Chapter 142
The two walked around the fighting platform twice, and then stood still tacitly. After all, this is an unarmed duel, not a martial arts using Horcruxes and magic arts. They can't even adapt to some instincts such as animalization. What matters is skill and reflection.

The Thai Yaozu player suddenly rushed forward with a footstep, and the distance of more than three meters was reached in the blink of an eye. Although it was just a simple punch, it was better than the speed. Tang Tang was also taken aback. Fortunately, Tang Tang's reaction nerves were indeed not spoken out. His brain hadn't fully reacted, but his body reacted. He turned to one side, clasped the opponent's wrist with one hand, and pressed his body forward. The palm rested on the opponent's chin.

This anti-boxing is not a stance in Tai Chi, but it is very common in fighting. It is a general tactic. It is designed to prevent boxing and lock people's arms so that people cannot punch.

It's just that as soon as Tang Tang clasped his arm, Tang Tang saw the Thai ladyboy suddenly raised his knee. In Muay Thai, elbow strikes and knee strikes are not taboo, and these two items accounted for at least 50% of the ancient Muay Thai boxing. %, because it can kill with one hit.

Tang Tang had no choice but to abandon the opponent's arm, and took advantage of the situation to get away, but unexpectedly the opponent turned into a kick instead, kicking towards Tang Tang's chest with half a move.

Tang Tang resisted with both arms, got kicked, and took three steps back to stabilize his figure. The Thai took a step back to half-relieve the momentum of kicking.

Looking down, Tang Tang saw that his arm was red, and a black cyan appeared in the middle, and he could feel the pain.

"The punching speed is very fast, the impact force is very strong, it looks like a hard stubble!"

Tang Tang immediately positioned this Thai man as a master in his heart. The most ruthless pedaling technique in ancient Muay Thai is two moves. One move is a half-kick directly to the chest, and the other is a sideways kick to the face. It is said that both of them can kill with one blow. His trick now looks really ruthless.

With a movement of his shoulders, Tang Tang lowered his body and suffered a secret loss. He didn't dare to underestimate the other party. Winning or losing is not a problem. The key is that this Thai guy is really serious. It is really possible to be destroyed by the opponent.

At this time, Tang Tang had just set up his posture, and the Thai was really honest and unrestrained. He punched with a light pad under his feet. Tang Tang threw his foot decisively, and the opponent changed from a punch to a jab. There is not much difference between the two punches, mainly because Fast attack and fast defense.Who would have thought that Tang Tang's fights were more unreasonable than him, he just tiptoed, opened the distance, and stretched out his arms, and shot out directly with a jade girl!

The key to the jade girl's shuttle is on the word "wear". The distance of straightening this single palm is much longer than the distance of stretching and stretching. When the Thai saw that his fist wanted to hit Tang Tang's face, the price was his own He was slashed with a knife first, and he didn't force it at all, so he backed away after taking two steps.

Unexpectedly, with a single blow to split the air, Tang Tang was so powerful that he twisted his waist, and the backhand was still a swipe of a beautiful girl, and went directly towards the opponent's front door. The Thai retreated again, and Tang Tang continued to draw circles with his arms. Chop hands, but turned around and greeted the opponent's waist.

This is the right grasping sparrow's tail in Taijiquan. Taijiquan is composed of eight strengths: "pull, stroke, squeeze, press, pick, push, elbow, lean, advance, retreat, look, hope, and settle".The movements are slow and comfortable, and it is required to straighten the waist, tuck the jaw, straighten the back, and hang the shoulders when practicing boxing, with the artistic conception of floating in the clouds.Among the eight kinds of strength methods, Ping Jin is the foundation of the eight strengths, and you cannot leave this strength for a moment when practicing Taijiquan.It is spring force, like water holding a boat, like weighing; it is perception force, by which all external forces can distinguish direction and size.

The other seven strengths are just called differently because of their different directions and practices.For example, elbow strength is to hit people with the elbow, and it is used when close to the body. There is a saying that "the fist is far away, the elbow is close to the body";

It's just that Tang Tang's jade girl shuttled back and forth with her right hand holding the sparrow's tail, and continued five or six moves. Although the Thai was embarrassed, he avoided them all. This ancient Muay Thai footwork is indeed unique, and it is here Suddenly, Tang Tang stepped out!

Although this Taijiquan is mainly based on fists and palms, it doesn't say that you can't move your feet. The fact is that Taijiquan's single-whip downward posture and left-right cuddling knees and squatting steps are also quite famous leg and foot routines.So Tang Tang's move was a straight split with both palms and a single hook with one foot. It turned out to be up, down and up, standing on only one leg. The Thai was caught off guard. He used his arms to support his body, but he couldn't prevent the hooked leg at the bottom of his body. Tang Tang kicked his ankle directly, and staggered backward!
"Leave your body and beat!"

Tang Tang immediately leaned close to the Thai man's chest with a single fist, and suddenly exerted force from a position less than half a meter away. He punched the Thai man's chest, and sent him backwards, hitting the protective circle on the fighting platform. .

This blow was heavy, and Tang Tang immediately slashed forward and continued to move forward, but at this moment, there was a clang, but a bell rang, indicating that the 3-minute round was up.

This rule is the rule of the soul domain, and no one can ignore it, so Tang Tang was also very honest, and returned to his corner.

Tang Tang immediately brought the two of them forward to hand a wet towel to Tang Tang. Half of his arm was completely green where he had been kicked. That Thai man's strength was indeed very hot, and even Tang Tang thought it was too small The arm is a little numb, I don't know if it hurts.

1024 handed Tang Tang the recovery potion on the fighting platform and said, "Girl, are you able to fight well? I think it's rare for you to fight with someone for the first time, and you can't get it right. You can't lose." Yes, I'm still counting on your commission."

"It's okay, don't worry." Tang Tang grinned and gritted his teeth: "This Thai person punches hard, but I haven't seen anyone who can take my punch in the chest and turn around and beat him and still be fine. There is a [-]% chance that he will die. Send him to the underworld in one round!"

While Tang Tang was talking, the bell rang and the second round began.

Tang Tang wiped his face with a towel, threw it away, and continued to move his shoulders to the fighting arena.

Since there was no referee, the symbolic fist bump between the two was considered a start, and the Thai immediately preemptively kicked the kick!
This move is the basic skill of Muay Thai. It is simple and straightforward. It doesn’t make much sense to Tang Tang. He has seen too much. Leveraging strength to turn around, suddenly it was a back kick!
"Damn it, you actually made a ruthless hand!"

Tang Tang cursed secretly in his heart, this is also a ruthless move, if you really kick the door, you will die.

However, what Taijiquan pays attention to is "far fist, close to the elbow and close to the body". Tang Tang has already stretched out his hand to pinch the opponent's ankle before the Thai man's leg has been stepped forward. He threw the man out with his hand, and fell heavily on the ring.

The Thai man bared his teeth, but only stayed for half a second, then immediately stood up, and continued to hit the little girl with continuous jabs.

It hurts, it hurts!

This is Tang Tang's feeling. This Thai guy is really ruthless, but Tang Tang knows that this guy can't last long. If he hits his chest with a ruthless move like leaning over and punching, he will take half his life if he doesn't die. Boredom is inevitable, so this Thai guy is in a hurry to attack!


Even with more than ten punches, Tang Tang resisted. The Thai man also felt bad. He suddenly kicked from the side. We shouldn't hold on to the fragile place, but Tang Tang resisted it.However, in the next second, the Thai immediately regretted it, because Tang Tang took advantage of the situation and hugged his thigh.

Immediately pulled his leg and turned around, but Tang Tang was not weak, he just didn't let go, kicked the Thai man's remaining leg on the back ankle, then pressed down, then hugged his thigh and lifted it up , straight on the ground.

As soon as the Thai man turned his head, he was shocked when he saw Tang Tang's posture. Anyone who is familiar with this twisting movement knows that if you pinch the joint at the right position, you can easily remove the knee and dislocate the knee. The Thai had no choice but to swing his fist backwards, but Tang Tang was already prepared for this move. He directly pressed down on the calf with one hand, dislocating his knee, and Tang Tang crossed his hands together. Chopping the palm to stop the Thai man's arm, he twisted his waist and dropped an elbow.

"Elbow Hammer!"

The elbow hit the back of the neck directly, and the pupils of the Thai stared out immediately. The whole person was bounced by the fierce force, struggled twice, and directly turned into a white light and went to the underworld.

pop, pop...

People around immediately stood up and applauded. Although some people are interested in betting games, the focus is on gambling, but people are always a little passionate. It is not ruled out that there are people who like to watch martial arts and therefore bet on boxing. Of course, there are also many who like to watch boxing and make money Those with money, give some applause without spending money.

Tang Tang waved his hand as a thank you, jumped off the fighting platform and returned to the locker room.

"Oh, my God!" Back in the locker room, Tang Tang lay on the bench and wailed, "This Thai guy is really not a thing, the shot is really heavy, and he almost went to hell."

1024 glanced at the two beauties in the Sea God Pavilion, and the two beauties directly placed several support states on Tang Tang, and then nodded at 1024.

1024 waved for them to go out, and said to Tang Tang: "Okay, you have been restored, besides, you are not missing any arms or legs!"

"Hmph, it's better to go sightseeing in the underworld if you lack an arm or a leg." Tang Tang sat up, looked at his gradually recovering body and said, "But it's a rare pleasure, this Thai guy is worth fighting, the fist is really heavy, thanks to my own hand There are still two more, or I really can't resist."

1024 smiled without saying a word. Although it was his first time to cooperate with Tang Tang, he knew the little girl's skills. Tang Sect disciple, the first master of the tribulation, it is said that the odds of the little girl's first fight should be very high, but Unarmed combat is no better than Horcrux combat.

Now the odds of unarmed combat are getting lower and lower, and the profit is actually less, but Tang Tang doesn't care. Tang Tang chooses unarmed combat in order not to fall behind in her ability. The stronger the opponent, the better she will be. happy.

"Okay, let's finish the division." 1024 took out a bag of gold coins and said, "Bonuses, betting money, deducting my commission and the tax on the betting money, these are the rest."

Tang Tang took the gold coins, a very satisfactory number, at least Soul Domain is very kind in this respect, the spoils of winning or losing can be handed over to the players at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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