Chapter 154
"Hey, kid!" Tang Tang turned his head impatiently and said, "It's safe now, don't follow me anymore, okay?"

Tang Yuhao blinked and said, "Girl, you don't want me to follow you? Why?"

"Nonsense, it's not good to meet you. It's fine if the things I wanted were found, but now I have turned myself into a public enemy. Idiots will be happy to have an unlucky ghost like you follow!" Tang Tang said in his stomach. He cursed fiercely, and then said helplessly: "I'm being hunted down now, it's very dangerous to be hunted down by the whole soul domain!"

"That's right!" Tang Yuhao nodded as a matter of course: "When you are in such danger, there is such a handsome guy who is willing to accompany you to tide over the difficulties. Shouldn't you feel very touched, and by the way, thank you for being willing to accompany you boys?"


Tang Tang had the urge to jump into the river, how could he explain it like this?I don't want you to accompany me!With you, an unlucky bastard, by my side, I will only be even more unlucky!

Rubbing his swollen and sore eyes, Tang Tang felt a little dizzy, and then he was too lazy to care about Tang Yuhao. If he wanted to, he would follow. Anyway, this kid has a share in stealing. If he wants to die with him, then go together. It's good to die, but fortunately, there is a handsome guy to accompany me, which is also a very happy thing.

Of course, it would be best not to be killed, so there are only two ways!

The first is to find a place to hide directly, Xiaoxian is poisonous and now he is angry, and he is going to kill Tang Tang to vent his anger.As for Tang Yukuang, he probably didn't care if he could kill Tang Tang. After all, it was not easy to find someone in the vast crowd. He was purely an attitude, for his own prestige.

You know, after Tang Fengzi's eight-year-old mouth preached, many people in the Tang Sect knew that Tang Yukuang and Dujie No. 1 were at odds, and the Scarlet Mercenary Group was originally at odds with the Scarlet Mercenary Group , Who did they kill and not kill?If there is a chance to hunt down Tang Tang, it is to regain the position.

Therefore, if Tang Tang has to hide in one place for ten days and a half months, no one will continue to investigate this matter, and no one will waste his time on leveling and doing tasks, chasing and killing a little girl endlessly of!
The question is, will Tang Tang let it go like this?Will you be so willing to find a place to hide?

Certainly not, Tang Tang also has a temper that does not admit defeat, letting her hide is tantamount to admitting defeat, this is something she will never do, besides, if she hides for ten days and a half months, all her level and equipment will drop, and her strength will drop greatly Not to mention, more importantly, it is boring!
Then there is only the second way, which is to escape from the boundary of Samurai Soul Valley. The soul domain is so big, why can't you squat?Even if someone finds out, you can just change the place, this method is really useful sometimes.

The immediate question is how to leave Samurai Soul Valley!

Mimengland must not be able to go, Xiaoxian Poisonous guy directly led people to block in the legend, his thoughts are also very straightforward, Tang Tang escaped from the Valley of the Soul, he will definitely find a place to hide in Mimengland first.After all, at that time, the entire territory of the Valley of the Souls was full of disciples of the Valley of the Souls who were searching for it. It was not easy to run out directly with the imperial weapon. How could he have thought that Tang Tang would be so leisurely, rowing a boat from the water.

This is good news, at least no one is blocked, but if you can't enter the dreamland, you can't take the legendary formation, and if you can't take the teleportation formation, you can only use the imperial weapon. , but it is easier to be discovered by walking. Almost everyone is flying around these days. Who still walks on two?

Of course, the students of the Valkyrie Hall were an exception, so Tang Tang simply put away the Horcrux, found a bow and crossbow on his back, and pretended to be a disciple of the Valkyrie Hall.

As for the brat Tang Yuhao, he was even more ruthless. He changed his night clothes and the veil into a mask, but he still could only see half of his face, which made Tang Tang secretly wonder if this guy was too good to be sorry for Jiangdong. The old man, and what is even more eye-popping is that the suit he put on turned out to be the moon suit of the master's heart refining charm from Samurai Soul Valley!
"Hey..." Tang Yuhao looked at Tang Tang's surprised look and said proudly, "Girl, do you want to know what's going on?"

Tang Tang nodded honestly, this matter is indeed somewhat unbelievable.First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Yuhao to be a disciple of the Valley of the Soul, because he can use flying swords, and the disciples of the Valley of the Soul are mainly soul refining Gu and poisonous insects.And only strange weapons can be used. For example, flying swords will be written on the back of flying swords, but the ghost ring will not be written as ghost rings, but uniformly called strange weapons. Since Tang Yuhao can use swords, he can also control swords , of course it cannot be a disciple of Samurai Soul Valley.

However, Tang Tang regretted it as soon as he nodded, Tang Yuhao smiled again, looked at Tang Tang with a pair of shining eyes and said softly: "Guess!"

"Boss, come pot Tieguanyin!" Tang Tang was so angry that his teeth were itchy. This brat is definitely a villain, and he is a villain who will take revenge. He sighed, and Tang Tang walked into the big tea shed by the roadside, Asked for a pot of Tieguanyin to sit down, and then said to Tang Yuhao: "Exchange, one question for another question!"

"Okay, let me ask first." Tang Yuhao hurriedly said, "Why did you go to the Valley of Souls to steal wine?"

Tang Tang said: "The mission is to collect the top ten famous wines in the world."

"My clothes are not from Samurai Soul Valley, but sewn by Liu Yiyi, "Liu Yishou" of the main city Dragon City. They look exactly the same, but their attributes are completely different. If you don't trade them, you won't be able to tell the difference." Tang Yuhao said: " Where are we going next?"

"Wherever you go, let me remind you by the way, it's me, not us!" Tang Tang pointed at himself vigorously, and then said, "What did you steal from Samurai Soul Valley?"

Tang Yuhao shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "You're cheating."

Tang Yuhao said helplessly, "I really don't know, but I can tell you the purpose."

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Say it."

Tang Yuhao said: "This is another new question."

Tang Tang suddenly had the urge to vomit blood, so he had to grit his teeth and say, "Then ask first, and then answer after asking."

Tang Yuhao said: "I can't think of anything to ask, girl, why don't you owe me a question and I'll answer it for you first?"

Tang Tang was speechless to this kind of person's logic, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I owe you first, you continue to talk!"

Tang Yuhao said: "Above the ninth level is a magic weapon. There are a total of ten tenth-level magic weapons in this soul domain. This is something that everyone knows, but no one knows what it is. At present, it can be confirmed that it is the Tangmen Suppressing Monster. The sword is a tenth-level divine weapon, the Dou Shenjian and Tianhuang Dao in the Douluo Temple are suspected to be a tenth-level divine weapon, the Dinghai Pearl in the Haishen Pavilion is a tenth-level heaven and earth treasure, and the nine-day star clock in the Wushen Temple is suspected to be a tenth-level heaven and earth treasure. All basic sects are very likely to have at least one tenth-level divine weapon or heaven and earth treasure as a township item!"

"Are you trying to steal Soul Samurai Gu Shenbing or the treasure of heaven and earth?" Tang Tang nodded. The temptation was indeed enough to make people crazy. After taking a sip of tea, he continued, "Did you get it?"

"I owe you two questions." Tang Yuhao stretched out two fingers with a smile and shook them, then said disappointedly: "I didn't succeed, the Thousand Poisons and Thousand Souls Formation in Samurai Soul Valley is so powerful, and when the poisonous formation is activated, I will be exposed." Of course, I can only run."

Tang Tang nodded. Soul Gu of Samurai Soul Valley is of course very powerful, but there is another special skill in Soul Soul Valley, that is, poison formation. There are very few students in Gu.But it would be strange if there were not more than a dozen or even dozens of powerful poison formation restraints in the Valley of the Soul.Therefore, it's normal that Tang Yuhao didn't succeed, but it's unbelievable that he succeeded.

"Drink tea!" Tang Tang picked up the cup of Tieguanyin tea and drank it down in one gulp: "After drinking, prepare to fight!"

Tang Yuhao blinked his eyes and looked very confused, just at this moment...

A dozen sword lights suddenly flew out from the mountains and forests on both sides, and [-]% of the people in the tea shed overturned the tables and surrounded Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao.

"It's amazing!" Tang Yuhao looked at the thirty or so people around him without any fear, but excitedly said, "Girl, how did you know there was something wrong with the tea shed?"

"Stupid!" Tang Tang said, "The tea shed was opened in the Soul Realm because of its ancient style and elegance. This thing was very common in ancient times. You can see it in roads and post stations. But who is okay to drink this thing? They even gave the whole tea shed to us. It’s full, so it’s possible to say that there is an attribute bonus or something, but the fact is that I drank a bowl just now, and it didn’t seem to have any effect except that it felt like plain water and a little nauseated.”


Tang Yuhao hadn't reacted yet, but cold snorts came from all around, apparently not paying much attention to Tang Tang's reasoning.

Tang Tang didn't care about them, and got up directly and said, "I remind you, it's best to run quickly, or you won't regret it!"

Tang Tang really didn't want to kill people. She didn't deduct her prestige points for killing people, and she even increased her prestige points. It's okay to increase her prestige points, but if her prestige points are full, she will have to go through the robbery for the second time. Tang Tang doesn't want to go. The underworld complained to Hades!

However, no one would think that Tang Tang's words were kind. Almost as soon as Tang Tang finished speaking, three sword lights came towards Tang Tang's face.

"Nobody believes the truth these days!" Tang Tang sighed helplessly, and made a quick move, and the sun, moon, universe wheel appeared in Tang Tang's hands that day, threw it into the air, and shouted in a low voice: "Sun Moon Universe Wheel, Sun!"

It's just that when most people hear the word 'day' these days, they probably don't think of the sun in the sky, so no one cares. They just watched Tang Tang throw the sun, moon, universe wheel into the air, and then...

When the sun and the moon are in the sky, the white light flourishes!
The sun, moon, universe wheels fly into the air, the sun dry wheel and the moon-kun wheel turn back and forth, and the incandescent red light of the sun suddenly surges from the two wheels!
(End of this chapter)

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