Chapter 194
Hearing what Tang Jian said, Tang Xin was speechless. How could there be such a cheap person these days?He actually only added 1 gold coin, but if he said it, it was the water that was thrown out. No matter what he said, he was also a person of status, and he couldn't bear this face to fight with Tang Jian. He shook his head, and he was giving things to Tang Jian. sword.

"Thank you, thank're welcome!"

Tang Jian was also straightforward. After taking the things, he immediately began to give out red envelopes, which also made Tang Tang look at him with admiration. His junior seemed to be quite rich, and he sold hundreds of gold coins as soon as he said he could sell them, especially Zhenjie. Although things are good, they are still good, but they are still gambling on luck. If they are not lucky, then these hundreds of gold coins will be in vain. You must know that you can still hear the sound when thrown into the water. Therefore, you can spend money to buy the real solution to improve The level of soul skills, most of the net worth are the kind of people who are very rich.

Tang Tang pondered carefully, should he establish a good relationship with this junior, it seems that he can borrow usury in the future!And it’s the kind that doesn’t have to be paid back.

After one person sang the love song and threw the true understanding into Qiankun's pocket, everyone left the treasure room.

It was still the same passage, and two of the five stone doors opened. Tang Jian and MT, who have been outstanding through the ages, consciously stood aside, and the remaining three looked at each other. Finally, Tang Taro stepped forward and pushed Open the central stone door to reveal a passage!

Tang Jian stroked his chin and said, "Actually, I think we can open the remaining two stone doors, in case it is the treasure room again."

Tang Tang said: "Don't take the baby and talk without back pain. What if it's the tomb again? If the mummy's room didn't toss us to death, our lives will be saved. Do you still want to have another thrilling mummy battle?"

Tang Jian laughed twice, expressing that he was wrong and stepped into the passage first!

Also at this time...

Tang Tang suddenly reached out and grabbed Tang Jian's collar, pulling him back violently!
An iron arrow shot out from the wall suddenly, pierced the opposite wall, and almost brushed Tang Jian's nose, making Tang Jian's heart palpitate!
Tang Xin sighed: "There is no mechanism in the last passage, but it doesn't mean that there is no mechanism in this one. Never compare yourself with Soul Realm!"

Tang Tang pulled out the iron arrow on the wall and said: "Non-recyclable items, fixed damage of 2000 points, attached to toxin, reduce 80 points of health per second, last for 30 seconds, one arrow can barely survive, two arrows will die! "

While talking, Tang Tang took out an empty wooden barrel and rolled forward along the passage. Countless iron arrows spewed out from the walls on both sides, piercing the opposite wall, densely packed like hedgehogs.

Everyone gasped, who could hide from such a dense rain of arrows?
MT said: "Would it be okay to use the sword or float?"

Tang Tang didn't say much, and directly found a third-level garbage horcrux, and then threw it forward, drawing a parabola in the air, but, while the clothes were still in the air, a hole suddenly shot out from the gap in the ceiling. Rows of flames burned the Horcrux until there was not even ashes left, only some powder drifted with the wind.

"I'll go!" MT said, "How can this be possible!"

"It's impossible to get through!" Tang Tang spread his hands, then pushed open the fourth stone door and said: "That passage is a trap."

The fourth stone door opened, and it was still a passage. Tang Tang threw away the barrels and garbage equipment as usual, but there was no sound, and there was no movement at all. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This time, it should be a real passage. .

"I'm fast, let's go first and find out the truth!"

Tang Tang's speed is the fastest, and if there is a mechanism, he can charge with all his strength, and there is still hope to escape. However, Tang Tang still walks very cautiously. After carefully stepping on the ground a few times, he is sure that there is really no mechanism. Then he entered the passage and walked five or six meters. Others saw that Tang Tang was fine, so they followed into the passage, but at this moment...

Just as Tang Jian and Tang Xin entered the passage, the stone door suddenly closed automatically with a loud noise, shutting Tang Taluo and MT out. Tang Xin and Tang Jian immediately turned around and pushed the door, but the stone door was closed. It was motionless.

"Be careful!" Tang Tang shouted anxiously: "Run, there are traps!"

Right now, the word "trap" is like a reminder to the two of them. After the two were excited, they didn't dare to delay. They immediately called out to share and turned into a ray of light, chasing Tang Tang's figure and moving forward. and go.

Sure enough, as soon as Tang Xin and Tang Jian moved, the stone slab shook for a while, and a two-meter-high ground thorn came out of the stone slab. The two people jumped in fright, and quickly accelerated forward, chasing Tang Tang desperately. run forward.

"There is a fork in the road ahead!"

After the three of them flew forward like crazy for nearly a hundred meters, the passage appeared at the end, diverging to the left and right!



"Go left!"

Tang Jian instinctively turned right, while Tang Tang and Tang Xin quickly turned left, and then their hearts sank. The left side was a dead end, and the wall was two meters ahead. At this time, those ground thorns suddenly stopped, only chasing to the end of the passage, and did not continue to extend the puncture to the left.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly sighed that they had escaped by luck!

At this time, Tang Jian's screams suddenly sounded, Tang Xin and Tang Tang looked at each other, and then remembered that Tang Jian didn't seem to be walking with them to the left, but to the right passage...

Boom, boom...

As Tang Jian's shouts got closer, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the passage. Tang Tang and Tang Xin looked at each other, and suddenly there was a rather bad feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

Sure enough, after a while, the two saw Tang Jian appearing in their field of vision, with a tail hanging behind his buttocks, and a huge round rolling stone was chasing Tang Jian's buttocks towards them along the passage.

"Damn it!" Tang Tang cried, "Don't come here, don't come here, you're dead, there's only one passage, there's no way out!"

Tang Xin and Tang Tang turned their heads and ran away, but found that there was a dead end behind them, sealed by the wall.

After circling twice in place, Tang Xin looked at the wall and suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Corner, shrink to the corner, the passage is square, the stone is round, there is a gap in the corner, quickly shrink in."

Tang Tang agreed, and quickly squatted to the corner, hugged his knees, and shrunk himself into a ball. As for whether they would be crushed by the boulder, they could only resign themselves to their fate and see if God would bless them.

Tang Jian cried and said: "I said you two, you have taken up the space, where should I hide!"

Tang Tang pointed upwards and said, "Are you not seeing the four corners above?"

Tang Jian thought about it too, and hurriedly made the Horcrux rise up, shrank to the corner of the ceiling, and stuck there tightly, just when Tang Jian was sticking to the ceiling...

The huge boulder hit the wall fiercely, and Tang Tang's pupils suddenly widened. The boulder was only more than ten centimeters away from him, almost hitting the wall with his toes. At that moment, Tang Tang felt My heart speeded up a bit, this exploration of Kunlun Shrine was really exciting.

Wheezing, the sound of falling stone chips!
None of the three spoke, they just breathed heavily!

Tang Tang suddenly remembered a famous saying: The happiest thing in Soul Realm is when you open your eyes and find that you are still alive!

It feels so good to survive the catastrophe!

After a long time, Tang Tang opened his mouth and said: "We are alive, but how should we get out now? Boom the stone? This kind of space can't even straighten the Horcrux, how can we use soul skills?"

Tang Xin said, "Try to see?"

Tang Tang said: "Why don't you try it, I don't want to be the first person to eat crabs, this thing weighs at least ten tons!"

Tang Xin sighed, and also felt that his move was a little too weak. If they could push it, they would be able to catch the stone with their bare hands. Why did they hide, and made themselves so embarrassed.

"No, there is a way!" Tang Jian pressed against the ceiling and said, "Look at the wall, where the stone hits, it's hollow."

Tang Tang and Tang Xin got down on the ground and looked, their eyes immediately revealed a color of joy. There was indeed a cobweb crack in the place where they were hit. Looking in from the gap, they could indeed see a very faint light, proving that The walls are hollow.

The two immediately started digging, and only broke off a few pieces of gravel, the cracked place was completely broken with a "crash", revealing a small hole, Tang Tang winked at Tang Xin, and lay down on the ground , Twisted his buttocks and got through the small hole.

Behind the small cave, there is still a passage, but it is not so magnificent, but an ordinary stone road on the side of the mountain. Both sides are also lit with ever-burning lamps, but it is obviously much darker, and the ground under their feet is even more uneven. Tang Tang saw Looking at the map of the Kunlun Shrine, the display of the map has changed from the passage of the shrine to the secret passage of the shrine!
To use the Horcrux, Tang Tang summoned the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword to illuminate the surroundings.

"It's a secret road!" Tang Tang knocked on the wall and shouted, "It looks like there's nothing wrong with it, you two should come here."

A moment later, Tang Xin and Tang Jian also went through the small hole. They patted the dirt, looking embarrassed. I'm afraid it's the most unlucky day to enter the soul domain for so long!
"Hey!" With a sigh, Tang Xin said: "Now I finally understand why the people from the Valkyrie Temple have been silent for six hours. Play to death, or don't know where the hell is going around."

Tang Tang said: "Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, you should have thought that it would not be so easy to get it. I just contacted Tang Taluo with a thousand miles of sound transmission. The last stone door is the real passage. Now they have passed through another tomb and are entering the third passage. .”

Tang Xin looked around and said, "Then shall we continue to move forward?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Do you have any other choices?"

Tang Xin thought so too, the back road was blocked by huge rocks, and he couldn't go back even if he wanted to, and there seemed to be no other choice but to go forward along the secret road, Tang Xin also shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness and said, "Let's go, you lead? "

Tang Tang nodded. The mechanism of the Kunlun Shrine is really powerful. It is definitely not something that can be resisted by hard resistance. I have the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword, and the sword is the fastest. Naturally, it is most appropriate for me to take the lead. Is there any danger? You can also run as fast as you can, but isn't it a bit too much for a little girl to charge?

"Wait, wait..." At this time, Tang Jian suddenly called out to the two of them, "Don't go, come and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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