifth-level spell...Okay, okay, don't look at me with resentful eyes, Xuanhuo is really good!" The solution is not that spells below level [-] ignore the restriction and can be upgraded by one level. My spells are very low level now. Don’t you think it’s a waste to use them now? If I can learn a level [-] spell, then it’s a level [-] level. Level! Wahaha!"

Looking at the complacent Tang Tang, Tang Mei nodded and said, "That's right, what you said makes sense!"


The two chatted without saying a word while walking. After walking forward for a few minutes, the corridor of the stone cave suddenly opened up, and then...

Everyone showed surprised expressions.


Lin Dong opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, because he really didn't know what to say, this is a very wide hole.There are countless small sparkling formations around the cave.The small formation was only a few feet in size, and most of them were human beings in the formation. They were dressed in rags, their eyes were lifeless, and they looked slumped. Some even lay on the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

"To be honest..." Tang Tang swallowed his saliva and said, "It's hard for me to imagine that this place is called Zhenlong Chess Bureau. What's even more tragic is that when I saw these magic circles, I thought of the monkeys kept in captivity in the zoo..."

"That's true." Lin Dong frowned and took out the fan, put it back before opening it, and said, "What the hell is this? To be honest, although I know that Zhenlong's chess game is not easy to crack, it's really exciting to see this situation. uncomfortable."

"Hey... this is the Zhenlong chess game's sleepy spirit array!"

As soon as Lin Dong finished speaking, a chilly sneer suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone immediately looked around, only to find that there was a stone platform connected to the top floor in the midair. After the sound, a black figure appeared It fell from the stone platform.

 It’s on the shelves. This is Xiaoniao’s first time writing an online game-type novel. I hope you like it. I won’t write a separate chapter to write a testimonial. The word count of more than 26 is a lot for the writers of Yes, I hope everyone will support and actively subscribe, and it would be even better if you conditionally reward it!
(End of this chapter)

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