Chapter 192

This time, MT didn't even object. In fact, he wanted to object. The problem was that he couldn't think of a way to refute Tang Tang's words. Could it be that he closed his eyes and walked in a straight line, as Tang Tang said?It would be fine if he could walk in a straight line, and he could look down on the little girl fiercely when he turned around, but if he really went astray with his eyes closed, wouldn't he be ashamed and thrown at grandma's house?Anyway, it doesn't matter which door you go through, it doesn't matter!

Everyone pushed open the stone gate on the left, and what they got was good news!
There is still a passage behind the door. Although I don’t know where it leads, at least I can be sure that it is not a dead end. Moreover, the passage behind the door is obviously much more luxurious than the stone cave passage they entered. The ground under their feet is square bluestone, and the walls are also gorgeous. On the white jade wall, there are long-burning lamps every three meters. The same white jade is used on the ceiling, and many ancient traditional patterns are carved.

Tang Xin said: "This is where you should truly enter the interior of the Kunlun Shrine!"

Just as Tang Xin finished speaking, the stone door behind him suddenly slammed shut, which startled everyone.

After being stunned for half a second, Tang Jian said humorously: "It seems that Soul Realm is afraid that we don't know that this is the Kunlun Shrine!"

It's a pity that there are four men here, and Tang Tang is the type of violent girl who is not afraid of anything, of course he is not afraid, so Tang Jian's small humor has become cold humor.

After laughing twice, Tang Jian waved his hand and took the lead to walk forward.

The passage was very long, and it took a whole stick of incense before they saw the end of the passage, but the end did not bring them joy, because five stone gates appeared in front of them.

Tang Xin smiled wryly at Tang Tang: "Little girl, use your physical instinct to guess again?"

Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "Excluding the middle, there are two leaves on the left and right, and if the first guess is correct, will Soul Domain make the correct position on the right according to our first rebellious psychology? ? Or Soul Domain guessed that we were going to switch to the right, so we still put the correct position on the left? Or deliberately upset the crowd, so the middle position is the correct one?"

Tang Taro sighed and said, "This is an infinite loop, do you need a door for each person?"

Tang Tang said: "Maybe Soul Domain just wants to separate us, otherwise why not more or less, five fans?"

MT snorted and said: "This is what happens when you are full of bad things. You always like to make conspiracy theories about things, so you can't make up your mind. You should do this at a time like this..."

MT directly pushed a stone door, and the stone door opened in response.

"Huh... character!" MT shook his hair and said, "Good character, everything is fine!"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Then let us see your character!"

Now that the gate has been opened, other people have no objection, so they entered the stone gate coherently, and the stone gate closed with a bang. Looking around, the square room was only more than a hundred square meters. There is a sarcophagus in the middle, but there is nothing else, it is clearly a dead end!
Tips: Golden mummies will appear after 30 seconds, please eliminate them within 360 seconds, remaining number of mummies: 30!
Tang Tang pointed at MT and said with a thumb: "Your character is really outstanding throughout the ages."

MT laughed twice, and it was not easy to refute anything, so he honestly put on a posture of being ready for battle, while the others quickly stood in four directions, surrounding Tang Taro in the center, This kind of formation is also a tacit understanding they have practiced in the master dungeon. After trying it a few times, this kind of position does not require much cooperation with each other, but it allows them to fully display their personal combat power.

30 seconds later...

A black mist appeared all around, and the mummy, which was only one meter high, stepped out of the mist, shaking and shaking, it turned out that they were all like golden dead wood!
Tang Tang didn't talk nonsense, and stabbed with a flying sword, slashing the top of a mummy's head, brushing out the basic attributes of a golden mummy.

"It's just an elite monster at level 44." Tang Tang said: "Four directions, one person controls one direction, time is enough for us to kill, Tang Taro don't use wind and thunder double kill, just in case there is a back move!"

Tang Taro nodded and retreated around the sarcophagus, while the others rushed forward immediately!

Tang Tang also summoned Mo Qiujian, and the two swords flew together. The Mo Qiujian in his left hand released continuous sword energy, and the Huoyu Feiyan sword in his right turned into a fire meteor, intertwined and danced, and Tang Tang rushed into the mummy In the crowd, Jian Guang cut off two golden mummies in a row, but when Tang Tang was about to attack the third golden mummies, suddenly...

The mummy opened its mouth suddenly, and a puff of purple-black mist spewed out from the mouth.

Tang Tang was agitated, although he didn't know what the mist was useful for, but it would definitely not do any good if it was contaminated, he quickly twisted his waist, and turned around against the purple mist. Yan Jian followed Tang Tang in a half-moon arc, pierced the mummy's neck, and ended it with a single blow.

"I'm going!" At this time, MT cried out, "Be careful of the poisonous mist, if you touch it, you will be in the state of a corpse slave!"

Tang Jian wondered: "Corpse slave state? I've never heard of this special state."

MT said: "How do I know, anyway, that's what Soul Realm reminds me."

While talking, MT poured a bottle of life potion into his mouth, and his face became pale. He was accidentally sprayed by the purple mist, but only reduced 10% of his life, but he poured it into his mouth. With a bottle of life potion, my health dropped instantly, to only about 4% left!

"I'll go!" MT hurriedly backed up and said, "Don't use recovery potions when you lose your health, the status of this corpse slave can't be restored, the more you make up, the more you lose!"

Tang Xin was also accidentally sprayed by the purple mist. He was about to use the life potion, but when he heard MT's cry, he quickly threw the life potion away and continued to fight the enemy with his sword. Fortunately, the damage from the purple mist was not enough. Gao, even if he couldn't use the recovery potion, he could resist it. Only MT played the role of glorious cannon fodder, retreating to the side of the sarcophagus to meditate to recover blood, and Tang Taro took the place to hunt and kill the mummies.

5 minutes later……

Tang Tang grabbed Mo Qiujian suddenly, shook out a sword flower, and swiped the sword at the neck of the last mummy, flying the mummy cleanly, taking advantage of the opportunity to deal a fatal injury.

"It's over!" Tang Tang retracted his sword, clapped hands with Tang Jian who was not far away, and said, "Clear the level easily, without stress!"

"No!" Tang Taro suddenly said: "We haven't finished killing, only killed 29 golden mummies!"

The others were stunned and glanced at the mission prompt. Sure enough, the mission countdown was still going on, with 55 seconds left, and the reminder of the remaining number of golden mummies showed that there was one left.

Tang Jian looked around and said, "One less? But they've already been killed."

Tang Tang said: "Enter the black mist, there may still be hidden inside!"

The black mist appeared at the beginning, and it was used to refresh the golden mummy. It was so dark that it was impossible to see everything inside. There might indeed be a mummy hidden there, so everyone rushed into the black mummy immediately without hesitation. In the mist, he heard the soul domain prompting him to be in the state of corpse slave. However, there is nothing magical about the state of corpse slave after he figured out the mystery. It just cannot restore the medicine, and the more he uses it, the more blood will be lost, but as long as he does not use life Potions can be ignored without any effect.

However, following the black mist around, there was no shadow of the golden mummy at all.

Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, Soul Domain would definitely be right, but what happened if they couldn't find the mummy?Looking at the prompt time, it is already less than 20 seconds. No one knows what will happen if all the golden mummies cannot be killed within the stipulated 360 seconds. The worst case is that the system directly kills them in a brutal way. Or just seal them up in this tomb!
"Above!" At this time, everyone was looking left and right, and Tang Jian happened to look up, and immediately shouted: "The corpse boy is on the ceiling!"

Everyone looked up, and immediately saw a mummy sticking to the ceiling in an extremely strange manner, and immediately cursed in their hearts that Soul Domain was shameless, even using such a despicable method, and then they all rushed towards the mummy Go, but just when Tang Tang's sword tip was about to stab the mummy, the mummy turned into a black light and disappeared without a trace.

Reminder: Since the golden mummies were not eliminated within the specified time, a new golden mummies will appear after 30 seconds, please destroy them within 360 seconds, the remaining number of golden mummies: 45!
Everyone was speechless at once, only one second was left. What made everyone even more indignant was that Soul Domain hid the golden mummies in a sloppy manner. What made everyone even more indignant was that the time consumed by the new wave of golden mummies did not increase, but the number Directly increased by half, jumping from 30 to 45, you must know that it is not difficult to kill golden mummies, but it is still a challenge to kill 6 golden mummies within 30 minutes, and the number increased from 30 to 45 After that, it becomes quite challenging, even if Soul Domain doesn't play tricks, they may not be able to kill them all in time.

So, Tang Taro made a move!

"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

A gust of wind slammed away from Tang Taluo's side, condensed into a virtual shape, and turned into green lotuses, with purple silk wrapped around the lotus leaves, making a sizzling sound...


Tang Taluo pinched his fingertips lightly, and the blue wind thunder lotus exploded suddenly with a bang. The blue wind swept nearly a thousand purple lightning currents towards it, and the countless wind blades hit the surrounding gold. On the body of the mummy, patches of black blood suddenly came out, harvesting the mummy's life value.


Tang Tang shouted, and took the lead to rush into the group of mummies. After Tang Taro's wind and thunder double kill baptism, most of the golden mummies were only half-blooded. After rushing back and forth, Tang Tang had already been wiped out. Even so, when all the golden mummies are killed, there are still only a few tens of seconds left.

"No!" Tang Xin shouted, "There are 43 mummies, and there are still two..."

"On the ceiling!"

This time everyone learned how to behave. When Tang Xin shouted, everyone immediately looked up. Sure enough, a golden mummy stuck to the ceiling motionless. Everyone shot immediately, and five attacks landed on the mummy at the same time, naturally humming They were beaten out of their wits without even having a chance, but after the mummy was dealt with, the five members of the Tang Sect went mad again, and they couldn't find another golden mummy.

"There is nothing on the ceiling!" Tang Jian lay on the ground and said in pain: "There is nothing on the ground, do you think Soul Domain will shamelessly make the golden body mummy into the size of a thumb?"

MT said: "It's not that sinister, is it?"

Tang Jiandao: "I'm afraid it will be more shameless and make it the size of an ant!"

(End of this chapter)

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