Chapter 124
The two chased for a while...

The sea of ​​flames finally saw its end, and after the black shadow rushed out in a flash, Tang Mei and Tang Tang followed behind, not to be outdone.

After rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, Tang Tang and Tang Mei looked at each other, only to realize that the Horcrux was actually an extremely huge red silk ribbon burning with billowing flames. If viewed from the bottom up, it looked like a billowing sea of ​​flames.

No wonder the two of them didn't see it, but at this moment, the red silk also shrunk rapidly, and finally it was only one foot long, and was taken back by the shadow man.

Tang Tang and Tang Mei looked up and found the owner of the Horcrux.

Dressed in a black dress, with a black gourd-shaped Horcrux under his feet, Tang Tang and Tang Mei were very surprised. The black figure turned out to be an old woman with white hair and temples, with a wrinkled face and cold eyes.

Tang Tang and Tang Mei were indeed surprised that the other party turned out to be an old woman. It wasn't that they didn't respect the old and love the young, but it had to be said that young people tended to be the masters in Soul Domain.

Moreover, the main force in the soul domain is also young people, so it is no wonder that the two of them are surprised. After all, when they make a move, it is a rare Horcrux, and if they step on the black gourd, it is probably a good Horcrux. On the other hand, the two of them For one thing, Tang Tang had owned an auxiliary Horcrux before, and Tang Mei had always had bad luck in assisting Horcruxes, and had never produced them.

After the two sides had been in a stalemate for half a minute, the old woman suddenly turned around and left, urging the black gourd under her feet to escape all the way.

"Girl, do you want to chase me?" Tang Mei said hesitantly: "The other party doesn't seem to be weak. They will get a lot of points if they kill them, and they can make people expect to lose something. Would it be a little immoral?"

Tang Tang asked back: "Then if the other party wants to kill you, what will you do? You stand and let them kill you?"

Tang Mei rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not a fool, how can I let her do it for nothing."

Tang Tangyu clenched her teeth and said, "If that's the case, then chase after him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Tang took the lead to chase after Mo Qiujian, followed by Tang Mei.The two were somewhat cautious. Although they didn't fight each other, judging from the current Horcrux equipment, the other party seemed to be much stronger than the two little girls.

And wandering around for a day to meet such a master, who is still an old man, it would be a shame if he was sent to the underworld.However, considering that the other party hesitated for a while and did not fight them, it can be seen that the old woman seemed a little bit unconfident, and probably felt that she might not be able to beat them.

After the two chased for a while, a dark cloud appeared in front of Tang Tang's eyes.

"Sister, I'll stop her." Tang Tang said, "You support from the rear. After I fight her, you will kill her and help."

Tang Mei nodded to express that she had no objection, and Tang Tang activated Phoenix Chick's Breath. After raising the speed to the limit, a fiery red flame burst out instantly, carrying Tang Tang to speed up instantly, and flew to the opponent in the blink of an eye. side.

The old woman was obviously also surprised by the speed of the little girl's sudden outburst. She stayed for a while before realizing that she was in a bad situation. She quickly raised her hand and released the fiery red silk ribbon again.

The red silk ribbon seemed not only capable of trapping people, but also an aggressive Horcrux. The ribbon was surrounded by flames, and as it spun, it formed a ring of fire and rushed towards Tang Tang at high speed.It's a pity that Tang Tang is afraid of many things, but he is not afraid of things related to fire...

Damage -107!

With a casual slap, Tang Tang didn't even use the Horcrux, so he slapped the red silk ribbon off with a slap of his little hand.

"Hmph, it's my turn this time." Seeing the dull expression on the old woman's face again, Tang Tang directly gestured: "Destroying Thunder!"


Immediately, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, heading towards the old woman, who would have thought that just when it was about to be struck, a black smoke would rise from the black gourd under the old woman's feet, and it would instantly protect her side, Tang Tang The strike of annihilation lightning struck, but the sound of gold and spear striking each other directly resounded.

"Oh, it turned out to be a defensive Horcrux!"

Tang Tang muttered enviously, auxiliary Horcruxes are very rare, and they are even defensive, that is simply a luxury.Of course, Tang Tang also had to admit that he wanted to snatch it away.

"Girl, I'm here to help!"

At this moment, Tang Mei also rushed up with her royal envoy Horcrux, and the arrogant Nine Heavens Soul Art on her body was activated with all her strength, and the cold air immediately surged up like a spring, colliding with the black smoke from the black gourd, and the black smoke Countless amounts of frost gushed out of the smoke immediately.

Taking advantage of Tang Mei's procrastination, Tang Tang immediately urged the beast's horn to touch the golden staff and killed it through the gap in the black smoke. When the old woman saw Tang Tang rushing into the black cloud, she also immediately took out the Horcrux to fend off the enemy .

There was a crisp sound of golden swords, and Tang Tang looked down. The old woman was not using a Horcrux such as an ordinary flying sword staff, but a pair of Fenshui Emei thorns, shining with light, and it did not look ordinary. things.

Tang Tang sneered, and immediately the imperial envoy dropped the Horcrux again. The old woman immediately opened her hands and stabbed the pair of Emeis. She didn't see any tricks, but she used it quite well, and the reaction seemed to be pretty good. The golden rod at the corner was opened by repeated blows.

You must know that among the Horcruxes, there are not many that can attack faster than the golden rod with horns.However, this is not the limit attack speed of Tangtang's animal horn pointing the golden staff.

Raising his little hand lightly, Mo Qiujian also flashed a flash of light, and slashed at the old woman.The old woman's face turned cold, and she immediately separated a pair of Emei thorns, and divided the work to the left and right, respectively resisting the double-sided attack of the animal horn point golden stick and the Moqiu sword, but the calmness just now was obviously gone on the face, showing some panic color.

Tang Tang smiled, stretched out his hand and patted the sword case of Youlongxifeng Sword on the back, and when the opening of the box opened, the seven Youlongxifengjian swords flew out of the swordcase, hovering in the air for a while, following Tang Tang's imperial envoy Then he attacked the old woman.

And the old woman's complexion finally changed, but the two swords flying together made her feel confused, almost unable to resist, if there was one more Horcrux, she would definitely not be able to defend against the little girl's attack.

"The country's most important weapon! The soaring cauldron!"

The old woman knew that she would never be able to stop the attack of one more Horcrux, so she simply accepted the Fenshui Emei Thorn and gave up resistance.However, he took out an ancient tripod the size of a palm from his backpack, and when he lifted his hand, the golden glow flourished, and the ancient tripod gradually became larger and stopped Tang Tang's attacks one after another.

"I'm going, why is he a multi-treasure Taoist again!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Aside from relying on auxiliary Horcruxes, can't we change things?"

Tang Tang was very upset. The old woman was no match for her alone, but she couldn't stand her supporting Horcruxes. Although many of the auxiliary Horcruxes were not aggressive, they could turn things around in many cases.

What's even more displeased is that Tang Tang thought of Tang Yukang and the matter of his own ancient tripod because of this, and that ancient tripod was exactly the same style as this one.

It's just that there is something more unpleasant than this, that is, basically everyone doesn't even have one auxiliary Horcrux, and you only have three, so you can't be hated.

Tang Tang immediately ordered the Horcrux to be chopped down again. Who would have thought that the old woman, who had seen Tang Tang's sword control surgery, knew that she was not an opponent, so she stopped fighting Tang Tang in hand-to-hand combat, but directly held the flying cauldron , Golden light gushed out from the ancient cauldron immediately, and every ray struck Tang Tang as if it had substance.

Tang Tang was shocked immediately, and hurriedly recalled You Long Xi Feng Jian, and collided with the golden light. After a crisp sound, Tang Tang took a few steps back in the air, seeing that the old woman was about to urge the swinging cauldron again , hurriedly flew out of the range of black smoke, and opened the distance to see the situation.

On the other hand, it was also quite difficult for Tang Mei to resist the black smoke from the black gourd with the Disdainful Nine Heavens. It wasn't that the cold air of the Disdainful Jiuzhongtian couldn't resist the black smoke, but that every time he used the Disdainful Jiuzhongtian, he also needed to consume soul power points. .

Secondly, it didn't take long for Tang Mei to inherit and learn the Nine Layers of Heavenly Soul Jue. One layer can only cover a distance of a few meters, and the black smoke released by the black gourd billows in, covering a distance of more than ten meters at a time, killing her in one fell swoop. Surrounding them all naturally gave her quite a headache.

So, seeing Tang Tang flying out of the black smoke, Tang Mei knew that Tang Tang hadn't succeeded, and there was no point in continuing to resist, so she took back the cold and killed the black smoke, flying to Tang Tang's side and flying side by side.

"Girl, how are you?" Jiao gasped, and Tang Mei asked, "Is that old lady very skilled?"

"Excellent? I can beat her to the ground with my hand!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said angrily, "But that old woman's horcrux is an ancient cauldron, which can be used both offensively and defensively. It’s at least level four. Well, it’s easy to knock the golden staff from horns and send it flying, maybe it’s a level five Horcrux, so we have to be careful.”

When Tang Mei heard this, she immediately nodded her head repeatedly. If it was really a level [-] auxiliary Horcrux, it would indeed be difficult to deal with, unless the two of them had a level [-] Horcrux in their hands, then they would be afraid of each other.If they were not careful, the two of them might be cleaned up here.

Unexpectedly, the two were on guard, the old woman got out of the billowing black smoke, but she just looked back at them indifferently, and immediately ordered the black gourd to continue to escape.

Tang Tang and Tang Mei were also puzzled. They said that with such powerful auxiliary Horcruxes, they shouldn't be afraid of them, but they can fight anyway. Could it be that the old woman is so afraid of death?Don't even dare to take a little risk?However, considering that the other party is an elderly person, the two also think it is more reasonable.

After Tang Mei and Tang Tang looked at each other, they both hesitated. If it was a man, they would chase after him. Anyway, if they are in the hostile camp, they should kill him.What's more, the two of them suffered a little loss. It's not a gentleman if you don't take revenge, no, it's not a lady!

Although the three horcruxes are a kind of naked temptation, after all, the other party is an old woman. Although Tang Tang has never believed in ladylike demeanor, when facing an old man who has no intention of fighting, she ran away all the way, and even ran away two times. Next time, you are too embarrassed to chase after it again, if it gets out, how ugly it is, a figure in the Tang Sect, and the other is the number one senior sister of the Tang Sect, and the two teamed up to hunt down an old man?
(End of this chapter)

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