Chapter 117

Seeing that the willow spirit was in a state of dizziness, everyone immediately attacked it. Tang Mei was the first to fall, desperately urging the Nine Heavens Soul Skill of Disdain, and the cold air around her body was like white mist. When Tang Mei was around her body, she was forced to form a group of cold winds, which froze the willow tree essence. Although she didn't freeze into an ice sculpture, she was already in a decelerated state. Then look at the 800 points of damage Tang Mei's sword did.Obviously, the ice water system really has a strong restraint effect on willow essence.

"2154 health points." Tang Taro shouted loudly: "Everyone, come on, we are very hopeful!"

Although the 7-second stun state is not long, it can only allow everyone to complete a round of attacks, but no matter what, everyone present is a master in the soul domain, so that each of them can attack unscrupulously, even if it is only for one round. , The willow spirit will also suffer heavy losses.

Especially Tang Mei's flying sword light and the chilling cold air made the willow spirit feel very uncomfortable. The duration of the stupa's sentient beings has come to an end, and the grass on the ground is slowly withering, and such a great power, It is absolutely impossible for a spell that covers a large area at the same time to be released continuously like Tang Tang's Annihilating Thunder.

However, such a situation naturally angered the willow spirit even more!
roar, roar!
With a low and hoarse roar, the willow spirit no longer maintains its elegant form. The anger and near-death made the willow spirit transform into a huge willow tree, with its arms constantly swinging, roaring lowly, and its two silver eyebrows automatically moving without wind. .

The willow spirit roared again and again, releasing a burst of green wood aura with each roar, Tang Mei relied on the icy aura to get within five meters, and before she could refreeze the willow spirit, she suffered two bursts of green wood aura, which made it even worse. Tang Mei was surprised that after the willow tree essence transformed into its main body, its attack power also increased greatly.

The two bursts of Green Wood Qi made Tang Mei dizzy, looked down, and saw that her HP had dropped to 30%, and Yu Qi ran aside.

Tang Taro and Niu Dada immediately stepped forward to help, and stopped the remaining green wood energy, but the situation of the two of them was not much better. Tang Taro's newly recovered mana value was directly lost by half. Da Da was even shattered by the two green wood qi.

"My dear, this elm lump has become so powerful."

After Niu DaDa muttered something, he ran away in a hurry.

Tang Taro said: "We can't delay the time, we must kill the willow spirit immediately, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us!"

Tang Taro's decision is very reasonable. If the strength is weak, then adopt a defensive counterattack strategy, but right now, no one can resist the attack of the willow tree spirit, so it is not called defensive counterattack, but completely passive and beaten. Sooner or later will be consumed.Moreover, the willow spirit will recover blood, and it is not good to delay it for a long time. The best way is to take advantage of the situation that the willow spirit has been severely injured to attack.

"Let me do it!" Tang Tang walked around twice around the willow tree's body, trying to use the death pulse, but found that the willow branch completely covered all the places on the side of his body, and there was green wood energy flying across it. It will be attacked within a range of five meters. The most annoying thing is that it is still an indiscriminate cover attack. It doesn't matter if you are hit. The key is that although Death Pulse is a hidden soul skill, it will appear as soon as it is attacked once. In the end, Tang Tang could only grit his teeth helplessly and said, "Hold me for 30 seconds, as long as you hold on for 30 seconds!"

After Tang Tang shouted, he sent Mo Qiujian to the sky!
"The Mo Zhe Wushuang!"

Accompanied by Tang Tang's low shout, Mo Qiujian's white light flourished, and the white light tangled and condensed in mid-air!

Both offensive and defensive capital, Mo Zhe is unparalleled!
At the moment when the white light dispersed, these eight large golden characters floated on the left and right sides of Mo Qiujian, and the surrounding halo seemed to be swept up by a whirlwind, and moved towards those large characters frantically.

However, Tang Tang was very helpless.

Is this Wushuang who recruits ink good-looking?It was quite beautiful, there were several big characters in the air, it was all right, dazzling like a little sun.How powerful is this Ink Drawer Wushuang?Very big, 1000% attribute damage is not big, so how is it big?
But why hasn't Tang Tang used Mo Qiujian since he got it?Even if Moqiu Youyu Tangtang used it frequently, why did Mo Zhe Wushuang, who is more powerful, be useless once?
That's because what Mo Zhe Wushuang hates very much is that it takes a long time to cast the spell, which is not very long, that is, the time for those big characters to stay, about 30 seconds.To be honest, 30 seconds, most of the time, almost passed without feeling, and even occasionally cast a spell for more than ten seconds, but sometimes 30 seconds can do a lot of things, 30 seconds can let Tang Tang use the death pulse Kill two players, but the tragedy is that 30 seconds can also kill Tang Tang twice.

Therefore, Tang Taro gritted his teeth against the wall of the wind and went up again. Although only 55% of his mana was left, he could still hold on for a while. Who would have thought that the willow spirit would hit a critical blow with the air of green wood, knocking out Tang Taro's wind? The wall was smashed to pieces, and the wicker swiped Tang Taro flying.

The soul master was already fragile, so Tang Taluo was half dead on the spot after being hit, with only a hundred and ten health points left to breathe, and if he didn't die, he would be considered to have saved his life.Fortunately, Lin Dong on the side also had quick eyesight and quick hands, and suddenly stood up from the side, grabbed Tang Taro, and trotted out of the willow spirit's attack range.

Niu da da sighed, mortal mortal language is a wise soul master, and he doesn't have shield spells such as the wind wall.That kid Lin Dong dragged Tang Taro and ran away. Tang Mei was almost beaten to death with a stick, and she was still drinking the life potion.As for Tang Xiaoyao... Forget it, let's not mention her!

At this time, only Niu DaDa can stand up,
"Vajra Subduing the Demon Circle!"

The cow roared angrily, and an invisible halo fell from the sky, directly pressing on the back of the willow tree spirit, pressing it down desperately, while the willow tree spirit's body was arched, holding on tightly Stop, with a wave of the willow branch, the invisible halo was smashed to pieces, and then swept down, Niudada was directly sent flying by the blow, smashed into the mountain wall fiercely, and swayed helplessly He shook his body, shook off the stone chips and stood up.

However, Niu DaDa smiled happily. Although it felt like he had escaped from death, at least it was from the bottom of his heart, because...

There was a crisp sound, like glass shattering gently, and after the golden characters shattered, thousands of small sparkling stars immediately separated and fell downward, like a meteor shower falling.

The willow spirit roared, bearing the attack of the beautiful but deadly meteor shower sword, Mo Zhe Wushuang's coverage even directly extended to the entire platform, there was nowhere to hide, all the willow spirit could do was resist those meteor showers.

In the sky, a faint smell of blood floated up.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the meteor shower seemed to turn from golden yellow to blood red, being baptized by blood, sliding back and forth!

The huge body of the willow tree spirit finally fell to the ground, exuding a blue light, and slowly shrunk, turning back into the shape of a willow tree.

"That... a ray of starlight... the starlight in the Town Demon Tower is so beautiful... I hate humans... I hate it so much!"

The willow spirit waved its arms that had really turned into willows, as if remembering, and then slowly the circles of cyan halo completely dissipated, leaving only a simple black and white box in the middle of the stone platform.

"My god!" Tang Tang jumped off the Horcrux with a groan, sat down on the ground and said, "I'm so exhausted."

People are sometimes very contradictory. They hate that kind of scheming level, but when they encounter this kind of real and tough battle, they also feel sympathetic. They feel that it is so difficult to fight, and they are almost wiped out...

However, this contradictory emotion and the exhaustion after the willow spirit was wiped out were quickly wiped away by joy, because their eyes all fell on the black and white box, which was dropped by the willow spirit. I gave them enough surprises, not to mention the big guy at the end!
"Wood and fire spells, that is to say, this box is of wood and fire attributes." Everyone looked at Tang Taro and Tang Tang and said, "Which one of you will open it?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "Senior, please open it. Besides, I have already opened it once, and there are things on me twice in a row. If I open it again, I will feel a little embarrassed."

Although Soul Domain has never acquiesced in this kind of statement, many players know that when the person in charge of opening boxes and picking items is randomly assigned by Soul Domain, the probability of the person in charge to get good things is very high.

But in general, Tang Tang still gave everyone a good impression, at least everyone likes to form a team with someone who knows how to give up, and no one likes to be with someone who loves to take advantage of small things.

Tang Taro didn't hesitate, and stood directly in the center of the platform, and gently opened the black and white box.

Although Tang Tang sincerely didn't want to take any more things, he obediently waited for the dividend.But things often backfired, and she had no money to pay dividends even if she got the things again.But the truth is cruel, she got it again, and this time there was nothing she could do, because a green light flooded into everyone's backpack.

Niu Dada said: "The magic core of the willow spirit, the wood resistance and fire resistance increase by 30%, it's not bad."

Lin Dong painfully took out a piece of scorched bark and said, "Willow bark, a third-grade material, is quite inappropriate."

Tang Xiaoyao also cried: "Willow mallets, antiques, can be exchanged for 10 gold coins in stores, which is quite unreasonable."

Tang Tang spread his hands, took out a green horcrux flying sword and said, "I'm quite satisfied with the willow sword, a horcrux of fourth-level elite quality."

Ordinary people said: "Aura of green wood, four-level judging, satisfied."

Tang Taro smiled and said, "I am also very satisfied with the Aoki Robe, a fourth-level rare quality clothing, because it is exclusively for wise soul masters."

After a group of people finished lighting up their belongings, they all looked at Tang Tang. Isn't this little girl always very high-profile?Why does it seem so silent this time?
Is it worse than Tang Xiaoyao's soy sauce party?Not even 10 gold coins?

Tang Tang had the urge to cry, so he lit up the things directly.

(End of this chapter)

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