The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 132 Instructor Dispels Confusion in the Demon Town Tower

Chapter 132 Instructor Dispels Confusion in the Demon Town Tower
Seeing the Tiger Demon player fall into a state of dizziness, Tang Tang didn't let him suffer too much. With the power of the soul skill Nether Fire Kill, he shot out two lightning bolts of annihilation, and sent the opponent into the underworld.

The tiger monster player's luck is much worse than his companions, why?Because it was very unlucky, when he entered the underworld, the Yuekun wheel stayed where it was, but Tang Tang ruthlessly wondered if the other party would want to die again after going to the underworld, and at the same time put the Yuekun wheel on the ground. The wheel was brought over.

Yuekun Wheel (Level 490 Legendary Horcrux): Soul ring: 4900 years, age: 50 years, flight speed +22!Strength qualification: 21%, agility qualification: 21%, intelligence qualification: 30% , the dry wheel of the sun comes out, and the wheel of the moon and Kun follows, the combination has a miraculous effect.)
Seeing the Yuekun Wheel, Tang Tang had the urge to vomit blood. He thought that the Sun Moon Universe Wheel was just an ordinary item, but he didn't expect it to be a legendary Horcrux. In this way, he made a profit.However, although this Yuekun Wheel is a Horcrux, it is a bit weird. In terms of attributes, it is completely an ordinary Horcrux, and although the basic damage is not weaker than a fourth-level Horcrux, it is a Horcrux without support. Not much better.

Of course, the point is that the combination of the last sentence has a miraculous effect. The question is, where can I find the day dry wheel?Secondly, Tang Tang was very puzzled, since the two Yaozu players found the Sun Moon Universe Wheel, why did they each hold a round instead of combining the two wheels?Isn't it said that the combination has a miraculous effect?

Tang Tang scratched his head, he would never know this secret, and there is no place to ask it if everyone is dead, but since it is a fourth-level horcrux, Tang Tang can only pray that he can meet those two guys again, when the time comes Explode the sun dry wheel too.Otherwise, we can only hope that someone will be interested in buying this incomplete Horcrux at a high price.

Throwing it together into the backpack, Tang Tang headed towards the broken thatched cottage of her mentor Dugu Bo. The magic circle at the door had no effect on her, so she could easily get inside.

After pushing the door and entering, Tang Tang was speechless. Tang Sect was in chaos, the main hall was almost beaten, and the tutor Dugu Bo was still drinking here.

"My most respected and beloved mentor!" Tang Tang said helplessly, "Why are you not worried at all, the main hall of the Tang Sect is almost being trampled down by the demon clan."

"Tamp down the hall?" Dugu Bo hiccupped and said with a smile: "Reincarnation, calamity, destiny, destiny, destiny, since it is destiny, why worry?"

Tang Tang took a deep breath, what's wrong today, I'm so drunk, my slovenly tutor can say such meaningful words, is it true that Tangmen is really going to be over?

Dugu Bo glanced at Tang Tang's appearance, and had no choice but to say: "Girl, are you wondering why we didn't make a move?"

Tang Tang came back to his senses and nodded quickly.

Dugu Bo sighed and said: "I used to see that your little girl is very smart, why didn't you get it right at the critical moment? Let me ask you, what is the purpose of the half-beast forest coming to attack Tangmen with great fanfare?"

"For what?" Tang Tang said without hesitation: "Putting down the Tang Sect, our Tang Sect takes killing demons as our duty, they are all monster clans, and are our deadly enemies, anyway, it is not us who destroy them, that is They except us."

Dugu Bo took a sip of wine, shook his head and said, "Apart from that!"

"Besides that? Is there anything else?" Tang Tang thought for a while, clapped his hands together and said, "It seems that I have to go to the Demon Town Tower to save a big demon."

Dugu Bo said: "Girl, the priority is reversed!"

Tang Tang blinked her eyes and began to act cute.

Dugu Bo has the urge to vomit blood. When he usually asks him for soul skills, spells, and tasks, this little girl looks quite smart. Why is she acting stupid today? Could it be that the Tang Sect is really going to be over? ?

"What they want to save is not the big demon, but the demon emperor. The demon emperor who has been in command of the demon clan thousands of years ago, and after the demon emperor was suppressed by the demon suppression tower, the demon clan has no more demon emperor who can shock the demons. .”

Dugu Bo was also lazy, and finished his speech in one breath.

Tang Tang took a deep breath when she heard it. She only remembered now that the Yaozu stepped down Tangmen by the way. Fighting became the main theme, but he forgot that the other party's saving the demon emperor was the real thing, and his side was not to kill many people, nor to ensure that the Tang gate would not be breached, but to ensure that the demon suppressing tower would not be breached!
Tang Tang immediately sent a sound transmission thousands of miles away to Tang Taro: "Senior Tang, is your mission to enter the Town Demon Tower and kill the Demon Emperor?"

"Girl, how do you know?" A moment later, Tang Taro wondered at the other end: "We were sent into the Demon Town Tower by the elders just 2 minutes ago to kill the Demon Emperor."

"It's a long story..." Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "Anyway, you work hard, the life and death of our Tang Sect is in the hands of the two of you!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Tang also smiled wryly. Some things were difficult to guess, but with more clues, or if they were explained to the truth, it became easier to guess.

The monster players in the half-beast forest want to save the demon king, how can the dead demon king be saved?It's useless to save it, no!
Secondly, the higher-ups of the Tang Sect haven't done anything until now. It's not that they don't want to do it, but they haven't had time to do it. If they do, the people in the half-beast forest will naturally not be able to kill the Demon Town Tower, and naturally they will not be able to save the Demon Emperor. Naturally, it becomes easy.

Therefore, they can't make a move. The monster clan in the half-beast forest must go to the Demon Town Tower, and Tang Xin and Tang Taluo must also kill the Demon Emperor.To put it simply, this is like the activity process of a game, which must be completed step by step. The difficulty lies in the fact that both sides are racing against time. Whoever is faster will have a great possibility of being the final winner. .

"Teacher, I'm leaving first, I'll bring you a drink next time!"

When Tang Tang got the news, he naturally didn't wait any longer, and the envoy Horcrux rushed out.

"Hmph, if it's good, call me the mentor, if it's not good, call me a drunkard and a strange old man." Dugu Bo snorted, holding the wine bucket and muttering, "You really remember to bring me wine, that's what you call caring."

Tang Tang didn't hear Dugu Bo's muttering, and the imperial envoy Horcrux went straight to the back mountain. Now that he knew that the main hall of Tangmen was not the first battlefield, Tang Tang naturally didn't care about the battle situation there, and rushed to the town. Go away from the demon tower, that is the real main battlefield!

When he arrived at the entrance of the back mountain, Tang Tang felt a chill in his heart. There were 49 second-generation disciples of the Tang sect guarding the entrance of the back mountain, in order to prevent players from approaching the demon tower.But at this moment, it turned into eighteen corpses, and they fell to the ground in a mess. Obviously, the Yaozu players took the lead.

Without saying a word, Tang Tang continued to urge Jian Guang to rush into the back mountain, climb up the mountain road, and saw the Demon Suppressing Tower standing proudly among the clouds.

Outside the Demon Town Tower, several elders were separated in four directions, sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed. Tang Tang really guessed that the elders couldn't make a move. As for why they couldn't make a move, Soul Domain could always find an excuse.

In mid-air, the fight was in full swing.

There were not many people. There were about a dozen players from the Monster Race, and there were two players from Samurai Soul Valley. Cow da da.

The two sides seemed to be at a stalemate. The Yaozu wanted to rush into the Demon Town Tower, but the Tangmen camp refused, so the two sides started fighting. The Yaozu were almost all attacking masters, with a slightly larger number of people, while the Shushan side obviously It is an elite team, although there are only nine people, the number is obviously slightly inferior, but it is mainly composed of a few intelligent soul masters from the Tang Sect, with the blessing of the Buddha Niu DaDa, and two beautiful soul healers from the Sea God Pavilion. There is also a magician who casts spells remotely, with a balanced match, obviously not losing to the players in the half-beast forest.

Tang Tang pondered carefully, should he help, or sneak into the Zhenyao Pagoda to find Tang Taluo and kill the Demon Emperor together?The former seems to have less benefits, but the danger is small, and you can still run if you can't beat it.The latter has many benefits, but it is also dangerous. The Demon King is also the former King of Ten Thousand Demons anyway, so he shouldn't be so easy to kill!

Tang Tang was hesitating there, but he never thought that Tang Fengzi's small eyes were real thieves, that is, he glanced at Tang Tang who was hiding behind the hillside, and immediately shouted: "Tang Tang, you stinky girl! Do you still not help? Believe it or not, I will report to the elders later, saying that you have colluded with the demon clan and framed your fellow sect, and when the time comes, you will be expelled from the master's sect, and your cultivation base will be lost!"

"Oh, I'm going!" Tang Tang jumped out and said angrily, "I'm hiding, can you still see it?"

"You want to hide it from me? I think back when I peeked at the girls' bathhouse..." Tang Fengzi chuckled, but when he saw that the eyes of the people were wrong, he coughed twice and changed his words: "Cough, cough, girl, you are so What are you talking about, please help me!"

Tang Tang sighed, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it was useless for him to sneak into the Demon Town Tower, and more importantly, if he ran away at this time, he would be ashamed, so Tang Tang had no choice but to agree, and slapped the sword behind him box!

"Play with the dragon and play with the phoenix sword, open the sword box!"

The seven-handled Youlongxifeng sword spewed out from the box, and killed the group of monster players. Obviously, the group of monster players were not mediocre, and they turned a blind eye to Tang Tang's seven-color dragon and phoenix sword light.Sure enough, the Qiongguang disappeared in a flash, and Tang Tang was not a fool, so he picked a dozen?is it possible?The sword light was just a false move, and it frightened the opponent for a while, Tang Tang took the opportunity to fly the Phoenix Chick's Breath into the Tang Sect's camp, with his own people standing beside him, so he felt more at ease.

It's a pity that the trick Tang Tang used seemed a little silly, because the opponent didn't even want to resist her attack of Youlong Xifengjian, which showed that he had already seen through Tang Tang's little thought.In other words, beating nine people and beating ten people doesn't seem to make much difference in the eyes of the other party, which means that the other party doesn't care about having an extra little girl at all.

(End of this chapter)

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