The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 181 Speed ​​wins and attracts hatred

Chapter 181 Speed ​​wins and attracts hatred

As soon as Tang Mei's words fell, Tang Yuhao landed first. Seeing the giant hammer city guard rushing towards him, he quickly pushed the little girl and pushed Tang Tang back to the stairs, while he himself received a hammer on his back. He was directly beaten out and ended up in the same fate as Little Qiao.

"Damn it, one attack knocked out a third of my health!"

Tang Yuhao fell on the corridor, looking at his health, he was also shocked. The damage was really high. If he was hit twice, he would die. Fortunately, those city guards would not chase him out of the fourth floor. Otherwise it's really stuck.

At this moment, Tang Tang suddenly grabbed Tang Yuhao by the collar and pulled him up.

Tang Yuhao grinned in wonder, "Little girl, what are you doing?"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Brat, where did you touch me?"

Tang Yuhao wondered even more: "Where did I touch you? Didn't I just give you a push? Besides, I came here to save you. You should be grateful to me, okay?"

Tang Tang raised his voice three minutes and gritted his teeth: "I still appreciate you? Brat, tell me, tell me, where are you pushing me?"

Tang Yuhao was still at a loss and said, "Where did you say I pushed you?"

"You push me..." Tang Tang said halfway, looked around, and found that other people were also looking at him, his face blushed, he snorted coldly, pushed Tang Tang away and said: "Stinky boy, come back later!" Settle accounts with you!"

Tang Yuhao was also puzzled, but the little girl said that we should talk about the business first, so he didn't want to ask more questions, so he could only point to the entrance on the fourth floor.

"Five city guards!" Tang Yuhao said solemnly: "One-third of my health was lost when I was hit by a hammer, and there were five city guards at the entrance. To be honest, I think it is very difficult for us to kill, Each person can only resist two hits, and before using the life potion, they will be killed directly, and if they are unlucky, those city guards can kill people in seconds with a direct critical strike. The risk is big, but I am not afraid, 1000 gold coins It’s worth buying a life. But if we are afraid that we will die, people will still not be rescued, and even if we rush in, do you think there is a way to rush back with a master of alchemy?"

"Yes, this is indeed very difficult, but is there really no way?"

Tang Mei scratched her head and asked Tang Tang beside her. Commanding is what she is good at, but she is only good at directing. Killing monsters and small-scale fights are fine. For a few miles, Tang Tang, who is definitely a little ghost, is the best. He is typically full of bad water. This kind of situation where he can't break through head-on, naturally he can only take the edge of the sword. This happens to be what she is not good at, but the little girl is best at it. of.

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible, it's because of our bad luck, and there are five city guards blocking the door. I have two ways. The first way is to wait, the city guards have a wandering distance , when the five city guards move to the farthest position from the entrance at the same time, we will stick to the wall and rush in. The second method is to change lives, rush in with speed and lead people out, and others take turns to pull the city guards away. Pave a way out with our lives, but it depends on where the boy we want to save is. If he is at the end of the fourth floor..., with all due respect, just give up. Without a suit of level [-] equipment, it is absolutely impossible If you rush over, or you can pull hundreds of people over, that's fine."

The others were also speechless. Among them, Tang Tang had killed the Nine-Tailed Firefox and True Monarch Fire Feather. One was a level 60 leader of ancient alien beasts, and the other was a level 65 bird demon who had cultivated human form. They seem to be much stronger than these city guards, but the Nine-Tailed Firefox is not strong on its own, and Tang Tang happens to be not afraid of the flames of the sky, while True Monarch Huoyu was surrounded and beaten by dozens of masters who have crossed the tribulation.

If there was only one city guard on the fourth floor of Haotian City, they would not be afraid, but five of them blocked the road at the same time. To put it bluntly, this elite monster is much stupider than the leader monster. It is not a monster with high IQ, but only in terms of attributes. It's not too far behind, it's almost like having to bear the attack of five level 60 boss monsters at the same time, who can resist it?Not to mention them, even in the entire soul domain at this stage, no one can resist!

Tang Tang has always had an adventurous spirit. What she means is to rush forward and win with speed.However, Tang Mei was not such a violent person. She meant to observe the route and range of separation between the five city guards. As a result, such an observation immediately scared everyone into a cold sweat.

The city guards refreshed at the entrance of the fourth floor turned out not to be five, but eight, three level 55 with double hammers, three level 53 with crossbows, and two level 58 with spears, They only met five just now, and they were lucky, and after observing for half an hour, the distance between the eight stone guards is the fan-shaped position of the stairs. At most, eight of them will be crowded nearby, and at least there will be three They will stand at the stairs, and what is even more unfortunate is that three of the bow guards belong to long-range strikes. As long as they leave the stairs, they will immediately enter the attack range of two of the bow guards. If they take a step forward, they will enter the attack range of the three bow guards In the range of the attack, it is impossible to avoid all the city guards by life or death.

Tang Mei wiped her sweat and said, "The second way is to charge with speed? Tell me in detail, little girl!"

Tang Tang said: "First confirm the location of the rescue target. I calculated it. If it exceeds 200 meters, we have nothing to do."

Tang Mei said: "I know this, he has screenshots for me, I'll show you."

The angle of that screenshot is bad, but it is understandable. It was obviously done in a panic during the escape. Secondly, there are many inscriptions that can be clearly seen in the picture. This can prove that it is indeed the fourth floor. In an instant, Tang Tang also arrived. These four floors are not empty, but are full of stone monuments. As for the location in the picture, it is not too far away. You can enter the entrance horizontally to the left, until the bottom corner, where there is a hollow location, there are no city guards around.

"It's less than 200 meters away!" Tang Tang nodded, then took out a teleportation talisman and said, "Originally, I meant to rush in, and it would be fine if I handed this thing into someone's hands, but it's very uncomfortable. Luckily, I just tried it, and teleportation symbols are not allowed in Haotian City. Therefore, the estimate of 200 meters just now is a bit wrong, because it takes a round trip, and about 100 meters is the limit of the maximum success rate."

Tang Mei asked strangely, "The limit?"

Tang Tang said: "It is the limit of the maximum success rate. If it exceeds this distance, it will be dangerous, and the success rate will be low. The worst result is that we all drop one level, but the person is not rescued. The best result is that only one person is left dead. We've been rescued, let's see if everyone is willing to take the risk."

Of course, Tang Mei needless to say, Xiao Qiao and Tang Tang are friends with sisters, and they have to accompany Tang Tang to die once. Tang Yuhao can also say that this guy likes this kind of fun, that is, to be free and unrestrained. 1000 gold coins is worth buying a life, but it can't stop people's stubbornness and unwillingness to drop a level. However, Tang Tang is a little worried, and no one will make trouble with money.

Tang Tang continued: "I don't have any objections, so I'll just say it straight. What I mean is to speed up the relay. Everyone pulls in a straight line. The first one to open the entrance has to be opened even if it is dead. The second one relays forward. If you run into a city guard, you pull away. Again, even if you die, you have to pull away. Then the third one goes up. As usual, the city guard pulls away, and you don’t hesitate to die. If this continues, can you save people? It depends on luck. Secondly, the order is as follows, Zizai Xiaoyao is the first, Xiao Xiaoqiao is the second, Xiaoyaozi is the third, Tang Mei is the fourth, Haozi is the fifth, and I am the last."

"Hmph!" Zizai Xiaoyao snorted coldly: "You let me be the first one, I have no problem, since I agreed, then I am ready to exchange my life for gold coins, but why are you the last one? Everyone knows that the last one is the best one. Safety!"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Xiaoyaozizao has a super strong defense, Xiaoqiao has an auxiliary aura, Tang Mei has the Nine Heavenly Soul Jue to slow down, how about you? You are not fast, and you can do nothing but attack, and the first one has to The one who opens the entrance is inevitable death, who else is suitable for such cannon fodder besides you? As for why I ended up, you can see for yourself!"

Without saying a word, Tang Tang directly summoned the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword and the Breath of the Phoenix.

Zizai Xiaoyao only glanced at it, and his eyes straightened immediately.

"Level 25 flying horcruxes and natal horcruxes!" Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "My natal horcruxes, the breath of the phoenix, can cover flying swords to increase the speed attribute, flying speed +15, and imperial weapon speed by 2%. There is no limit to the skill level, and if you think you can be faster than me, then you will be the last one in charge of saving people."

Because Xiaoyaozizai made Tang Tang suffer a small loss, his attitude towards Tang Tang was not that bad, but Zizai Xiaoyao was killed by Tang Tang, so it is understandable that he felt upset.However, what Tang Tang said is also reasonable. The last one needs to run back and forth. Naturally, the faster the speed, the better. As for Zizai Xiaoyao, in the current situation, his value can only be regarded as cannon fodder, and Xiaoyao Ziyao knows the reason , Comforted Xiaoyao with a few words, Zizai Xiaoyao didn't say much, no matter what, money is the first thing, and gold coins are important!

After making the decision, Tang Mei informed the boy who was going to be rescued and asked him to prepare in 5 minutes!

"My countdown has begun!" After finishing preparations, Tang Tang stretched out his finger and said, "3, 2, 1..."

Zizai Xiaoyao's imperial envoy, Fei Jian, rushed to the fourth floor from the stairs.

This guy's defensive ability is really poor, not in terms of equipment, but in terms of consciousness. This also has something to do with style and temper, so it's hard for everyone to comment on it. Therefore, Tang Tang gave only one task to Zi Ziyao, Running desperately, running desperately in the opposite direction, you can pull the eight city guards as far as you can, and keep pulling them if you can't die!

Zizai Xiaoyao cast a contemptuous look at Tang Tang's last sentence, but he was satisfied with this arrangement. He knew his own shortcomings, and he could still do such a simple task of desperately charging.

Sure enough, as soon as Zizai Xiaoyao made a move, the eight city guards immediately followed suit. Two of the bow guards shot two stone arrows at the head. However, the stone arrows he was holding couldn't be avoided no matter what. When he was hit by an arrow, his body shook, and he lost 40% of his health.It's just that Zizao Xiaoyao is also stubborn, he just stumbles and continues to fly forward, and he is not stupid, seeing the stone tablet appearing in front of him, he immediately dives in and uses the stone tablet to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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