The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 150 Ground Fire Battle Shield Dark Ice Cold Wave

Chapter 150 Ground Fire Battle Shield Dark Ice Cold Wave
After the level of the soul skill Nether Fire Slaughter is raised to level four, there is nothing unexpected, but the power has become greater, the damage of the fire burner has increased, and the damage range has also increased, but as a common method , is also considered passable.

But Tang Tang didn't plan to spend too much energy on improving the proficiency of Nether Fire Killing. After all, this move can only be upgraded to level six, so there is probably no room for improvement.

And just when Youming Huosha was promoted to level [-], it was rumored that the landlord found Tang Tang through the sound transmission of thousands of miles. Of course, needless to say, it is likely that the matter has been done!
Tang Tang did not delay, and the imperial envoy Horcrux turned to Huangquan Village and returned.


Earthfire Black Ice Sword (level six rare quality Horcrux): soul ring: 666 years, age: 6666 years, flying speed +50, strength qualification: 39%, agility qualification: 44%, intelligence qualification: 34%, (equipment Level requirement: level 40, strength requirement: 40. The whole body is blood-gold, the whole body is like cold ice, flexible and light, wherever the attack goes, the power of ice and fire will fuse the enemy's blood into one.)
Ground fire battle shield: (The ground fire blazes on me, and the battle shield protects against powerful enemies. Summon the ground fire into a battle shield, hide yourself behind the shield for defense, and the defense increases by 500%. In the state of the battle shield, you cannot attack, you cannot Move, do not use recovery potions!)
Mysterious Ice Cold Wave (Hundred feet of ice in the vast sea, gloomy clouds and thousands of miles of condensed. Sword magic ice frost, condenses the frosty sky to cover half a mile away, the damage is determined according to the ice attribute, there is a 50% chance to cause freezing damage, and a 50% chance to cause slowing effect! Consumption: Soul power 20 points, time: 90 seconds, duration: 30 seconds!)

"Oh, I'll go, what a good sword!"

Tang Tang touched the crystal long sword and praised it. This sword is really rare, especially the fire shield. With this soul skill, the eldest sister Tang Tang's success rate in crossing the tribulation is at least three points higher!

Legend has it that the landlord laughed lightly and said, "The main Horcrux of the sixth level, and it is naturally good to be a flying sword."

Tang Tang raised his head and glanced at the legendary host. This man seemed to not even care about the sixth-level Horcruxes.You know, at this stage Tang Tang has seen two sixth-level Horcruxes so far, one is the Earth Fire Mysterious Ice Sword, and the other is Fire Rain But Smoke.

But looking at the appearance of the legendary host, I am afraid that these two Horcruxes are not the only two at this stage. At least the legendary host has seen more than one or two, otherwise he would not be so indifferent. A little disappointed, I thought that at this stage, he was considered to be the leader, but now it seems that there are so many masters these days, it's really worthless.

At this time, it is said that the landlord combined the sun, moon and universe wheels on the table, and suddenly showed a look of shock, and sighed after a long while: "This is really a treasure, and it makes me regret it, how can I make it so good?" Things will be delivered to you for free."

The combined sun, moon, and universe wheels flowed with brilliance, and the sun and moon cycle rotated in reverse, and what ran through the two wheels was naturally the star sand, shining with a little bit of starlight, which was quite glamorous and eye-catching.

Sun Moon Cosmos Wheel (Level 789 Legendary Horcrux) (Auxiliary): Soul Ring: 7890 years, Years: 45, Strength Qualification: 44%, Agility Qualification: 43%, Intellect Qualification: 40%, (Equipment Level Requirements: Level [-]. An ancient artifact, once this ring comes out, the light pierces the sky, the sun and the moon compete for glory, the stars avoid color, and ghosts and gods howl.)
Auxiliary [Day: (Concentrate the radiance of the red sun, blind all targets within half a mile for 40 seconds!) Moon: (Concentrate the radiance of the cloudy moon, stun all targets within half a mile for 40 seconds!) Star: (Concentrate The stars shine brightly, all targets within half a mile slow down by 50% for 40 seconds)]

Universe reincarnation: (Heaven and earth are dark, the sun and moon are dim, stars are annihilated, universe reincarnation, a random attribute of the designated target is reduced by 5000 points, and a random attribute damage is randomly given to the designated target!)

"Seventh-level auxiliary Horcrux..." Tang Tang's expression was not much better than that of the legendary host, and he continued after a long pause: "You should really feel regretful, because I feel that the appearance of a seventh-level auxiliary Horcrux at this stage is very difficult. It feels unbelievable!"

Legend has it that the landlord smiled and shook his head and said: "I'm a little shocked, but I don't regret it. This thing is useless in the hands of three people. It's actually not easy to get it together. It's also a chance."

Tang Tang said: "That's hard to say. If you haven't seen this sun-moon universe wheel, if you want to buy a moon-kun wheel from me, I don't know if you can sell it for 200 gold coins. If you give me 300 gold coins, this seventh-level Horcrux I'm afraid it's already in your pocket."

Legend has it that the landlord smiled and said: "Then girl, is it too late for me to regret it?"

Tang Tang smiled and said: "I'm not stupid, and it's better if this thing falls into my hands. You still have such a big family business, so you probably don't have any interest in becoming a master. If this thing falls into your hands, it will be a waste of money." right?"

Tang Tang smiled while pushing the residency application in front of the legendary landlord.

Sure enough, it is said that the landlord’s eyes were full of brilliance, just as Tang Tang said, everyone’s pursuit is different, and he missed the wheel of the sun, the moon, and the universe. It is said that although the landlord was disappointed, he was also very indifferent. I can't do it myself.

However, the resident application made the legendary landlord lose his composure. This is the pursuit. The priceless treasure does not necessarily attract people. The one that suits you is perfect!
Tang Tang took the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel with a smile and said, "Congratulations in advance, and I'll wait for you to be on the soul domain announcement by the way."

"Thank you!" Legend said that the landlord calmed down, put away the application form and said, "Our cooperation is very pleasant. I will ask someone to inquire about the top ten famous wines you need as soon as possible."

"Thank you too." Tang Tang said politely, "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Tang Tang got up, and the owner of the legend also got up. The owner of the legend got up because of urgency. Tang Tang got up because he saw that the owner of the legend was very urgent.

The two broke up in the teahouse. It is said that the landlord is heading towards the desert outside Huangquan Village, and Tang Tang is also preparing to bid farewell to this Huangquan desert.

Tang Tang's new goal is - the Heaven Dou Empire!This is where the Valley of Souls is located.

On the way, Tang Tang sent the Dihuo Xuanbing Sword to the elder sister directly with the Escort, muttering to himself, will the eldest sister faint happily when she sees the Dihuo Xuanbing Sword?

After helping the second sister Li Yanxiao catch the moonlight silkworms, Tang Tang stepped into the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, and at the same time received the flying sword entrusted by the eldest sister Tang Mei's escort!
Naturally, it couldn't be the Earth Fire Mysterious Ice Sword, but...

Fire and rain are not smoke!

This Huoyufeiyan refers to the fire meteor, and the Huoyufeiyan Yushi is indeed as gorgeous as a meteor falling. It will turn into a fireball, and the fire tail will cut through the sky, leaving only an afterimage.

Huoyu Feiyan Sword (Level 666 Rare Horcrux): Soul ring: 6666 years, age: 55 years, flight speed +40, strength qualification: 39%, agility qualification: 38%, intelligence qualification: 40%, (equipment Level requirement: level 40, strength requirement: [-]. The fiery sword decorated with fire dragon balls and rain stones, with a blade like red flames, is said to dim the sun and the moon when the sword is unsheathed.)
Auxiliary [Red Flame Broken Soul (burned with red flames of fire, has a 10% chance of destroying the opponent's Horcrux or equipment!) Fire Rain (releases a rain of fire centered on the blade, all targets within three meters will be damaged by fire) Piercing Smoke (Smoky, peaceful mind. 15% chance to ignore the opponent's attack)]

Fire and rain are not smoke (flying sword, phantom fire, rain into the sky. Attack a single target at an extremely fast speed, causing 260% damage, 100% with burns, lasting 30 seconds, consumption: 20 points of soul power)
Flying Fire and Soaring Sky (Imperial weapon speed +30%, usable times per day: 5)

Fire Meteor Extinguisher (Send the fire rain and non-smoke horcrux into the air, and it will fall into a meteor meteorite, indiscriminately attack within a radius of 50 meters, causing 220% damage and superimposing fire attribute damage at the same time, release time: 5 seconds , consumption: 30 points of soul power!)

"Good sword, really good sword!"

This is the second time Tang Tang called out a good sword today. The previous time was for the Earth Fire Xuanbing Sword, but unfortunately it was not hers, but this time it was for the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword, and more importantly, the Soul Sword. The instrument is her own!

If the Earth Fire Xuanbing Sword has a balanced offense and defense, then the Huoyu Feiyan Sword is domineering. Every auxiliary attribute is mainly attacking. Except for the slightly weaker flying speed, Tang Tang is very satisfied with other aspects, and even Tang Tang I really want to use two multicolored chess stones on the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword.

Helpless, the multicolored chess stones only have a 50% chance of improving the quality of the flying sword, and the success of two stones is only at the seventh-level elite level.What's more, if it doesn't work, it's fine, Tang Tang will feel bad if it is destroyed!
Tang Tang gave up the idea of ​​turning the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword into a shooting star. It is better to be content and happy!
While thinking about it, Tang Tang entered the Dream City in the Heaven Dou Empire.

The Valley of the Soul of the Soul is located in the boundary of the Valley of Dreams, but it is very difficult to enter it. The reason is that the Valley of the Soul of the Soul has a vacuum zone similar to the ancient road of the Tang Sect. Players can only enter the Tang Sect, and there is a five-poison formation in the Valley of Souls, which is full of poisonous insects and snakes, and it is not easy for ordinary players to enter.

Moreover, according to untestable gossip, the owner of Samurai Soul Valley is a woman who has been hurt by love. When she was young, she was poisoned by a man and her face was ruined. It hasn't diminished, and the Valley of the Soul of the Soul does not allow any love between men and women.

This incident caused Tang Tang quite a headache. You must know that even though the Douluo Hall has to be a man to worship, it did not say that disciples from other sects are not allowed in and out, but this Valley of Souls is good, just put a poison formation for you to break through If I ask for it or buy it, I am afraid that I will never get that chilling famous wine. You must know that people will not even let me in, so Tang Tang's idea is to sneak in and steal it.

And stealing is also particular. If you want to steal some treasures of the town, or magic weapons, you need to sneak into the Wanbao Palace or the Arms Pavilion. Tang Tang gave up on such heavily guarded places.

After all, after getting the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel and the Fire Rain Non-Yan Sword, although his own strength has indeed increased greatly, there are some old monsters in every sect and sect. Think about the Tang Sect, Dugu Bo's drunken mentor No matter how you look at it, you are just a drunkard, but if you make a casual move, it will be earth-shattering. If you don't see thousands of little demons, even if you get two good things, it probably won't be enough to slap Dugu Bo. There is someone who is not far from the alcoholic mentor, and he will die with his own life.

But that wine is easier to steal. It is said that the information given by the landlord said that the secret cold wine was buried in the flower garden of the elder Du Hanxin for 50 years.flower garden?Naturally, it's a place to grow flowers. You can't have to find a few experts to watch the flower garden just for a jar of wine, right?
(End of this chapter)

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